Hey there! Thanks for coming by. The purpose of this thread is to generate ideas for what I should do with my tower right outside cove. Any cool themes you would like to see. I plan to sell a bunch of stuff in the near future and hire a professional designer to do all this so it will actually get done and to the top standard of the shard. I originally wanted to make it an 'elf fort' and organize raids on the orc fort near by for pvm guild type activities but as I have little to no time for actually logging on, this will remain an idea. Seeing as how Dalavar has one of the sweetest libraries in all the lands just a couple screens away, developing the tower into a fully functional library seems redundant. Don't worry I will still make sure the building stays public and has all the main runes you are used to using when running away from your mark in town. The dueling pit on the roof will also stay but im open to renovation ideas for that as well. So without further adieu, I leave the floor open for you, yes you!
Name a character Rune Library and transfer ownership of the tower to it. Put up a statue of Rune Library on the porch. Name the building "Dalavar's Rune Library". Inside have nothing but a sngle dusty runebook. The runebook has just one rune, and it leads outside the building.
Great stuff so far! Remember that I am actually poor but will be willing to sell almost everything of value i have to fund a proper project. My only goal now (and has been for a while since i stopped playing regularly) is to do something useful for the shard with the pixels I've amassed while playing.
Make it a covian sacrificial and mumification station that the covians use to keep the orc god happy and keep his minions from invading the town.Im thinking lots of bloody bowls, candles, candelabras, stone sacrificing tables, platinum hanging skelitons, cobwebs, shackles, and every blood tile on the shard, that type of deal. Once a month you would actually have to perform a ritual sacrifice, by luring 3 virgin UOR players there that are still within young status and sacrifice them, or the orcs invade cove for one day, and the town remains an orc fort for 2 days after that.
I'd give the mercenary designer as much latitude as you can, I am sure they have some cool ideas that they may have to skip or shoehorn into whatever style you come up with. But that said, this shard has a fever... and the only cure... is a 4-story waterfall from a tower roof to its front steps.
Your rune library is awesome... But I want to be able to hit all books from the same tile because I'm a spoiled SOB.
Wise, if I'm gonna do it, it will cost you the house keys. If you have no time or interest in decorating it yourself, you're just logging in every 2 weeks to make sure no one else has it. Mindless, I agree. Function usually beats form in my Britannian life, but this is one glaring exception.
I will never relinquish the keys! This tower was my end game goal and having achieved it, my soul is now perma-bonded to it and losing it will kill a part of me. Also I log in once a week to refresh because I am paranoid. I never left I just don't have the energy to play games as I work 60-70 hours 7 days a week. But as you said, having the tower just sit there is a shame which is why I want to make it useful for the community which I enjoyed being a part of for almost three years. Mindless, at the very least I will move the runes into 5x5 configurations
Probably a threadjack, but I'm also more than happy to host this on the second floor of the Cove Fort Rune Library.