S/B: 100k B/O: 500k B/I: 15k Ends 48 hours after last bid. This hits Lizarman for 70+ dmg and they can be poisoned as well (not like you need to). I was 2-shotting lizardman. At a spawn this would rack up a lot of spined very quickly.
It really is rather awesome. If I still had any interest in doing bods I wouldn't sell this and I would farm all my spined leather. I took it out to a Rikktor spawn and just unleashed hell. I'm not exaggerating when I claim it 2 shots the lizardmen.
Lizardman killed my family. I had to grow up in an orphanage and later on had at least three different adoptive (step)fathers. Now is the time for a big fat SLAUGHTERING revenge. PS: 115k
Did you put your big-whine hot pants on, or what? I retracted within minutes, and in this one here obviously I didn't.