Tamer Stat Loss

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Lichend, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. TheBreadman

    TheBreadman Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    I like that attention a lot as well.. but, one thing, what would do about that most of time the tamer is already dead when pet dies so would have already lost dead.

    I guess, you could have it so, every time a command is given to pet it checks for the deed, and If they left range with the deed, while either them or the pet not dead. it would become temperately unlinked.

    If the tamer is dead, or pet is dead, the deed will stay linked to the pet for say 2 hours. (not sure how would deal with gating away for res then returning... maybe give 20min return time after dying. like body decay)

    If the tamer and pet is alive and command is given, while the deed is not in pack, then that dead will become un-linked to the pet. so anyone who took the deed or has it, will now have blank deed. If pet dies, and then is brought back, while deed is still linked , the deed will consumed wherever it is in world.

    This would allow 3 things,

    1. Add a risk value held in tamers pack.
    2. PKs would have to take decision to either kill the pets and loose the value of they could looted on the body.
    3. Gold sink.
    Heretic, El Horno and BlackEye like this.
  2. Guerry

    Guerry Active Member
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    Jul 5, 2015
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    I dont like the power stat loss gives to the players that find funy screwing other ppl playing, and yea this has becomed a PK land, as i said before, i cant do champs, cant play as i like, so im off to play Word of Warcraft, had a nice time here you all.

    PD. Dyne take care of my Log Cab if u can, just in case :p.
  3. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Says one of the most prominent members of one of the most active guilds here. So easy to party up...
  4. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
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    Aug 5, 2014
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    Guerry I wish you would reconsider. PKs and others will kill your pets and they will receive stat loss. There has got to be RISK if you are going to do a champ spawn. The server has always had pet stat loss since I have been here and it was only no stat loss was only implemented when we were having the great DDOS attacks of 2015. Please reconsider and find alternatives to getting your pets out in enough time before they die. As a PK myself I will always strive to kill people's pets because well they are too strong. If I can kill a target and not be able to look them because they are casting on me then I will have to kill the pets to get my loot. Sorry Guerry, reconsider.
    Ouroboros likes this.
  5. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Well-Known Member
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    Jan 13, 2015
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    Things fluctuate here, as in all aspects of life within and without this game. Don't let the reversion of pet skill loss take away the fun of playing the game. The pk's who were going to kill your pets before skill loss was suspended, and during suspension, are going to be the same ones doing it now. That hasn't changed.

    Take a good break, come back refreshed, we'll see you back soon enough. You know you can't resist the call of the Avatar, man! :D
  6. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    For those wondering what Guerry is upset about, a UO champ spawn was hit by the lilililili crew, which for the uninformed is a group of reds affiliated with the former TB guys. Hard to say who exactly is who since they use similar names, but it's people like fek, havoc, etc.
    Anyway, those guys hit one of their spawns and killed everybody. TT and friends heard about it and showed up to clean the reds up, but it was 5ish or more reds and it seemed like the spawners were all dead and looted and whatnot. We ressed them up but told them that it would be hard to complete the spawn since they had been scouted.

    I preached about this a bit last week, but with all of the pvpers refusing to fight each other and pking instead at the moment, we should probably take it easy on the blues and not shit on them too hard. He's not wrong when he says the server has become a PK land - I think there probably are more reds in dungeons than blues these days.
    One likes this.
  7. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Come back Havoc!
  8. Dyne

    Dyne Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    This is correct. Most people are bored with pvming themselves so they turn to pking/pvp for their entertainment. We play UO for the risk factor and for the simple reason that pks CAN come and ruin your play. But you expect this to happen 50% of the time. Not 99% of the time. We have not did a champ spawn for over a month because of the harrower being out and its really just not worth the time. Its easier to do things like tmaps/amibs and buy the plat from other people than to do them ourselves. Guerry decided to try a champ today after a month of us not doing them and within 5 minutes of starting, it was ruined. When there is only 20-30 spots in the game to check for activity, and theres 50 people checking, there really is nowhere to consistently play in the dungeons without a party. Hence why most people have turned to amibs/tmaps in the first place.

    But yes, Guerry I will refresh your cabin for you. I already have a few other people in my refresh rotation as is. Take care bud.

    PS: Back to my original point of "only time will tell", It hasn't taken long to start seeing results.
    One and Mes like this.
  9. Dyne

    Dyne Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Double Post.
  10. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Why not increase pvp capabilities and crush the reds during the champ spawns? You have the folks for that and many allied guilds. Heck, even I would gladly help, because it's action apart from everyday routine. I think it's all more an organizational thing. You shouldn't expect to do a champ in peace, this is still Felucca. Rather embrace the pvping and the extra fighting versus other humans.

    And what do you have to lose at all? Some pet skills, some time, some minimum tamer stocks?
    Ouroboros, Tyndall and One like this.
  11. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
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    Mar 8, 2015
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    What reds? They never show up to my parties! Do I smell bad?
    Pork Fried Rice likes this.
  12. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    You're telling me a pack of tamers with 3 to 4 quality pets can't stand their ground against a group of pks?

    Sounds like you're either not playing as a group, your template lacks defense, or you're not paying attention to your UO client (multiboxing can do that).

    This really comes down to player skill and willingness to work as a team. Champs are the closest thing to "everyday" endgame pvm content. It wasn't designed to be an easy ride on OSI (until post AOS, when you could duo some champs).
    Mindless, Puck and BlackEye like this.
  13. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    You smell of elderberries.
  14. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    I could be wrong but I think it's that sometimes - just sometimes - people would just like to pvm. Maybe they don't mind pvp and fighting off or running from PKs, but they wouldn't like every single excursion to be about fighting off group after group of killers. Of course, what they want is irrelevant from other players' perspectives. PKS are always doing what they want to be doing. But what are you going to do? Been the same story since 1997.
    One likes this.
  15. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    But Zagyg, that's what AMIBs, LVL7s, Night of Horrors, Christmas instances etc are for: in order to PvM totally relaxed and having fun. Chris already introduced many ways to PvM without any PvP threat.
    Blaise, Puck and Eugen like this.
  16. Puck

    Puck Well-Known Member
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    Jun 27, 2015
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    There are not 50 people checking spots at a time. Lay off the Kool-Aid. Something we've done recently to combat PKs if we don't have the numbers to be comfortable is simply announce our own champ spawns on IRC.
  17. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    You're right... players could do the designated safe stuff if they didn't want to fight. Problem is that what players want isn't always going to be logical or sensible. That's true for everyone on both sides. Just because you say "You can do x, y, z in safety" doesn't mean that people still won't want a break when doing other things. It's the flip side of telling players "You can pk here and there" and them still getting upset over the existence of a few safe areas.
  18. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
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    Mar 8, 2015
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    I am out there soloing most days. I am missing something. I rarely see any reds! When I do, I am almost never killed. Then again, my templates include hiding, resist, sometimes stealth. I carry potions, scrolls, and trapped pouches. Death almost never happens. I never let myself stay below 60 health, always have enough mana to recall (most times gate), and magic reflect is always up.

    All these tools keep me safe. I don't use anything other than UO macros. Over 1 million gold in the bank, several houses including a tower. This all within a year. I don't PK or steal.

    How are you keeping yourself safe out there?
    BlackEye, Ouroboros and One like this.
  19. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    There was a time where tamers had defense. This shard, it's rarely the case.

    Classic tamer templates..
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Resist, Hiding
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Resist, Wrestling
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Wrestling, Hiding
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Wrestling, Eval
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Resist, Eval
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Eval, Inscribe
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Resist, Inscribe

    You get the idea..

    Typical UOR tamers (this UOR, not the UOR era from OSI) templates..
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Music, Provo
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Music, Disco
    Taming, Lore, Vet, Mage, Med, Music, Peace

    Tamers that have hiding, resist, wrestling, or inscription in their templates here are more likely to survive, because they built a balanced character template. Also, keeping magic reflection up is almost a guaranteed path to survival, especially as a tamer, and especially in a group.
  20. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    I won't be baited into the age-old "It's so easy to get away from pks" routine. Besides, that's not the point even if it were true. The point is that everyone on both sides wants what they want, reasonable or not.

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