Mining is so clunky

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Poogoblin, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. The hound

    The hound Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    They have succeeded in making it hard to macro taming why not use similar steps to fix mining issues?

    Sure you can afk tame but it's very inefficient compared to actual playing.

    Be cool if somehow the yield was based on a mini game that came up in a gump.. something that required actual input and a human brain and could not be macrod. But what game..

    Minesweeper? :D
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The spawn was added only to locations in which players were found to rarely travel to to mine classically (pack horse, on foot, etc). In more remote/less traveled locations you can expect to find the ore golems. We have adjusted this based on player input as well, and will continue to do so. (This was based on an analysis of 2.5 years of AFK checks in these locations, if all we saw was recall mining checks, and no classic mining checks. We considered the addition of golem spawn to have no effect on player activity. (Other than offering something of interest in a new location other than recall mining)
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Before patch 54 or 55 a player could mine 30 or 40 times in a valorite spot because the RunUO code was ignoring failures to mine a vein. The correct mechanic was always that you could get up to 16 results from a vein (Success or Failure). This was one thing I found odd years ago and took some time to research as I never once remembered mining a spot more than 16 times on OSI. This was also the reason why you gained the mining skill and did not lock your skill at 65 like some players do on another servers. This is because they are taking advantage of a RunUO bug where you can optimize your iron ore haul through a lack of skill and broken logic.

    A GM miner, mining a dull copper vein should get 16 high quality results. The harder the vein the more chance you will not get a full 16 ore results due to failures. Wearing mining gloves can assist with your success rates when mining a vein.

    While this was unfixed this made mining colored ore extremely lucrative and easy because you were guaranteed 16 results from a vein regardless of how bad your skill was.

    As for the gold sink aspect of mining the cost to benefit ratio was huge. Which is one of the reasons we had to address cave strip mining. (In relation to BOD flipping)

    The only change to recall miners was the ability to travel mine in about 15 caves, and the adjustment of the tool delays. I tested a variety of macros myself and they continued to work fine (adjusting the delays, selecting new spots, removing the dependence on system messages), the only change was the yield from said macros was decreased by about 40-45% due to the new delays.

    The core complaint (from the 10 page mining discussion thread) seemed to be that travel gatherings profitability was cut by around 50% and that the default macros that everyone was using (designed to strip mine caves) no longer worked. Given that some players lacked the ability to adjust these macros themselves to adapt to the new mechanics there was some frustration.

    In the end the server has gone from 50-100 attended checks for travel mining a day to 5. The amount of attended checks for traditional mining has almost doubled since the change.
  4. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    If that's the metric of success you're using, so be it. From a user-of-ingots perspective, the experience is still really frustrating. Supply is greatly short of demand. And demand itself is really low since folks like myself have completely given up trying to flip BODs.

    If you trust in your method of distinguishing between "travel mining" and "traditional mining", I think it would be great to increase the ingot yield from traditional mining. That's helpful to both new players and the BOD flippers of tomorrow.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    The entire North Mines mountain range and Mt Kendall are the only places I mine (since Recall was disabled) and the only places I have ever manually mined with pack horses and walking.
    If you'd please declassify my guild's home town and the place I've resided for the last 2.5 years as "remote/less traveled", I would greatly appreciate it.

    I just don't mine any more unless I'm pulling up a shadow elemental to train my dragons with. My only actually sensible mining option is my battle miner, who is fun to play but certainly not my smithy in his blue newbie pants with a couple picks and a pack horse. :/
  6. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    I queried the database for a complete history of attended checks in a small region. If we saw that in a 2+ year period that 99% of the checks in a cave were from recall miners, then adding spawn to that location would have minimal to no effect on the standard miner and would provide a new place to hunt for a combat miner.

    The minoc mining area, ocllo dungeon, buc's den caves and several caves in the world are some of the location in which traditional mining (without a recall macro) was seen and therefore no changes were made to those locations.

    For reference these are all the caves in the world. Players with a combat miner and a runebook to these locations could easily collect a ton of colored ingots should they have the desire. Just in checking these I saw 3 valorite golems (40-60 valorite ingots each).

    All of the locations in which traditional mining was detected had no spawn added, however they were regioned as caves and applied a travel restriction to the inside of the cave.

    1820 1030 - A Cave South of Compassion (Golems)
    1264 1251 - A Cave North of Britain (No Golems)
    997 1598 - A Cave West of Britain (Golems)
    772 1693 - A Cave North of Skara Brae (Golems)
    356 1460 - A Cave North of Shame (Golems, Cave Only)
    1989 262 - A Cave Near Wrong 1 (Golems)
    1938 321 - A Cave Near Wrong 2 (Golems)
    1918 373 - A Cave Near Wrong 3 (Golems)
    2404 217 - A Cave Leading to The Lost Lands 1 (No Golems)
    2424 177 - A Cave North of Minoc 1 (Golems)
    2440 94 - A Cave North of Minoc 2 (Golems)
    2472 65 - A Cave north of Minoc 3 (Golems)
    2349 818 - Caves Near Covetous (Golems, No Recall Restrictions, 8-10 caves)
    1126 2662 - A Cave West of Destard (No Golems)
    1258 2652 - A Cave East of Destard (Golems)
    1366 2730 - A Cave East of Destard 2 (Golems)
    1420 2896 - A Cave SE of Destard (No Golems)
    1500 2830 - A Cave SE of Destard 2 (No Golems)
    4605 3823 - A Cave West of Hythloth (Golems)
    4815 3637 - A Cave North East of Hythloth (Golems)
    4762 3770 - A Cave North East of Hythloth 2 (No Golems)
    4591 3305 - A Cave North of the Fire Temple (Golems)
    4551 3172 - A Cave North of Fire Temple 2 (No Golems)
    4065 439 - A Cave West of Deceit (Golems)
    4036 317 - A Cave North of Deceit (No Golems)

    I am always willing to review the different caves, but since this patch went in a great deal of the players who lived near the caves have commented on how much they enjoy hunting the golems that now spawn near their houses.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  7. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yeah, um...about that. Basing the spawn on what you witness before you added the changes really doesn't add up right. No shit we were mostly recall mining there because it was the most efficient. I don't now because it's Recall blocked and I just stopped Recall mining because I didn't care to mod the macro to suit. Now when I go to mine my local mountains naturally, I'm totally screwed knowing there will ALWAYS be a golem in the three local caves to my homes. Mt. Kendall is the closest to the GZ so I'd not be surprised to see most traditional mining took place there previously.

    All I'm suggesting is that those be turned off and only spawn when criteria is met, like Magery use or whatever trigger you can imagine might be viable for someone stripmining.

    I just want to walk to the mine near my house and mine without %100 certainty that I will have to fight off a golem every 2 minutes, while using TRADITIONAL tools and methods.
  8. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I always mined with a last object/last target key, and just ran around holding down my f1 key. These new changes are so slow I'm not even going to make a miner (I can kill golems on another non miner char)

    I really wish things would go back to where you could just mine mine mine without that annoying delay. If anything these changes killed the traditional miner and the recall miners still do what they do.
    bart simpson likes this.
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I don't even really mind the delay. I manually tap the Use shovel/target relative location macro key anyway.
  10. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The max golem spawn per cave is 3-5/hour per cave.
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    So I exaggerated by a fair amount. The point is that I can't even kill the golem with an alt and come mine the cave out manually before another spawns in my face. Historically, I always understood the monsters outside the caves were a risk as I ran around digging but this is overkill. It's effectively killed cave mining the old fashioned way to have it perpetually spawning inside there. I'm forced to have an alt constantly on stand-by, or just play a battle miner full time. While I understand the intention of the changes, the bar was pushed too far in my opinion and mining traditionally is not encouraged but rather impeded, as a result.

    I think the Cave Troll spawn was fine, if we could exchange it for that, without it spawning constantly. Having things spawn as a result of certain activities seemed more appropriate than a permanent crimp on the caves.
  12. ChrisL

    ChrisL Member
    Server Supporter

    Dec 17, 2014
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    my brother and I joined here about ten days ago and immediatley started up a miner. Like many others we mained a miner/smith and both think mining is off here... It's just odd. It does seem to take way to long to clear a vein, veins drop way to much garbage, and having to carry combat skills on a mule character is really anoying. Not to mention killing the spawn... And If I wanted to do that I'd go do that, so....

    I had gm'd mining on my usual mule toon, Vorador, but actually set it to "down" today. I'm making more money per hour just killing monsters and I don't have to worry about a pk coming through and having to recal away from a giant ore pile. I'm bummed though because mining is something I truly enjoy doing, it's usually relaxing, but the annoyances here add up and it's just no fun.

    Hopefully some retuning will happen in the near future that will make mining the enjoyable task that I remember so fondly.

    As someone else said this whining is done in love, we've moved on to other things in game and love the shard, staff and players we have met. Just missing our usual foundation tradesman to get us off the ground.
    Poogoblin likes this.
  13. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hi and welcome to UOR ChrisL.

    If you truly enjoy mining there are many places where you can mine safely.... All along Brit mountain, above the farm lands of West Brit.,
    is all mining in protected area...There is also Cove which is inside protection. and in T2A is Deluccia. All mountain mining, no golems, no pkers .
    To keep people from grabbing your large pile of ore, use a pack animal....In Cove you would have to gate one in, but Brit mountains and Deluccia both have nearby stables

    hope this helps

    Basoosh likes this.
  14. ChrisL

    ChrisL Member
    Server Supporter

    Dec 17, 2014
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    Thanks Westra!

    I will go back to it on a different character once we are better established and I appreciate your tips. I do stand by hoping that they take a second look at the golem situation and the amount of trash ore/time to mine a vein.

    I did do some t2a mining and minoc (near town) mining last night and it was OK but the gold per hour seems a lot lower than I use to be able to produce back in the OSI days. Maybe its just because I am older now though and my hot key pressing skills have declined.
  15. Sait

    Sait Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Seems like people above me spoke my mind. Just sayin I agree with all of the above
  16. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Okay, this thread has had me twitching but I wanted Hard data before I commented. In the "Go Old Days" you would be lucky to average 1-2k Ingots an hour. I just completed my 3rd Run and the average is over 6k Ingots per hour Smashing Iron Golems (Using Iron Shovels), This does NOT include the extra Colored ingots collected from Wild Spawn.

    I'm sorry but with numbers like that, I think we have it pretty sweet here. Even with the Horribly Low (IMHO) price that the NPC's sell Iron at, you are still looking at 48k Gold per hour. I normally get 10gp per as I'm selling Mass amounts. People seem willing to pay more for Bulk loads as it saves them the time and energy to collect.

    So while I think there are things that need fixing (Arms Lore and Smelting) this is not something that needs adjusting.
  17. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    You're basing your conclusion off of using iron shovels... Go find colored shovels and try again, I think you're going to end up having a hard time just getting your hands on colored shovels alone. Nobody is having trouble buying iron, I can buy iron ingots from npc's at 8gp each if I needed it.

    Colored ore is seriously lacking because miners are seriously lacking because mining is seriously wonky.

    I have zero interest to mine because I consider it one of the least profitable aspects of this game (presently) if you factor in the time spent versus just farming monsters. I never got into smith bods because of the sheer amount of ingots you need to get anywhere in the bod game. You're almost required to have 3 smiths/tailors if you want to get far in the bod game just like you were almost required to have a trio of recall miners to feed your smith bods.

    I just think that mining has been messed with so much now that it's really only lucrative to the Occlo gang (newbs) and a vet wouldn't really want to waste their time with it.

    I always thought recall mining was fine the way it was. There were issues with people using a silly shovel trick or mining caves dry but it's always seemed to me that the fixes made along the way compare to a tourniquet used for a paper cut.
  18. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    48k gold per hour? That may be true is iron gargoyle shovels were free, but they have a cost. Let's go with the bulk price of about 400 per and you are looking at 40k per hour. Then take into account the # of accounts and slayers neccesary to pull those numbers and you are looking at even less.
  19. Russell

    Russell Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    the amount of any color ore you can get per hour is crazy if you use your gargoyle picks instead of putting them in a box in your house, even if you buy them they are so cheap now its worth it.

    With that said, there is something wrong with the item delay. I have a pretty good memory and I have never played this game and not been able to open a target cursor while the mining animation is still playing and slightly start mining the next swing before the animation finishes, so there is something wrong with it. Maybe it needs to be 750ms not 1250ms.

    The correct mining delay = being able to mine at a speed where the animation either looks like it is seemless or barely stops for like 10ms between two tool uses, this is of course using last object and manually targeting like I have always done and will always continue to do, because I actually enjoy playing the game.

    Other than this I could care less about any other mining changes, mining delay feels wrong because it is wrong, period.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
    Jack of Shadows likes this.
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I agree the use delay seems fairly out of whack. When mining with a simple use pick/target relative location macro, it definitely doesn't feel like it used to, here or any other shard I've mined.

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