Lol... Love how I set prices on stuff and people complain, yet reap the benefits of the price that I have raised. It happened with housing (while housing was hot), happened with kegs (when i started charging higher prices because i was the only one stocked and bought out everyone else) and now cupids. *Waiting for Blaise to ramsack your post and provide players with "what he thinks the market value should be..." * I called them T-Mobile Magenta. They were my favorite pair, hated them when I first got them. But I want X-mas hues > cupid hues.
Hey man, no offense. You asked I delivered. Raise them prices!!! +1 Kegs on the other hand should be 2xs the price of what they are now. Filling a keg is like pulling teeth. And blaise doesn't care about cupids cause he cant dye them purple.
I don't really see how you raised anything. First of all you haven't sold these "1.6 mil sandals" and if you do for anywhere near that I tip my cap to you and seriously feel bad for the person getting hosed. The hue 22's are the most desirable cupids I highly highly doubt noname will sell the other two pairs for that price and if he does...well same as above.
I will happily sell the other 2 hues for those prices. I want x-mas sandals tbh honest. masks and sandals are my weakness. but i am a holiday/invasion farming machine.
For starters, those aren't purple. They are a weird hot pink color and I take offense to you calling them purple, Anders Secondly, Pill, the word is ransack, which means to hurriedly go through a place stealing things and causing damage. I don't steal and if you feel I did damage, then you're just being a baby. I merely share information on the market and never once have I mandated that you must do anything or change anything. I'm simply sharing information and trying to help you understand valuation better. If you don't want it, or like it, get over yourself and accept the free thread bump. Stop whining like my information is going to change anyone's mind that is really intent on purchasing whatever shit you're overpricing today. Prices for sandals aren't really changing and Cupid's are some of the most common named sandals on the shard, next to Leprechaun. Anyway, it's all good, I see Stranger's back on the market and ready to pay the price for those sweet sweet duds. lol
Blaise, you're the reason the word " demagogue " was redefined in a negative connotation... Just stirring the pot for no reason at all... You single handedly derailed this post and made it three pages of garbage... Hats of to you.
And after reading your last post to Pill.... Get over yourself man... You are rude and arrogant. You're not doing the forums any good by giving us your "valuation" of products on this shard. Let people post the prices they want and see where that goes for them. If you think your comments didn't hurt this thread, then you are delusional... Have a nice day.
lol, whatever nerd. I'm not "stirring the pot" I'm posting on threads in a public discussion forum because I have an opinion on the matter. There's a wonderful feature for people who cannot cope with different opinions. It's called "Ignore". Simply click on the profile name of any poster who rubs you wrong or says hurty words you don't like, and look for this lovely link: Don't like me saying I think something is overpriced? Ignore me. Also, next time you feel the need to double post, to get some extra point across in a thread that you're derailing more than I was (because you're not even talking about the item anymore), check out this sweet friggen option: Or, better yet, if you want to talk shit, feel free to man up and post in a TT thread where you can really take the gloves off.
That is forever your defense... You're posting in a "public forum discussion". That doesn't excuse your behavior... Sure, you have UO knowledge, but that doesn't give you carte blanche to say what you want. I just posted the way YOU post, buddy... So don't get your panties in a wad, get all "hurty" on me and resort to name calling. ( is "hurty" even a word?) You're a hypocrite, and I'll leave it at that. Oh... And thanks for the lessons on the use of edit and ignore. I'll use them as I deem fit.
If he posted the 'way I post', he would have started by being on topic. Sadly, he's just another person on the internet who thinks that there should be squelching of differing opinions in public forums. Having an account here, gives me carte blanche to say what I want. If I am in violation of any rules or terms of service, by all means, report me and I will take my punishment like an adult. Hurty is not a word, which, if you were using a browser with spellcheck, would have made that quite clear. I used it because it sounds juvenile which is exactly how people sound when they try to bust my balls for having an opinion. I will never say people can or can't say anything or try to mandate anyone else's participation here. If anyone could ever actually post some straight up evidence of me being a hypocrite, that'd be great. People want to throw words around all the time but I can't even remotely take them seriously when they can't even describe or provide evidence as to what would make them think that. For the sake of this thread: Please post a thread where someone shared information about market value on an item I posted for sale and I got mad at them and called them a troll for it.