North Minoc Mines ~ very quiet area, occasional IDOC'er running by. Light spawn around, to the rear is a holiday spawner. Gold only please. SB 13m BI 250k BO 16m 48/48 rules apply.
Free bump... Since my early days on OSI back in 98 I've wanted a Keep for a house. Never had enough gold to get one, though, even after 11 years on the shard. Still a dream I'm chasing 25 years later. This and a castle... One of these days....
Bump this is still for sale, willing to work on a payment plan if necessary with current SB/BO in place. Winner will be made co-owner until final installment when the transfer occurs.
Sold to Nikon @ BO, all friends/co-owners removed. He will be sole proprietor until BO is reached then will take full ownership.