
Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Theodin, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    My favorite and pretty much only thing I have done on other servers is sit at farms all day and 5x other mages. Do people like 5xing on this server or is it just pax and Roman?

    Believe it or not, if you can kill somebody without stun and pots you can kill them with the bonuses

    Im trying to see if more than the 2 i named would be willing to sit and duel around for an hour a day
  2. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    I guarantee if people saw people dueling a bit it would bring a few people to watch who eventually end up dueling as well
  3. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    I'll duel you...if you mind fighting a newb. Here's the mage I've been making lately. http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/744827 I'll probably gm his scribe today.

    I won't use any scribe enhanced spells or bandages if you decide to duel me, if that's cool.
  4. Hersin

    Hersin Member

    I am always up to duel, 5x is OK. unfortunately I only have one arena buddy.
    I just dont enjoy with pots, rest is fine.
  5. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    I will gladly hit you guys up today when im home from work around 5 pm cst.Doesn't matter if your new I haven't 5xd in so long I had to ask myself wtf am I even doing on uo
  6. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    I'll do 5 or 7. Doesn't matter to me im just used to used to duels being 5x
  7. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Duz and hersin, what are your names on irc maybe we can populate bucs tonight
  8. Hersin

    Hersin Member

    irc: bold

    the name of my mage is bold pilot.

    soon it will be evening here.

    I will be checking irc, but it is difficult to be online during us prime time.
  9. Felucca

    Felucca Active Member

    I'm new here so I'm still macroing. Taking it real slow. GM Tailoring, Provo and Lumberjacking so far but as soon as I've got my 5x ready, I will duel a lot

    5x dueling is my favorite part of uo
    Theodin likes this.
  10. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    irc: Duz-luk

    my ingame mage is named Vidtri'ar

    I'm at Skara right now training my inscribe up

    I still haven't set up his hotkeys, but that shouldn't take too long, I'll be on all day.
  11. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

  12. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    It took me a bit longer to gm inscription than I thought, but it's finally done. I'll be on in an hour if you guys wanna still hit the pits.
  13. Marti

    Marti Member

    The majority of the PvPer's can't 5x or 7x.... they don't know how to duel or fight alone.
  14. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Why can't I duel? That's discrimination.
  15. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Your welcome to join. I was checking to see if any newer players were into dueling and surprisingly there are
  16. blasfede

    blasfede Active Member

    i do like it, i'm actually more much better in 5x than 7x
  17. bootleg

    bootleg New Member

    I never really stuck with the game when i first started here in the winter, but rolling a mage for pvp now - would probably be interested in doing semi regular 5x stuff since I haven't played the game in years.

    Wonder if there is an easy way to stay in touch with people that similarly want to duel or practice more often.

    I'd much rather 5x for a while til im comfortable again.
  18. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Well we can start with the pits/farms. maybe others will join in
  19. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    I say you duel at Balrons hythloth with a POD trying to kill whoever is dueling
  20. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    I will magic arrow that pod to death 1v2
    blasfede likes this.

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