The deep blue color of a mermaids eyes. Re: Zyler's upcoming Fishing Tourney 12/12 Hue 2124 Starting bid 200k Ends 48 hours after last bid
I like this dye but don't want to spend that much. I'm just here to say that I love Turtle Chomper's avatar.
Fishing for more bids with this bump. Just like I will be fishing on 12/12/14 @ Zyler 's awesome fish tourney
Awww Noname, it was within 5minutes (I also could have deleted the posts within that short time...), because I didnt see another actualized auction and miscalculated the expenses. Next time, I promise, I will check ALL the threads in the Trading Forum before posting... promise baby, promise.
just giving ya crap cant hold anything against someone that reminds me to turn on futurama ever night before passing out!