Not that I know of. The steps thing is interesting, it's not something I've tinkered with, but is worth thinking about. Who knows what that could enable.
Not sure what this means. I can raise myself up *once* by building up footstools and removing them when done with them. But for them to persist, I can only use one footstool on each stairs tile.
No - the reason is that you can only go up 2z per footstool. So your stools going West to East might look like: 2 4 6 8 So you're at 8z on the east-most tile. Now to turn back, you'd need a 10z stool above the 6. And that only leaves 4z between them, which a 16z player can't squeeze through.
I'm at work or I'd try it...but see how high you need to be on the steps to place a ladder over the steps.
Perhaps beg Telamon for Magery and carpentry BODS that let you craft Teleporters? It'd certainly be a quick fix for the courtyard problem.
You need to target something with the ladders, and it only seems to work on the floor of a house. Targeting a locked down walkable surface doesn't seem to work, regardless of height or location.
This isn't exactly what you describe, but you could use this, along with any inside-configuration to accomplish this task. Please make my winnings payable to the "Jupiter Fund for players that actually have fun playing the game."
In addition to the lack of courtyard lockdown deeds, your plan also violates the "they cannot be on any tile of the courtyard at any time" requirement. Due to these issues, and the fact that Jupiter is now outed as an associate of yours, I have notified him that he OWES ME a sum of 2,000,000 gold pieces. However, after reviewing your post one more time (and its accompanying signature), I have credited his account by the sum of 2,000,000 gold pieces.
I know there used to be a way in old UOSA where you could mark a rune on the tile where the front door of a tower would be, then place the tower, then place locked down footstool on the roof all the way to the ledge which would be above the marked spot, and you would be able to recall ONTO the footstool at the top, completely by-passing doors...or something along those lines, if you're really interested in this I "might" be able to contact the person who showed me how it was done. (BTW, it has since been patched out in UOSA) Not sure if something like that would work here.
I suspect that Pirul's solution was related to some custom code they made to make players go to a different Z height if the height they would otherwise be on was impossible. In any case, deeding the fort would just take too long to replace the deco.
Here is your simple solution that fulfills all stated requirements and then some. A comphrehensive gate bot that responds to whatever entrance phrase you choose. For the purposes of my tests, I used the phrase "knock". If anyone tries harrassing the gate bot they will find themselves banned. If somehow the gate bot gets killed it is set to auto accept rezzes. For the rune outside the fortress it draws randomly from 4 runebooks so people cannot block your runes and grief the bot. Obviously it uses restock agent so you lose nothing on death. I like the ability to add a little welcome message to those who visit the fortress. A special thanks to Wodan and Jupiter, who will get 1/3 of the prize each if this is implemented by Dalavar. Edit: I forgot to mention the cool factor!
I personally think this is the best option, and while some cautious players might be hesitant to enter the gate I think the curiosity factor will always prevail. Also, this can easily be turned on and off as needed. Turn him on if you want your court yard enabled and off if you want to disable the court yard.