Small rant..

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Torrand, May 1, 2018.

  1. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    You sure are bitching like one.
    Ravn and Zyler like this.
  2. Dash

    Dash Active Member
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    Oct 31, 2017
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    That's what forums are. A place for opinions. I gave my opinion and I think a lot of others share it but they probably left a long time ago. Just take the word "Perfected" out of the slogan and it won't be up for debate anymore. Why are certain things from certain time periods chosen (factions, house looting, non-blessed runebooks, etc)? Is it just more easily available in the code or is this the true idea of perfection? Small enhancements that don't effect the overall game would make it more enjoyable based on user feedback and would go a long way. If you really want to be stuck in time with wonky mechanics then play second age. I fear the griefers will cannibalize themselves when there is no action left

    With that said, I still think this shard is awesome, and will enjoy the time I spend here.
  3. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
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    Jul 29, 2017
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    I know what you mean with your earlier post. Between 4 kids (2 of them babies), a wife who works full-time, a very stressful job, exercise and other hobbies, I only get to play a small fraction of what I would like to. So I often just want to hop on and do a quick 30 min of farming, and if I must share that time with someone, I'd like to pick who it is, and not get just some random player.

    I think for PvMers it's a delicate love-hate relationship with PKs. I suspect most people get a thrill from farming when they know PKs can pop in any second, but for me a lot of the time it just isn't convenient to risk losing a fight, so I just take off. When I was starting out (before getting my first blessed runebook) I kept my runes in the bank except for one bank rune (of which I had like 30+ copies since that is the one I would end up losing if I got PKd). It is true that getting wealthier helps a lot to reduce the sting of being PKd, and one great thing about UOR is that it is not difficult to build a reasonable amount of wealth to keep yourself stocked with basic supplied needed to play. And for the times you DO get PKd, the value of what you were carrying will become less and less significant the more wealth you build. Now if you want a bunch of blessed anniversary clothing, several ethies, a fort and rares I can see how some people will feel poor forever =).
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
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  4. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    Just keep 5-10 horses in the stable at a time. All of this should never take more than 5 minutes.
  5. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
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    Apr 21, 2018
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    I'll admit to getting a little frustrated at times if I'm hopping on for a quick session and get whacked. I don't get to play nearly as much as I would like due to my busy schedule, and no one wants to spend that time dead. But to be honest with you I think I would get bored pretty quickly if I could farm what I wanted to my hearts content completely uncontested. PKs create a sense of risk vs reward when going to some popular locations, as PKs will generally visit places that have the potential for good loot.

    Personally, my favorite type of games are rogue-likes. I'm an old school fan of Angband and several of its variants (if anyone else here has the ability to fall in love with ASCII permadeath games like I can). Although turn-based dungeon crawlers like that and UO don't have too much in common I do think they share the same need for critical thinking and risk vs reward analysis. Sometimes the potential reward is great enough that we are willing to take bigger and bigger risks in hopes of achieving great things. The longer we manage to live on the edge, the more alert we get, the stronger a player we become. I personally find exhilaration when teetering on the edge of destruction, which is part of what has drawn me back into this game.

    On several occasions I have spent 30-40+ hours on a character in a rogue-like just to have them die and have to start from the beginning all over again. Although it's easy to get pissed off about it, it's far more gratifying to identify what you did wrong and how you could improve from that experience, and overcome it the next time. I feel like to some degree that mentality can translate fairly well here depending on your perspective.

    There are some nights where I'm not interested in getting dealing with PKs and just want to relax - at which point I'll spend my time doing activities which have a lower level of risk. Most nights it's actually the risk that pushes me towards the rewards, and not the other way around.

    Although many likely won't be able to identify with this, it's part of what brought me here and what keeps me here. Others may have their own motivations, but point being I think a certain level of acceptance of risk is part of what makes UO ... UO.
    Dash likes this.
  6. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    Just got rank 1 on FarmVille. TAIWAN NUMBER ONE!
    snap dragon likes this.
  7. Dash

    Dash Active Member
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    Oct 31, 2017
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    Exactly. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. everyday, 2 hour round trip to commute to my job, try to exercise everyday, etc. I don't want to prune my account for 5 years to feel like I can "finally" play. I don't want it to be too easy either, and I understand the need for balance, but at least being able to get back into the action quicker to avenge yourself would be a plus.

    If a PK group can come ruin your good time in 10 seconds or less, at least balance it out and let the victim rebound more quickly. I understand being rich and/or running 3 accounts at once like some sort of speed freak at all times is the answer to the current situation, but I think there is a vast amount of players like me (like us) that would be more involved if we didn't have to sacrifice too much of our personal lives for things that can be improved with a few lines of code.

    Restocking all of my belongings, buying regs, re-marking all my runes, etc. feels like going to work after work (waah waah waah I know) when I'm just trying to blow off some steam. If it paid off I'd understand, but I've been griefed every step of the way, from trying to raise taming to collecting gold, to standing in town afk. I'm all for it. I'm not asking for Trammel, but damn the things I have to do just to make 100k playing 2 hours a day during peak hours so I can gain 10 points in blacksmithy? wtf? Good thing I don't even have kids.

    I understand the risks involved and have switched to playing crafters working on BODs to more appropriately match my situation and current desired play style. I can't wait to PK, collect rares, max out my accounts, do all that fun stuff, etc. I just don't want to spend 5 years doing it at the expense of my personal life. I'll be honest, the runebook thing is the biggest pain point for me. When I learned they dropped my heart sank. When I saw they could be blessed, it rose again, but then I saw how much time I'd have to commit to obtain ONE blessed one to share among 15 characters to make my uo life slightly better. This sandbox is too deep.

    One ethy would make a world of a difference. And I'll never let go of the runebook thing.
  8. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
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    Apr 14, 2017
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    Provo mage and tamers can still have fast recovery with minimal loss after death from pks or monsters. Create a char on separate account to help deal with those situations.

    You don't need blessed runebooks to be successful, just the right attitude and strategy for various situations. Keep a single rune on your farming char to a bank of your choice. Inside your bank, keep a runebook to all your favorite farming spots. Keep a copy of that runebook on your recovery character. If you die, you can be back up and running in 5 min. Stop carrying 75 of each reagent. Restock agent will be your best friend so learn it. Even farming balrons, blood eles or whatever else, i usually keep 10-15 each reg, 5 g-heal, 5 g-cure and 100 bandages. Such a small loss if i happen to die one way or another and over time ive learned better ways in being defensive and recovery since im often distracted watching netflix or something.

    With that said, there's plenty of ways to make money without farming in dungeons. Treasure maps, fishing, bodding... personally i haven't fed a pk a kill in a while since the groups of them became so frequent. Didn't get mad, people like to hunt together whether its for pvp or pve. I just decided to move on and find other ways of enjoying the game.

    Explore the game. Not just farming spots. Pks cycle through them and they're not gonna stop.

    ...what were we talking about again?
    Salick, Jethro and Dash like this.
  9. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
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    Jul 29, 2017
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    Your first blessed runebook isn't as as far away as it might seem. During my limited playtime I've had 2 lucky drops, each of which was worth the equivalent of a single blessed runebook. But even if you don't get any lucky drops, between the automatic rewards platinum that you earn automatically each month and random plat drops from monsters, it won't take too long to get there. It's also a buyer's market for plat right now, so you could buy the rest when you get close to 250. It was 10k each when I started here, it's much more affordable right now.
  10. Dash

    Dash Active Member
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    Oct 31, 2017
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    I'm fishing and bodding for now. I farm for 30 minutes at a time with a provo mage when I can to replenish regs and resources when needed.

    I forgot.
  11. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    70k an hour load-out for a 6-8 minute run.
    • store bought tambourine
    • store bought spear
    • 20 bandages
    • 1 recall scroll
    • 1 bank rune
    • 1 bank alternate rune (optional but recommended)
    no armor, go naked... or wear a hat for style points :p
  12. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    Is lots of Public champ runs being done at mo(try and find out about them)..Is even a public harrower in a few hours time
    Don't think about trying to play to many chars....Think I only play 4 chars...with another char who makes me Pots/scrolls...The Ethies and Blessed rune books are just handy(not essential)

    AS was said have a char on one account sitting at a bank,with same rune locations as your farmer to open gates and ress you...Can even have the gate char sitting in a healers...

    Time of day you get to play is important....So I tend not to take my tamers out at more peak times for PvPers..I just mess about with my bard.....Instead of recalling right out stay and try and survive the PK attacks...With good potion use and casting heals(keep reflect on you when you can))Is not to hard to survive a solo PKs attack(tho my bard does have resist)...If the red cannot kill you he will move on and think twice next time he spots you(as in your not worth the risk if he cant kill you fast)Or at the very least earn a bit of respect..even better try and keep Provoking while he is trying to kill you..I Try not to attack reds who run past me with 2 blues chasing him for a cheap kill....I just want to PvM so I don't look for cheap shots(and the reds have long memories)

    Farm things that drop good gold and good slayer types and lvl 5 maps....Reponds are king...Silver/reptilian/arachnid/Exorcism/Elemental...Research some of the sub slayers as they can be worth a lot(So a earth el wep can be worth a lot(not somit you would think)))
    Prepare for up and coming Server events....Can make a lot of gold at diff events if get lucky...

    Lol sorry went on a bit...My main point would be don't try and make/play to many chars...Things are pretty cheap and is always someone else who makes what you need...

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