Phoenix Armor Deeds - 600k each or 3 for 1.5m SOLD Verite Runic Hammer - 25 charges (new) 2m Plat valued at 7k per
Got any Valorite hammers for sale in the near future? RRGs next goal would be to get one so we can upgrade our patrols from verite... Going to take us a while though to get the funds together i think.
Pretty sure the Captn still has one with some charges left on it !!.. I still want a single charge Val hammer for deco !!
I'm 6/7 toward my second valorite hammer. When I get the fresh one, I will consider options for the other (12 charges atm)
If @Liberation isn't using it for his decor any longer, you're welcome to use my valorite hued smithing hammer trophy from the Blacksmithing contest some time ago.