Timbo - I'm not against it what you are saying, just saying it is not very practical for you guys. If you have enough time to debuff people then all the power to you. And let's just say on one of my characters only, I have more points than your highest in TB. Both of my characters combined, I have more than both your top 2 in TB combined. I like to hide under the radar no need to promote myself, and I support you guys coming out to field more often. Sometimes if things aren't going your way just gotta gear back up and just get back in here. Trash talk is just for fun, comes with the pvp.
My problem with cunning being considered beneficial is with faction vs nonfaction pvp. At least in factions you share a ruleset. I consider it a problem when your spellbook has 64 spells and mine doesn't.
I'm not trying to. That is the point. I've taken 1 count since Feb/Mar. If someone attacks me while I'm killing an azure or whatever, then there is zero reason I shouldn't have a full spellbook against them. While I'm on the subject: there is also zero reason for a faction trammel weapon to do more than GM weapon damage to nonfaction targets.
Faction bless makes no difference in weapon damage, it's just a runic that has a 3 week bless, made from the same hammer you make anyone else's runics with
Well i guess ive finally seen it all now. The people that dont leave the protected ctf and duel arenas just called factions trammel
I like it when people say things that are widely known to be so far from the truth that it hurts their credibility. As a bonus, I don't even have to bother explaining why the statement is false. This reminds me of when you said all I do in CTF is run around and heal someone.
Dude you're not a part of any consensual pvp system and hang out with over 50% of the servers reds, who would you like us to believe you're fighting?
These are good points I think. I suppose one could say that participation in factions is the "down side" to getting these benefits, since you're more attackable and such. But it seems sort of unfair to gain spell immunities and other advantages over other players because you've opted into factions and they haven't.
Yo dude I don't think you have to say anything you just got offended for doing CTF by a GUILD that entered with everyone just to troll.. if you're wasting your time what did they do wasting 10+ peoples time? Just laugh because the jokes are good lol I'm sorry they wasted 10 people in their guilds time but also the other 20 that participated. too bad telamon Doesn't kick afkers in CTF he's too busy getting messages from sl crying.. exampme: telamon if you dont let us afk we will all quit
Cunning is absolutely a beneficial spell, and I use it quite often. If you don't understand how/why then i'd say you just don't know enough about higher level pvp mechanics.
Use cunning to increase mana and mana regen and drink an agil potion to counter MB. I don't drink agil until I see someone load MB anyhow so there's never time to clumsy me before dropping it. On another note I think i'll exit here. I'm not about to start debating with anyone here.
It's like that Linkin Park song I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end.. it doesn't even matter
This argument will now die I'm sure, people were willing to argue this with me all day but I'm sure they won't bother to argue with clyde
I only read the OPs point so I'm not sure who's arguing what. My point of view is that the spell cunning is a "positive" spell that provides a beneficial bonus and so it automatically will be disabled for use against an opposing "enemy." I could agree in disabling that prohibition considering it IS strategically used in an offensive manner to increase MB dmg. I think the main purpose of disabling "beneficial" spells toward enemy combatants was to prevent abuse in regards with healing spells. Obviously countering a cunning/mb attack is as easy as immediately casting feeble on yourself, but I've seen on many occasions people fail to do this and in turn got smoked by mindblasts. I really don't care either way. I think it's a waste of time and mana trying to use cunning on an opponent for the defensive reason I stated above, but I wouldn't mind if it were allowed in faction combat.
I will say this, and I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, but if you are relying on being able to cast cunning on your opponent to win a fight, you probably need to re-think your strategy and/or learn to become a better pvp, and/or stay off the field period. I will also say that if anyone here is trying to argue in any way that "all 64 spells" should be an option for anyone at any time, you also need a lesson on how pvp works and how that would be abused.