1. Severek in game, AintNoSaint on Discord 2.(I'm at work this may be off a bit) GM swords GM mage GM eval int 97 anatomy 50 wrestling 67 Healing 65 resist (Not final im still training and deciding) 3. STATS, 100 STR. 100 INT. 25 DEX. 4. NO PVP EXP 5. PACIFIC STANDARD 6. I want to be able defeat or escape attackers or to quickly destroy those I attack.
Can you please hit me up on discord Bamboozle#0001? I got an awesome offer for ya! Also can chat with PM on here. Thanks bro! Got your name from Shrimp. :)
Hi, is your PvP training guild still recruiting? I'd like to join if so. My info: -Name: Zamzang -Template:heal/stun mage. GM mage, eval, med, wrestle, anat, heal; 91 resist - stats: 100str/100int/25dex -Exp:Mid-low; Just starting back after a long time away -Timezone: GMT +1:00. Usually on at nights my time. Let me know if you need any more information. Thanks!