Back to uo?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Gxnqe, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. Gxnqe

    Gxnqe New Member

    So ive been on and off about coming back to uo i heard about uo ren and thought why not im from the little bit ahead era though i would love to get back into uo whats this shard like as in main banks guilds community etc?
    Ouroboros likes this.
  2. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Well, community is awesome...except when you get into PvP, then people get salty AF.

    You want to start out in Ocllo and hang there until you wear your Young status out. It is VERY convenient.

    For starter guilds, contact Project Sanctuary. They are good people.
    Player X, Leopold and Ouroboros like this.
  3. Gxnqe

    Gxnqe New Member

    im into pvm what sort of build should i look into ?
  4. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Bard, or tamer...or a bard/tamer.

    For a bard you want to start with:

    Personally I like:
    Hiding/Wrestling/Tracking (your choice)

    For a tamer, your base is:
    Animal Taming
    Animal Lore

    I always suggest:
    Meditation/Discord (your choice)
    Leopold likes this.
  5. Faber

    Faber Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Welcome! Fishing is also quite lucrative. It's a great thing to macro from shore while you're sleeping. Once you hit GM, buy a boat and go catch some serpents.
    Balian likes this.
  6. merlin8666

    merlin8666 Well-Known Member

    Go build something on the skills that suit you. When I started I wanted to follow a wizard like Gandalf and face off monsters by summoning my daemon and casting earthquake!

    Or go cookie cutter and make a peace dexxer or tamer. Be warned, this is felucca shard and therefore you will encounter plenty of pks
  7. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

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  8. Mykos

    Mykos Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Straight Provo Bard to start is pretty easy to get moving

    Starting skills
    Magery 50
    Music 1
    Provocation 49

    Tracking for the time being

    All of these are pretty easy to macro, starting coin for regeants will be your pain. Project Sanctuary is a good guild. They offer plenty of advice and help to get your feet under you. unlike OSI days, IRC is the bank of modern day uo hangouts. Your best palce to meet epople and get questiosn answered quickly.

    Start in Ocollo as already suggested and train like crazy. Easy money can be found at the three spawn points for npc camps, get automap to find them with tent like icon. usually 4 random spawn of same type, provo them onto each other. use magic unlock on the one locked container in the tent. telekensis on both containers to remove the trap (stand 3-4 tiles away to avoid damage) loot the chests, sell loot when back in town (some will be magic items, get them identified by starting another toon on a 2nd account and start with 50 item id), double click the captured npc in the tent and say "I will take thee" run back to town limits for another 400+ gold. rinse and repeat for slow gold, but worth it. I would recommend a third account with a melee toon to do the tent runs while you macro the provo/mage.
    Zeitz likes this.
  9. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Welcome back to UO! I agree with the others on a bard to start with. Tamers are great and you should really make one, but it seems better not to do so as your first main character while getting used to the game mechanics IMO. My first was a provo bard as well and I made enough in the newbie dungeon and Ocllo evil mage tower to buy a house and enough regs to train magery. My provo bard was (and still is) music/provo/magery/resist/eval/hiding/meditation. If you really love being a dexer you could also do a peace dexer. Those are really great support characters for group fights where you don't have 2 MOBs in range for provo. And lots of people also have provo dexers as well, especially for some of the exciting custom content that we have here on UOR (Christmas scrolls, ancient message in a bottle, level 7 treasure maps).

    The website has a guides section, but also the forums here do as well down below. If you want to do a provo bard, check out @RIN 's guide:
    Mykos and RIN like this.

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