Hello all! Up for auction here is one BoD Reward Hanging Chainmail Armor tunic. After getting upset with Dalavar for persistently inquiring about the other one I have, I opted to fill out another large 20x shadow plate set to try for a spare. Lo, and behold, I got one. Oddly enough, the only three hanging armor BoDs I've turned in, have resulted in chainmail tunics. Anyway, I PMed him on IRC to see if he was interested but I got no reply. Perhaps I'm being ignored, or he's just busy but in any regard, this is now up for auction. Starting bid for this item is 250k gold pieces. Buyout for this item is 2 million gold pieces. Bid Increments of less than 10k gold pieces will be ignored. Auction closes 24 hours after the most recent high bid. Good luck!