I've found quite a few in the dungeons, but none in the overworld, are they spawning outside of dungeons at the moment?
ok found some peons on ice, those aren't dropping hcoins or scrolls for me and haven't seen a mounted elf since yesterday morning. Can the peons drop scrolls at all ?
From what I've been told every holiday monster has a chance to drop a scroll. I found a plethora of monsters, mounted and non, out in the wild last night.
They are spawning all over the world, and the chance for each monster to drop various items is covered in the compendium.
The overworld drops are pretty nerfed compared to dungeon, and the elves have a horrible chance to drop anything as it is. I'm about 0/30, 29 of of them in overworld, for even Hcoins, let alone scrolls. My prize drop so far is a silver instrument.
And ive been PKed about 15 times killing them in dungeons - but I got 2 scrolls....and i have to contend w/ random dungeon monsters adding on while fighting the xmas creatures. Theres more risk in the tiny dungeon maps then a random spot in the giant world map - hence the rate differential (i assume)
Are there going to be event runs or is it all through the scrolls? I don't know if I'm going to have any lucks with drops or not !
The attack speed on these elf fencers are ridiculous...I wouldn't be surprised if your blade spirit isn't spending the majority of it's time paralyzed.