Looks good, thank you very much! Was going to ask this myself, but I figure we should wait for these changes to be felt out before more changes.
Glad don't worry too much I played around last night with 2 gals bashing on each other in barbed leather. Honestly the damage is just a lot less spiky but there were no really crazy hits that I wasn't used to already. Mainly damage works now instead of hitting someone for a massive shot then noodle arming them for single digits you get a nice stream of double digit numbers using a vanq weapon. I know I don't pvp much but I was testing for about an hour and I can safely say I was never able to 2-shot the character in barbed with even val exceptional runic weapons, so the armor will still hold up fine ever with the small reduction in protection. However 3-shots are highly possible as I was very happy to see many back to back high 20's low 30's hits instead of my usual hit 40 something hit less than 10 game. We will just have to see how it plays out on live but get on test and prove it to yourself, you should be fine! Only weird change for me is the magical modifiers I remember hardening always being better than barbed but that won't be the case now, I don't really care I can finally put the stuff in a separate area and get ready to toss it if we ever get RTB haha. Gonna save me a ton of chest space since I tend to hoard hardening armor.
Good deal, there is not a great deal of information available for the material/crafting bonuses for the 1999-2001 era and given our point in time finding precise information can be difficult. We will be testing this change for the next few weeks to make sure we have it perfect before anything is applied to the live server (outside the ctf/testing zones)
These were some quick tests I did today using a set of exceptional bared leather, 31 armor ( Leather armor 13, Barbed leather 6, Exceptional 12). I figured this would be your standard outfit to PvP in. Against that I threw what I think is about the max weapon you will see in the field, supremely vanqs. Nobody is stupid enough to take high level runics out of the guard zone. I took 500 swings. Here are some of the results that I will just update as I swing:
El Horno, I will not accept this evaluation of yours unless you resubmit it with a separate character profile aptly named for each weapon class. I will only trust the data of a man named axe for the halberd. haha. but on a serious note. Thanks.
I like the alliances that have been started. Are there any plans for Good Creature and Good NPC Alliances?
Possibly, however these initial alliances are themed around a combat based mentality. They combine an alliance with NPC's and zones of control allowing a group of 10 players + allied NPC's to take on a group of 30-50 players in an event such as a town invasion or attack on their home base. It is something that can be built on down the road however. We get so many role playing guilds that expect a murder count free zone, which I am not a fan of, so we attempted to create this system as a compromise. The initial events that were run using the mechanics were a huge success for all players involved.
Any chance of mounts being 'afraid to travel' into orc caves and the like? I dunno how you'd figure it out for ethereals but perhaps something something 'magic blah'.
Will the bulk fill function work the opposite way of your example for a normal quality bod and a mix of exceptional and normal items? That is, will the function first look for all normal items before pulling in exceptional ones?
Yes the logic for filling bulk order deeds remains unchanged. Rather than having to target each single item in a container it will target every item in an attempt to fill the BOD. So if you are filling a normal BOD and have exceptional items in the container it will use them. This can be managed in the crafting stage however. Just setup a razor macro to craft whatever item you need with a system message check and two organizer agents. Make Item If sys message = exceptional then execute restock agent one target container one else execute restock agent one target container two end if repeat.
^ I think you mean Organizer Agent, not Restock. What I do with BODs is I pull all of the BODs of an item type into my pack, for example Chain Tunics. So I'll probably dump all Chain Tunics into the same container, and just use the Exceptional BODs first and fill them all, and then once full I'll do the normals.
Oh, awesome, I didn't know that crafting gump messages were recognized as system messages! This is a huge wrist saver. Thanks!
Yeah, that's what I was thinking at first, too. However, if I can pre-sort during the crafting stage then I will probably just do that.
It's not. I'm not sure Chris does crafting on UOR but you can't tell exceptional/non by system message unless your tool breaks on craft. What you would need to do is fill exceptional from a source container until it can't find any more. Then you know all remaining are normal.
I envisioned a group of knights ridding a town of brigands and pirates... or a group of elves and woodland creatures battling the orcs... or a group of paladins on silver steeds battling the undead on dark steeds... Maybe someday. As it is it is a great addition to the shard and I thank you for your hard work.