...a stealther that has that skill activated should not make noise when traversing in and out of gates - how is it stealth if people can hear us?
100% can hear a person jumping a gate while hidden/stealthed. Unfortunately there's no admin support on the server right now, so I don't see this issue being "fixed" anywhere soon.
<<< Buddy, I just checked, in my old client, an outsider does not hear passages through the portal in hide and invisibility with and without stealth! The exception is when someone jumps out of EC. Apparently it's about cuo, but then why don't my victims react in any way to my pursuit in their portal!
I'm not sure about the differences between clients, used Classic for a long time now. A hidden character definitely triggers the sound though, when going through a gate. You are probably just dealing with people that don't realize it.
Here is a RP answer for ya... the sound does not emanate from the stealther, but rather a gate... If you were to ring a bell while stealthed, you would not expect it to make no sound.
Yeah, it actually seems right to trigger a noise. Shame though, cause hopping gates silently would be great. The paranoia it would cause.
because the gate transports your body and weigh, maybe the sound is based on that, not on being hidden...