3000 gargoyle pickaxes for sale Item database shows less than 18,000, so you can have more than 1/6 the total on the shard. Go mine some stuff, or just save them for Clean Up Britannia and see what you can get for them. Or chop them on the doorstep of your favorite UORer's house.* SB: 3000 gp bid increments 10% or more auction ends 48 hours after last bid
God I couldn't use all of these if all I did was mine 24/7 for the rest of the year. That being said I already own about 1000, and I dig the idea of having almost 1/4 of the shards picks hahaha. 55k
Pretty much what I was thinking. I was actually contemplating just trashing them all but I'll likely just throw them in a corner and throw garg pick parties on occasion.
Hey anyone wanna split these bloody things? That's 24 containers of pick axes. I would have drop a small house just store the bloody things... Also 65.
Bump. Still in "ridiculous bargain" territory here. I was able to sell about 3,000 of these for 400-500gp each over the past year, and they're only getting more rare with the new (inferior IMO) Gargoyle Shovels.