Argggg is right! You already have minion statuettes !!! 165k per for 4 statuettes. Are you thinking chess?
These are the current Bids: All lists of current bids are updated at the Same Time! Fooka03 110k per bow - 1 elhorno - 165k statue - 2 : 190k Statue - 1 : 10k per vday card - all xeg - 200k statue - 1 zyler- 5k pink bottle - 1 : a pair of wings for 30k {15kpiece} starhunter - 195k statue - 1 TrojanCow - 10k Flute Pink - 1 steelydan 100k per bow - 1 captainmorgan 110k per bow - 1 Will wait 48hours MAX to close any deal.
fooka i simply read it as two bows for a total of 70k, so sorry about that, As bids rotate on bows the most recent lowest bid will be wiped away for a higer bid, so fraggle just offered 75k for a bow but hala fooka had already given that price and the other four have been up'd to 80k and 90k, starhunter all statues are bid on at 200k for one 165k per for four and 175k for the last