Top Shots August 2021

Discussion in 'Archived Top Shots Contests' started by Pill, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    TOP SHOTS August 2021

    We will have prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd

    PhotoShop etc is allowed
    Screens taken in-game are preferred but not compulsory
    Please don't just post random pictures!
    DO NOT dump your razor screenshot folder here. Collages of kill shots are acceptable.
    Please stay on topic.

    Closing Date: Last day of the month at midnight (Peace will tally "votes" sometimes a day-ish late, just fyi)

    Winners will be judged based upon the number of likes each picture receives. The winning pictures/names will be submitted to STAFF for trophy creation.

    top shots trophy pic UOR.JPG

    These rules are to assist with moderation and hopefully keep Top Shots on topic with zero trash talk. Please take your gripes to Trash Talk. Your issues with me, my friends, staff or your marital problems belong in Trash Talk, not in Top Shots. I'm not doing this for me, this is for the community.

    1. Top Shots is to benefit the community, not to benefit your ego. PvP kill shots, house looting, thievery, idocs, are all acceptable submissions. However, Keep your gloating to a reasonable level.
    2. Engaging in trash talk, derailing Top Shots, or just being a negative nancy is going to result in a violation.
    3. Initial violations are given a warning. Repeat offenders will find their submissions and votes negated for that month. Consistent violations will earn a permanent "ban" from Top Shots.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2021
  2. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Just helping @LanDarr out, since I believe he’s away from his PC atm..

    Top Shots new format and 'season' rewards:
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2021
    LanDarr likes this.
  3. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member

    How it started:



    How it ended:


    Leopold, Dash, Codus and 2 others like this.
  4. Einar

    Einar Well-Known Member

    The mares jumped ship!
    It didnt work out well

    Einar_Unknown_7-26_14.18-3.jpg Einar_Unknown_7-26_14.19-1.jpg Einar_Unknown_7-26_14.55.jpg

    Its ok. I gated them out
  5. Buga

    Buga Well-Known Member

    When you get a drop that you don't even know that exists!


    You carefully store it at bank together with your most priced piles of gold... while you think this could be super rare! After not finding anything at forums/discord you go back to check once more time and realize that it's gone! Organizer must piled up more gold over it o_O
  6. Ophira

    Ophira Well-Known Member

    When the roof party screw up... :rolleyes:

    Josy, Sayer, Sapukay and 10 others like this.
  7. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    I met a lovely bard, Chay,
    with a captivating dress.
    I should have just let her play instruments on my roof but she now is lost...

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  8. Arcanias

    Arcanias Well-Known Member

    The Quick Drop
    Bow Shot: 20 damage
    Explosion: 35 damage (pre-casted)
    Energy Bolt: 34 damage
    Explo Pot: 17 damage

    Total: 106 damage

    Chafe, Ouroboros, *Jam* and 1 other person like this.
  9. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member

  10. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member


    Since someone is leaving books with my "resume" around, I figured I'd run with it :D
    Zyler, Codus and PaddyOBrien like this.
  11. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

  12. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

  13. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member

  14. Lichend

    Lichend Well-Known Member

    Top Shots.PNG
    It takes a Lich to Summon the Purveyor of Darkness
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
  15. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member

    Here are some of my randoms from this month. I've been having a fun time of it.











    Leopold and Zyler like this.
  16. Leeloo

    Leeloo Well-Known Member


    Someone figured out how to train taming at Jhelom Pens safely from reds!!!
  17. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member

  18. ChaoticNeutralAntiHero

    ChaoticNeutralAntiHero Active Member

  19. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Ok Month 2 of the 3 month season for the new prizes in ADDITION to the monthly -


    @Ophira - 1st place
    @Lichend - 2nd place
    @ChaoticNeutralAntiHero @Buga - Tied for 3rd place

    Please page in game for trophy pickup...

    @Samorite will create them and have them ready for deliver as soon as he is able
    Lichend likes this.
  20. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master

    Trophies are done, page or discord :)

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