
Discussion in 'Guilds' started by ErusPravus, Aug 27, 2022.

  1. ErusPravus

    ErusPravus New Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Im starting up a new effort to bring some balance to the dungeons.
    There are lots of new PKs running around, it is starting to feel crowded.

    Anti-PK are looking for new officers that would like to play as Lawfully Good characters and fight or learn how to fight PKs.
    We are also looking for all farmers out there, to help report PK activities.

    All characters with a APK tag has to follow a code to play as Lawfully Good and help and protect players out in the world. All from fighting PKs to helping PK-victims back on their feet.
    We will do out best to root out any corrupted officers.

    Join and help the struggle on Discord;
    Anyone is allowed to join, leave your dramas outside of the server.

    Currently setting up shop outside Destard entrance.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
    AOٌ, sem, *Jam* and 1 other person like this.
  2. ErusPravus

    ErusPravus New Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    We are in most need of scouts and informants. Calling out to all the farmers out there.

    Even if you have no wish to fight, join us on discord and report the criminal activities you see.
    Server is open to everyone. We have no requirements to join the Order guild.

    If this picks up some traction during the fall, we might host some courses in self-defense for anyone interested and combat-training for new recruits.
    AOٌ likes this.

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