Suggestion to refresh factions and provide incentive to PvP.

Discussion in 'Factions' started by Cynic, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Var

    Var Active Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Plot twist, Lib has fashioned a script where Mes can control all LesClaypools in a Voltron like vehicle that displays real time sigil information fueled by the blood of "butt hurt bros."

    screenshot proof from a spy inside SL
    [10:30:32] <Mes> Puppy detected, Forming Sleuth-tron 3000, full headkick in 3...2...
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
    Xegugg and Punt like this.
  2. Artex

    Artex Well-Known Member
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    Mar 12, 2014
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    Mes - Reality is we stick our necks out with typically less than adequate numbers. We can handle being at a disadvantage. Most of the time we pursue SL into areas we know we shouldn't just for a fight since you'll sit in a held town waiting to gate in the rest so we don't have a clear number of who's actually on. The days of meeting up in a random neutral spot for SL seem to be over cause usually without your town crutches and even numbers it's too much risk for you to handle. You care about points we care about quality pvp.

    Doubt we'll ever take towns we're not on 24/7 tbh not that important or worth the amount of time you guys seem willing to invest fighting over sigils. I'm new to factions hope my crappy stats make you feel better about yours but, your leet pvper no doubt a pixel stud from the start on this server. My experience so far has been anything but pvp with some resemblance of honor in factions. I was hoping getting out there and fighting I'd get decent pvp but that's only happened with TB and Minax besides a very few amount of SL encounters. Anyone that's fought you guys repeatedly knows how it is despite the BS that the SL fan wagon spews. Gets old after awhile maybe that's SL's long term plan to stay on top.

    Last type of guy I want to faction with is one who's main concern is losing points and will leave to save his points.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
  3. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Yes really, no one shares.

    Please have Telamon check my ip's used to log into the game to see if that is happening since Ebola seems to believe one of my chars is being used by someone else.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
  4. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
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    Sep 13, 2012
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    Great suggestions Cynic. Anyone else have suggestions to refresh factions and provide incentive to PvP? Please keep in mind any ideas posted here are just that... ideas. Nothing should be taken personally. Lets just discuss possible changes to refresh the scene so you guys can stop berating each other over the forums.
    Halabinder likes this.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Actually, transferring points to characters with fewer (not less) points is the only way for crafters and thieves to get rank in Factions. Not sure why that would have been disabled as the function of the high kill-point characters saying "I honor thy leadership" and dropping 5 points to give 4 to someone else, is an age old mechanic. In fact, Mes gave me points once to get Caramon in the CL position of TB at one point, if I recall correctly.

    I have used Les' Remove Trap character to steal sigils and place traps before. I've also used my son's tamer to res a few faction mounts in the past while I was training vet on my crafter alt. All of SL knows this but it doesn't look good for them to admit having supported and encouraged it or in the absolute least stood by and said nothing about it. I don't do it anymore and won't considering how frowned upon it is and the fact that Les and I are not in the same faction anymore. I also trained Les' LJ for him and helped him build that RT character as well. Telamon was actually made aware of our account 'sharing' as we weren't ever really abusing it to accomplish more than we could on our own. I've also logged onto no fewer than 15 other accounts in my time here to clean loot their houses, banks and backpacks before logging them off permanently, as they just handed me their credentials when they quit.
  6. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    i reported this to telamon long before you did, detective.

    also the bot was never something secretive or subversive. at the time that i was developing it i was communicating regularly with tel. i even offered to make those fields on the website bot-resistant for him.

    i hope your investigative work is of a higher quality than this in your professional life.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
  7. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    oh shut up.

    did you even read this thread?
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    The Trash Talk forums are a bit further down Liberation. Perhaps your bot can link you directly.....
    Artex likes this.
  9. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    Yes, please, let's bring personal life into the argument here, that's all we were missing so far...

    So, let's make it perfectly clear: My investigative skills as they pertain to my job are fantastic, however, I'll give NeckbeardLiberation all the kudos for being more savvy with the internets. There, little buddy, you're so smart!
  10. Bob

    Bob Member

    Dec 28, 2014
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    It's true. I play as LesClaypool. ALL dozen (or however many) of the LesClaypools. All at once.

    When you get ganked by them all, it's really just Bob griefing you again.
    Mordechai likes this.
  11. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Nah, you just tell yourself that stuff to feel better about the situation. It's a bit of a circlejerk. You know com ganks people constantly on oranges and reds (newbies and roleplayers alike). You know you guys use ghost scouts both pking and in factions, and you never come to a faction fight unless you've scouted it with blues first and we stand around in a group waiting for you to size us up and arrive. You know you have 10 or so houses set up for house hiding near every town/hotspot and you run to it as soon as a fight starts. So how is it you know that stuff and still typed out that you care about quality pvp and fighting at a disadvantage? I wouldn't really say I care about my points exactly. I am aware of them, I'd rather keep them. But I take them into every fight. I just don't die often truthfully.

    So what's your point here Cynic? Do you acknowledge that you were wrong and have been claiming we had hacks and voodoo when we are equipped with the same information as everyone else? Because the bullshit accusations by people like you and blaise is the reason that there is a whole shard of butthurt mongoloid pvpers like ebola and artex that desperately want to believe that there is some unfair reasons for their history with us.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You can attempt to gloss over it by saying people are calling hacks and voodoo all you like. Using IRC bots for Faction notifications was a chump thing to do, whether you care how pathetic it is or not. Everyone else did not have a private bot with a constant stream of available data...they were either looking at the website, or the game client. Not sitting in their houses waiting for the bot to let them know its time to Recall in or go pick up sigils again. Yes, everyone knows you very well COULD have just gone and looked in game...but you didn't (exclusively).

    But hey, keep being a racist degenerate. I'm sure all the players of Mongol heritage really appreciate it. The fact that you keep getting up in arms to defend your piss-poor practices, instead of just accepting that you have done shitty things, is what is most embarrassing. It would have been a great service to you and your group to admit to your folly and apologize for being turds. Much like you expected of Telamon in the Sandro debaucle, you just can't grow up enough to admin fault and move forward. It's all about "I reported the bug and didn't profit" because justifying your faults is just as good as apologizing for them....
  13. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    The reality is that bot existed a long time ago, few of the current SL factioners with thieves had use of it (maybe just me and Les, and balla during the period where the information was always several hours late). I personally played against this bot as a TB in 2013 and didn't have trouble beating it, since again, it just tells you what information is available in game or on the site. I think it's reasonable for someone to feel disadvantaged by it. I guess I didn't because napo and I were beating it and it just reports the info on the site. I know that napo captured a large portion portion of the SL sigils over the past year and he doesn't even log on irc or know how to operate that script. Regardless, it doesn't work anyways, as has been stated like 10 times by this point in the thread.

    I was calling them retarded, which I suppose isn't nice either. I know you had to google it but from there you'll need to use context clues to figure out what definition fits. Did you think that I believed that ebola and artex were mongol descendants and that was the button I would choose to press to insult them? For all of our turdships, I've had total transparency about. I'll offer you for the third time, make a thread and lay out your accusations, and I will gladly tell you the whole truth as I always do. It's not my fault you make up complete lies about us on this forum daily. I would love to see you do that, and we can dissect each situation you called being a turd. By the way, Rikktor was hilarious.
  14. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I never claimed hacks. I never claimed voodoo. I simply stated that it was disheartening that there was a bot telling you exactly when/where/who in regards to sigils. The bot did exist, and I'll say that I was going off of what I have been told (and by more than one person) that the bot wasn't simply broken "months" ago. Whether the bot existed months ago or days ago is semantics. It did things that looking at a website couldn't simply do for us all. See, I could have looked at the website but without me refreshing that website constantly I wouldn't have the exact timers that the bot gave all of you. I have no reason to believe that you didn't also keep tabs of the sigils in game, with others, but that doesn't mean that the bot simply was for aesthetics.

    I'm not on a parade of trying to turn anyone against you guys or justify why people don't like TT. But when I get dragged through the mud for doing nothing more than starting a simple debate on pvp then I guess the gloves come off? See, if I started this thread with "Fuck TT, listen to me, I'm the God of PvP" Then, yeah, I would understand all the childish back and forth. Shit's just getting unnecessary considering my goal was to get feedback, not attacks.

    The stuff going on with you and Ebola I think boils down to the same thing I keep reading either here or in IRC. They complain that the fights only happen if the odds are in your teams favor, and the odds are higher than what most would describe as normal. I can relate with them to an extent. I wouldn't want to, and have chosen many times not to, fight your team in a faction owned town only to be swarmed by your numbers, your demons, your guards, and your traps (they apparently don't give a shit and will fight you anyway). If you strip everything else away I really only see this as the core of the problem. I'm not saying that even fights don't happen, I'm just calling it how I am reading it. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I don't see it that way.

    The rest was me telling Lib that he can shove his remarks up his ass.
  15. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    bob .. u do know this isnt trammel correct
  16. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    It's not semantics. You didn't say there once was a bot. You tried to convince people in this thread that there is a bot and you explicitly said it was still working. Even though, I think you actually knew better. You said yourself that the site was changed to thwart it.

    at least the sigils will see some movement outside of your IRC BOT telling you exactly when to move the sigil from point a to point b.

    While we're on the subject, let's talk a little about your IRC BOT. If you don't think it's a detriment to faction pvp that you guys have a bot that gives you timing on sigils without having to actually be in the game checking (like you are intended to do) then you're on some outer space koolaid, bud.[/quote]

    Wait. They really have an mIRC bot? o_O

    Yes they do. And contrary to what napo has said, that bot was not something Telamon intended when he created the faction status page.

    Matter of fact, that faction status page has been changed to no longer reflect sigil changes. There was an old faction status page that I thought Lib's bot was using and I reported that to Telamon, he promptly nuked that page. Considering the bot is STILL working I'm assuming Lib must have found a workaround to Telamons attempts to break his bot.
    And now you've got idiots like ebola and artex convinced that we have extra help. Wouldn't it rub you the wrong way if I said that your faction is run by cheating GM's that create everything they use against us? When this was as far know only the case at one time. Do you see the difference?
  17. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    thanks for proving my point blaise ...
  18. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    lol, blaise is not in SL, and hasn't been since before you joined factions
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
  19. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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  20. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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