S/B: 1.6 B/O: 2mil Lots of fort powder on them... 6 on server. Want to sell fairly quickly...so let me know. Cash and plat valued at 6k each.
May want to reconsider your pricing: http://uorforum.com/threads/2013-cupid-event-pack.5428/ It does not appear that they ever sold at 900k with all the trimmings.
With that said, I think it's more than worth it considering the ugly "Blaze" sandals were selling for 2 and there are 13 of those..
By all means, stick to your guns. I was just sharing a comparable listing reference to potentially aide your objective of a quick sale. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'd pit the value of those orange sandals against even the more rare 233/333 Cupids, just because they are brighter. Trammies love that bling and pink is pretty but it just doesn't punch you in the face like those 2nd Annivs. There are 40 pairs of pink Cupid sandals, in the various pink hues.
I just bought 5 pairs in the last 2 months. paid an average of 640k per pair. if you change your mind let me know.
It's not derailed, we're bumping you for free with information about prior sales and relevant market value. Being that we are more experienced in the ways of Trammel threads, we have that information. You don't need to take offense to people more experienced in the market who are keeping your sale at the top. If someone's interested, they're going to bid, regardless of the free information we've been kind enough to share with you. If you want derailed, I'll be happy to offer my hue 26s for cheaper....
Well, I know he thinks I didn't catch it, but he wrote "i'd sell a pair for a mil+ " and then deleted it. So the fact of "simply trying to educate newbies" goes out the window. It's ok I will just sell them via other means. Thanks guys.
It will always be my pleasure to share relevant market information with potential sellers and buyers on these forums.
Ya didnt want that on your post so i removed it. But yes if i found someone paying almost double from what I paid, I'd sell a pair but currently trying to get more so each character can wear a pair!
Stating the obvious is not bending someone over. Don't be upset that Stranger isn't here to shill this for you.
I have had a hard time pulling the trigger buying pink sandies at 5-600k....... I still have no pink sandies lol