Guide to the Mining Profession

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Markos, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Renaissance Guide to the Mining Profession

    The goal of this guide is to give a thorough review of the mining profession. Mining can be a very profitable skill should you choose to put the time into it. Just about every other crafting profession, in some way depends on mining. Ingots are needed to craft tools for other crafting skills as well as to craft things such as weapons, armor and many other miscellaneous items.


    Equipment Needed for Mining

    Shovels and Pickaxes are the tools needed for mining. These can be bought from NPC tinkers or can be made by other players that have the tinkering skill. Now, there are a couple of things to take into consideration when buying shovels or pickaxes. Shovels will cost you around 12 gold per, while pickaxes will cost you around 25 gold per. Also, shovels only weigh 5 stones and pickaxes weigh 11 stones. In my opinion, the shovel is a better choice due to the fact it is cheaper and it weighs less.

    Blacksmithing Bulk Order Deeds have a few rewards that are very useful to miners. Sturdy tools and gloves of mining provide the ability to mine more efficiently. The sturdy tools have a far higher durability than standard tools and the studded leather gloves of mining will provide a +3 skill bonus to mining and ringmail gloves of mining will provide a +5 skill bonus.



    Depending on the strategy you choose while mining, a packhorse may be something well worth the roughly 650 gold it costs. A packhorse can carry up to 1600 stones which is 133(1596 Stones) piles of ore! Packhorses make mining more efficient due to the fact that you don't have to run to a forge every time you become over weight, which is roughly 20-25 piles of ore. The down side to this is that the more ore you stash before smelting, the more it's going to hurt if something happens such as getting pk'd or killed by a monster of some type. Pack horses can be bought at your local stable....


    Safe Mining Locations

    It is highly recommended to stay in a guarded zone when first starting out mining. Venturing out to popular mining spots that are unguarded is very dangerous. With the new player system in place, Occlo is a very good place to start out mining. I will show a few recommended places to mine that will be safe from pk's although you may run across the occasional thief. Another thing to keep in mind when mining, whether it be in guard zone or not, is to find a spot with a forge nearby. This can greatly increase the amount of ingots you produce. Many forges can be found around mountains and caves as well at player's houses.





    Smelting Ore
    When mining ore, it can be mined up in different types of piles as shown here. These piles can also be combined with each other....


    The ore that you mine up can be smelted at a forge. To smelt the ore, simply double click the stack of ore and then target the forge....


    While at low skill, it is recommended that you smelt small quantities of your ore at one time. It is possible to fail at a smelt attempt resulting in HALF of your ore being lost.....


    As your skill increases, you will also start to see different types of ore. The different types of ore and the minimum skill requirements are listed here....


    Gargoyle Pickaxes and Stone Ore

    Gargoyle pickaxes can be looted off of gargoyles and can also be given as a blacksmithing BOD reward. Gargoyle pickaxes are needed to mine up stone ore which is used in stonecrafting. The types of stone ore that can be mined up are stone, sandstone and marble and are found where colored ore is normally deposited. When you use your gargoyle pickaxe in a colored ore location, you have a 50% chance to spawn a colored ore elemental and 40% of those times it will be a stone ore elemental that will need to be killed in order to loot the ore from it. All types of stone ore requires a minimum of 50 mining skill to smelt.



    Marble Elementals are found where you find Valorite and Verite ore.
    Sandstone Elementals are found where you find Agapite and Gold ore.
    Stone Elementals are found where you find Shadow, Copper and Bronze ore.​

    To learn more about the UO Renaissance stonecrafting system, click here,

    Common Templates for Miners

    Tinkering is a highly recommended skill to accompany any miner's template. This will allow you to create your own tools from the ingots you produce which in turn, will decrease the cost of mining and keep you from having to run back and forth to town to purchase shovels or pickaxes.

    As a miner, you will definitely want to go with 100 strength to be able to carry as much ore and ingots as possible. Depending on how you integrate magery into your template will dictate the amount of dexterity and intelligence you choose to have. While mining, you will come across the random monster lurking about and also ore elementals that spawn from gargoyle pickaxes. Therefore, it is very important that you be able to deal with these threats. I will list a few recommended skill templates for mining characters.

    The "Tank" Miner" build. 100 str / 100 dex / 25 intelligence.​


    The "Mage Miner" build. 100 str / 25 dex / 100 intelligence.​
    The purpose of the anatomy here is for defensive wrestling.​


    Keep in mind these are just recommended builds. There many other combinations of skills that may suit your UO play style better.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2014
  2. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

  3. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    Jack of Shadows likes this.
  4. DiGiTyDarKMaN

    DiGiTyDarKMaN New Member

    Very nice guide
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Thanks Markos for this awesome guide, this is now part of our new player program for mining.
  6. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    This old thread deserves a bump! Also, a link to my latest battle mining video that goes over a host of tricks and techniques. Includes material about the BOD system as well.
  7. Garavar

    Garavar Well-Known Member

    I am confused, when I go down into the "new player minning location" it doesnt look like the one in the pictures above. It looks like a dungeon and has a of spawn. What am I missing?
  8. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    @Garavar the Ocllo Dungeon are rebuilt recently. This guild is still good but not 100% up to date. You should be able to mine in the new Ocllo dungeon cave areas and the rocky land outdoor around Ocllo.
  9. Garavar

    Garavar Well-Known Member

    Without a packhorse though since it gets murdered by spawn :(

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