Jehlom Pens Real Estate

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Hawkeye, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Hawkeye

    Hawkeye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Hi UOR folks, These are the 3 houses behind the north west pen. A L shape, small and 2 story.
    I haven't used these places like I planned. Trying to gauge if there is any interest in them.
    I'd like them to go as a set.
    You can collect a mountain of free leather just by hanging around the AFK Tamers.

    Ill let this run for a week before I decide where to list them or not.
    You can pm me here or Hawkeye in IRC.

  2. Lorak

    Lorak Active Member

  3. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

  4. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    The villa spot holds a large marble, the small house can fit a small marble (possibly a tower, cant' remember) and I'd value this at 3 mil minimum.
    shad and Hawkeye like this.
  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    the butcher...
    the butcher...
  6. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    3mill? Seriously?
  7. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    That's less than a pair of sandals.
  8. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    bumbpty bump
  9. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    3 million coming from the guy who said his tower is worth 50 million..

    Yea, more realistically, I'd say that these properties are worth a couple hundred K over deed, total.

    Things just aren't worth what they're used to anymore, which is nice and the bull pens arent as high traffic as they once were.
    Witchcraft likes this.
  10. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    This guy knows nothing. I'd ignore 99% of what he says. He's got a grudge for some odd reason and can't let it go to the point mods have had to be involved several times.

    This is a set of 3 houses next to a well populated and known landmark. Can be considered a town house, since the town is a teleporter away. It has a lot of factors that increase the value, including collect-ability.

    If the market for housing is down right now, that's part of the servers natural cycle and the 3 mil price is cheap all things considered and would be met with a little patience.
    Hawkeye and RavenMagi like this.
  11. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    I know you dropped your price from 50 million to 15 million. That's a pretty big drop.

    Again, this isn't close to a bank or anything, vendor opportunity isnt really there as people don't need anything to tame bulls. No guard zone so it's not a town house. Cant AFK reg purchase from your house, no treasure map spots.

    You could run a PK out of these homes but you'd only need one.

    Leather and meat don't sell for much if at all as it's fairly easy to come by and regular leather doesn't offer any bonus.

    If you're paying 3 mill its because you love the property not because that's what it's worth.
  12. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    I started high to see what the market would yield. I then lowered til I hit a selling price.Which is my right and none of your business.

    It is considered town houses.

    The property is easily worth 3 mil because you can sell a few xmas scrolls, get one sandals drop from a lep or cupid spawn, or make 3 mil quite easily in other methods.

    3 mil is chump change and the property is well worth it.

    Anyhow, it's not my auction, I put in support for the op because it'd be a fantastic property for someone to own and to do something with.

    You can continue to trash everyone and everything, which is your M.O. here, but I'm not interested in reading or replying to anything you write, and I'd advise potential bidders to ignore you.
    Hawkeye likes this.
  13. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Great for any tamers guild !!!
    Good luck with this sale!
    Hawkeye and It'sallALark like this.
  14. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    This isnt an auction, this is a discussion and I'd appreciate your feedback accordingly.

    So moving forward from your bad mouthing of me, why is this a town house? because there is a town house?

    And you telling me how to make 3 million doesn't explain why you think this is worth 3 million.

    I'm curious as to how you arrived at that valuation?
  15. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    You're pretty good with this stuff, what do you think this is worth?
  16. Radish

    Radish Member

    Yup, 15m. They got the cash for it, easy.
  17. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    At least 1mil, max 3.
    On a auction with the good buyers , on winter and the moon in sagitarius then 2.5-3
    If a tower fit there 2-3.
    Its definitively not the optimal time of the year to get the maximum bids.
    For me, at 2-3 mil, its cheap for a tamers guild.
    Zaphian, Hawkeye and FreeHugger like this.
  18. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Note** If a tower fit, i could be intetested...
  19. Aris

    Aris Active Member

    Here's a previous listing at 1.5, and this was a few years ago,

    Several things add to the value here.

    1) Your neighbors are limited. You won't be living in an area cluttered with homes, the homes you see on your screen will be only yours.

    2) It remains a high traffic area. Some consider this value.

    3) It is on an Island. Some see this as value.

    4) Town is just a few screens away. Again, value.

    5) New Players visit here, and some people fancy themselves on heavily catering to the new player scene. This adds value to those play styles.

    6) Others like to murder players who tame here. Having a home in the middle of the bloodbath could be considered value.

    This isn't your typical "hai guys I found a small tower spot on moonglow bid plz k?" locations.

    Things just aren't worth what they're used to anymore...

    +1 for the LOL.
    Hawkeye and shad like this.
  20. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Aris, no joke, Les couldnt sell that ocllo house for 75 million anymore, or whatever he paid for it

    Just like gideon cant sell that property for 75 million.

    Housing bubble broke, it'll take a few months to climb back up. That's just a fact now.

    A few months ago Gideons and Pills sandals would have sold instantly at 10 mill, 18 million, whatever they're priced at.. Now, no bites.

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