Im assuming that all the housing spots are taken. Under that assumption, how much money on average to small houses sell for here? Im just looking for a ballpark to know how much to save up before spamming "buying house" threads!
there are actually TONS of single house locations open (i.e. homes like a small house, small towers, marble workshops, normal workshops) You won't have to pay any extra for these unless you are looking to buy a house in a specific spot that is already taken. If you are looking for larger housing, you might have a harder time finding an open plot, but there could be some hiding out there. If you're looking to acquire a large home in a spot that is already taken you can expect to pay anywhere from 10k - 2million over deed price all depending on: you guessed it LOCATION. If you want a large home in a very coveted spot, expect closer to the 2 million range (not many of these), if you're just looking for a large house in say the swamp you can expect anywhere from 10-20k over deed price. Happy house hunting!
Oh, and I am a 100% fan of the use of Kind Edgar as your forum avatar. FFF (Final Fantasy Forever!!!)
As of a few days ago, there were housing spots up through and including tower-size, available for the taking. Someone showed me a very nice tower spot, on grass, last week (could be placed so no other house would be placeable onscreen). This is a valuable tool for house research: For a keep or castle, you would not be able to place immediately any more. You'd either need to buy, at a premium, or begin placing houses with multiple characters and buying up houses in an area. There are definitely areas right now in which you can place some houses and only need to buy out one existing house to be able to place a keep.
I have one for sale in glow, right by town. It's a small brick, all I ask for in return is the cost of the deed+20k. I'm at work right now so can't post a screenshot, but I'll get the coords. EDIT: Added screenshot.
There is currently a large patio / tower / who knows what else could fit there location available next to the brigand fort, right by PANDA HOUSE. I had a patio there for a few weeks but decided to drop it this past weekend. The spot is still open as of 5pm EST
I can co-own you to one of my small placeholder houses if you want a safe place to train until you save up.
I couldn't help noticing this uncriticised statement master Jupiter. We could also view it as Fuck Final Fantasy!!!
Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of a Pfniffels, Be he live, or be he dead I'll grind his bones to make my bread.
Have you been reading this?! "Sure, bears look cute when they’re rummaging through a garbage can looking for food, but don’t let their cuteness lull you into carnal security. Bears are “godless killing machines.” "