Need new Urks for events and bring new content to the game.. ALL melee pvper wanted to "chomp dumhed umies." contact me in IRC under KorKesh, or contact Xegugg and Zugu for information.
Three of these monsters just accosted me for tribute in front of my tailoring shop in Paws! I'll have to notify the neighbors.
Noted. We will attempt to negotiate with these barbarians or join others who like to discuss the language of war.
I grow tired of an empty orc fort in the desert that is blocking potential placements. Occupy orc fort!
I can't believe I'm agreeing with Porky on this one but IMO if you have special content in-game then it's a case of use it or lose it. If no one wants to play orcs and make use of the fort in the desert then I say let it collapse like a house would. Not to be a buzzkill but as PFR said it's taking up potential housing spots in a rather nice area that could be used by players who would like to place a few nice mining houses there.
I could careless about the fort in the desert, but im at the URK one all the time my house is there.. but thats the point of this post is to try to get people to roll an orc so we can have some more events... So you guys need to roll an urk and help it along
That wasn't the point I was trying to make, I don't want to roll an orc, and we shouldn't have special content taking up space if it isn't being used. Don't mean to sound like I'm putting URKs down but there needs to be a need for the special content for it to be justified IMO.
I roll past the Compassion fort alot and I never see any orcs there, not sure if the're on at odd times but I'm on throughout the day and night on my days off so I'm pretty sure I would see a few at least.
For over a year Ludkrud has had the Urk stone. For me to recruit, this is what I go through ALL the time and I and frustrated with this.: Go to a house I am friended to, to let the recruit in. Explain to them Lukrud is not active but comes on once a week to refresh houses and I have to FB him to let him know I have recruits. So pm me when you are so we can check anywhere from 1 day to two weeks to see if he accepted you. I can not accessed anyone to the guild house, let me know if you need anything and I will supply it. Talk with them in irc, letting them in the gh each time they are on you see if they are accepted..They are either have made their orc and are wanting to play or want to be guilded and jump in on the fun. as days go by they get frustrated, tired of waiting and stop playing. I've asked current urk to declare fealty to my first Xegugg on the roster. I need the stone transferred to me. I CAN NOT RECRUIT THIS WAY AND SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS. I KNOW PEOPLE WANT TO SEE ORCS, I DO TOO! This is how we have to do it......I do not want to lose our abbrv. we always had.
I haven't seen any orcs at that fort for a long time, I have seen a few URK in housing off to the east of the shrine but the fort is all but abandoned. I think the special content idea is a good one but if it isn't being used it needs to collapse. I'd like to see more orcs on this shard, a large orc community really gets a shard buzzing IMO and a healthy population of orcs is always a good indication of server health. I just wish we could have kept the BUM folks around and I'd like to see some Shadowclan get started here as well.(alot of them could speak the black speech which was way cool IMO) The grey company was an awesome group to play with as well but they were an elven bunch, still great bunch of folks and they took their elf roles SERIOUSLY Different orc clans make for interesting orc politics and it can get really crazy at times (seen it happen before) and that's the kind of server I'd like to see this one develop into. Groups of orcs prowling around waiting to turn you into an arrow/bolt cushion as well as get shamanized lol. Good times!
It was in between maybe my 1st and 2nd time here (I tend to come and go). I may be wrong but I'll say what I think and Cherie or Bogugh can correct me if I'm wrong. Bloodrock (URK) started fairly strong here but after a few months the initial shard excitement was wearing off and we started going through an inactive cycle, as orc clans often do on free shards. I think Cherie and her husband came right about then. To her credit she wanted to play an orc and when the Bludchuk'Hai went inactive she just formed her own clan. Of course when I returned someone told me they were traitors or forcs or something to that effect and to kill them on sight but I never really saw them except in that massive fortress in the desert. Of course we had a fortress or keep there when I left so initially I assumed something nefarious had happened. I believe I was eventually told we just let ours drop. A few BUM helped us kill Santa and his crew a time or two back in December so I assume at this point we're just two clans living in close proximity. For my part I treat them however any elder online says to. If they say clomp them they get clomped. If they say they are cool then Vish accepts them as if they were Bludchuk'Hai.
This is why the guildstone changes @Chris has planned are very much needed and hopefully in the next patch We're getting a big influx of new players and plenty of recruits for the rp scene. It should be made easier to recruit players into guilds even when the guild master is inactive.
I've known about these changes happening as well for over a year. It is a pain in the ass to get people on our stone. So that is why we can't grow, when we cant get people on our stone. Hopefully this is in that next patch, my patience on this is done.