
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Catfish Stevens, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. Yo guys, where is everyone/where is everyone pvping?

    Been back for a few weeks but I have hardly seen any life at all. Is there a spot you're pvping at that I'm missing? I joined Minax because it sounded like SL and Minax are currently the most active, but I have only seen one opposing faction member and he was afk (yea I killed him anyway sue me). And I've only seen one minax peer, that San Francisco Giants pitcher.

    Usually I log on and run around checking all the dungeons and towns, but I'm lucky if I find anyone not afk.

    Do you usually coordinate fights on discord or is server pop just really low with afk vets farming plat?

    This post isn't to complain but rather to present an idea to active players:

    Should we declare an area the official "lookin for a fight" spot? Back in the day Brit GY was always popping with action, buccs too had its time. I understand everyone doesn't have the same play hours, but maybe there is a spot where some actives own houses that they frequent? Outside skara? I dunno, just brainstorming because I'm sick of my game time being primarily recalling and running through empty dungeons.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  2. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Hey Catfish, I have been gone for awhile also and trying to make a comeback. So none of my suggestions are based on recent activity. If I was to put the bottle down and venture outside the camp grounds my first dungeon stops would be Gazer room, Lich Lords and Blood Elementals. I've heard rumors that some strange forces have kept trespassers from entering Hedge Maze... but maybe this has passed ::drools on herself:: JUST HEARSAY! ::burps::
    PaddyOBrien and gitchu1000 like this.
  3. Vincent Blackshadow

    Vincent Blackshadow Well-Known Member

    Welcome back.

    You should find a group or guild that shares your interest pvp or whatever.

    They usually have there own discord channels to use.

    Most of the field fights right now happen during idocs.

    There is some faction action but it is sporadic.

    Good luck.
  4. twarf

    twarf Well-Known Member

    that sf giants pitcher is me (lincecum) . Join the discord and message in the pvp section, can usually find some fights. If you wanna look around...
    I would say: Ice Dunegon, Destard, Bloods and Gazers in Shame and Bucs docks.
    gitchu1000 likes this.
  5. For sure man, I was hoping to stumble upon some action organically but it is a different era of uo.
    Miami likes this.
  6. twarf

    twarf Well-Known Member

    yup. Not like Bucs / Brit GY / Jhelom farms on Napa.
  7. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    I guess you could try hunting through one of those dungeons we mentioned. Then when the bad guys show up... it's, organic!
  8. Everlast

    Everlast Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Why do "PVP"rs like you find it so necessary in this game to talk about pvp? I find this comical as most online games center around PvP. Checkers, chess, poker, spades, hearts, it's all player v player. In fact, the only games that DON'T center around PvP is MMORPG's. All others... it's player skill v player skill. Amiwrong?
  9. Lol wot? Because that is what I like to do in Ultima Online and for many of us that is the true end game. So... I'm sorry?
  10. twarf

    twarf Well-Known Member

    I don't get it Everlast...
    You just proved your own point... Saying since this game (an MMORPG) doesn't fully center around PVP, people are out trying to find it... What's wrong with that?
  11. Everlast

    Everlast Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Ya'll ever played a 1ps?
  12. twarf

    twarf Well-Known Member

    Yes CS.
  13. I've played just about every FPS, do you have a point?

    You're trying to make fun of pvpers but PvE in UO isn't exactly something to be proud of, standing there hitting your all kill or provocation macro over and over... sounds delightful
    Xavant_BR likes this.
  14. Everlast

    Everlast Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    I meant PVP'rs in Ultima, in my experiences anyway, tend to talk about it as if it makes them better at UO or something.. as you said, it's just another part of a game.. why compare it to PVM - some people enjoy crafting and working BODs, other T-hunting, which involves a lot of PVP but a little different than dungeon crawling.. to each their own in a game like this!

    Not to mention the best pvp'rs here are typically the best razor code writers.. but most 1ps shoots have obscure settings that will give you an edge too. I guess it helps to know your weapon lol
  15. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Personally, nothing satisfies ME like knowing I helped the local blacksmith out and got him those ten tongs he was in desperate need of. I've tried other games like Anvil Simulation Pro and Village Craft: Return of the Wicker Magician's Apprentice... but they weren't gritty enough.
    Sayer, Salick and Catfish Stevens like this.
  16. Ah I see, you're a shitty troll and a hypocrite.
    Althorn likes this.

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