Guild info

Discussion in 'Adventure Time [A^T]' started by Legholaz, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Legholaz

    Legholaz New Member

    Hi all. I'm new to the shard, tho I'm not new to the game. I've played in 2001 in the biggest shard of my country (I'm from Argentina). When that shard went off, I've played in a few new ones, but they weren't good enough.
    A few weeks ago, I wanted to try again UO and, knowing there aren't good shards anymore here in Argentina, I thought of searching thru the web. UOR came to the screen.
    Now I'm looking for a guild and I have a few questions regarding A^T:
    - Is this more a PvM or a PvP guild? Or simply a crafting guild?
    - If oriented to PvP, is a PK guild or neutral? How many wars is it involved in?
    - Is there any member from South America or close to GMT -3?

    About me, I only have 1 player (yet). It's a mage, more likely involved in PvM due to mi lag (about 300 ms), but could be useful in a PvP in a supportive role.

    Thanks in advance for your answers ^^
  2. Miles Davis

    Miles Davis New Member

    brazilian here, also new to UOR. i played ultima online from '99 through '05 on chesapeake and i'm also extremely lost here.
    since i love adventure time, event though im kinda old for that, i ended up here... i support this topic, any response is welcome! :)

    also i'm more towards PKing, thats what i did all that time, anyway, i think this is a good progression guild. what about that?
  3. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
    Senior Counselor
    UO:R Subscriber

  4. Legholaz

    Legholaz New Member

    Thanks for the link, I've passed by it.
    Well I guess the guild'd be more likely to have neutral players, right?
    In any case, it looks like a good group of people you managed to have, worth of joining the guild.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Hail Leholaz, and welcome to UO:Renaissance!
    At the core, Adventure Time is effectively a PvM/Crafting guild, but we have been known to put up a fight against evil player characters as well.
    There are really three guilds in order to keep a clear divide amongst the various chosen paths of each character.

    At present, Adventure Time is the primary guild encompassing all playstyles, excluding Player Killers. We are a guild of good people and do not grief, loot or scam other players.

    An additional Guild/Stone for the Society of Traders, is our mercantile group of crafters and salespersons. If such a time comes that Adventure Time need declare war on another guild, our tradesfolk will not be subject to slaughter at will by evildoers.

    We participate in Factions as members of the Shadowlords, guildmates on the Faction Time stone. This is the guild for our players who are focused on PvP, or want to have a character dedicated to it.

    We do not permit murderers in any of these guilds. If you choose to have a murderer, it is up to you whether it be known to the guild(s) or not, what your true identity is. If your identity is known, we will expect no grief in your game. Make your kill and move on, without stranding and drylooting your fellow gamer. Despite the nature of the role, it will always make it's way back to the guild and we are not a guild of bad people.

    We are having a guild meeting on the 17th of this month, at our fortress due north of Minoc. Please come by any time before that if you want to hang out with some members and see how we play.

    We have players from GMT -8 to GMT -5, generally speaking. There are some as far east as Europe but the aren't on as often. We have a fellow in Australia if he's still around. All time zones are welcome and we rarely keep normal hours (up all night playing).

    Again, welcome and feel free to ask any questions in IRC or here. I will be glad to answer when I can.

    Thanks for the link DarkWing. :)
  6. Legholaz

    Legholaz New Member

    Wow thanks for the reply.
    As I said, considering my ping (and also my way of playing) I would most likely do PvM with my mage. But I'd also do some PvP now and then, so I guess A^T would fit my needs.
    Anyway, we can have 5 players per acc, so if someday I wish to make a PvP only player, I know where to head to :p

    Meanwhile, I'll continue training a lil bit in my free time in order to kill, at least, a zombie -.-'
  7. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    For starters, you are allowed to have three accounts here. You can easily create a second account (makeup a new login/pwd) and train on your own characters while you sleep.
    Just ask for some tips in process and we'll guide you as best we can. Easiest in IRC.
  8. Legholaz

    Legholaz New Member

    Yeah I know. Multiple accs and let the magic begin hahah.
    I'll try to stay in contact thru IRC/forum.
    With what I would need more help if with skills modificators/bonus. For example, I know Anatomy gives a special move which lets you keep casting. Those kinds of things changes from shard to shard so...
    But that I will learn with time and spending time here.

    Thanks for your replies and your help !

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