WTB 14x14 property.

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Atticus, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Atticus

    Atticus New Member

    Location doesn't matter, ideally, I'm looking for a brick, 2-story stone/wood and plaster, large patio, or villa. Thank you for your consideration and time.
  2. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    You can place a villa in MANY spots. Don't let anyone take you for a ride!
  3. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    A villa is 11x11. This gentlemen here is looking for a 14x14.
  4. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    @El Horno

    I take the time to read fully. :)
    El Horno likes this.
  5. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    shad and FreeHugger like this.
  6. Atticus

    Atticus New Member

    Apologies, Marble House with patio, (villa) according to Stratics way back when states that it's 14x14. If that's erroneous, that's what I'm referencing. But yes, I need minimum 14x14 placement.
  7. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Just a consideration, a 2 story L shape is considered a 14x14 but can be placed in a way other 14x14's cannot. Not sure if you were looking for a specific layout such as a brick house but wanted to give word of caution
  8. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Brick is 1 tile smaller than a patio, and may be slightly cheaper. Normally a patio fits where a brick fits though, and if a patio fits, there's a good chance there's already a tower in the spot. If you're looking for a patio/brick spot, you should be looking at towers and then plan to remove them and place the patio/brick. That's the best bet.

    If "house size" is your concern, and you don't specifically want a Patio/Brick, then the L-shape 2 story house is going to get you the best deal. They can be placed all over in spots that larger houses simply cannot fit, heck I have a pretty good L shape spot you can just have for the deed cost.

    You can still go out and place a villa/cabin or anything smaller yourself easily enough so I doubt that's what you're looking for unless you have a specific location in mind.

    The "housing problem" here is more of a "idiots placing towers/keeps and not using/selling them" problem. Have a look at the world map (link) and you will see the disproportional number of large homes.

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