Buying till I get 8x DONE Paying top-dollar (20k) as always PM or IRC is fine. My IRC is also illbottleya but I'm only on when I play Unfortunately my play time is a little limited
I'll update the original post when the order is filled. For now, still needing all 8. You Deacon on IRC as well? Looks now like I'll be popping in and out of IRC between 6-10pm EST tonight. I'll look for you.
I've still gotten 0 peculiar meat out of this! Come on folks, I know you've got it. To the top with this thread.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Come on! I'll take anything you've got. Harpy wings? Orc chops? Chicken-fried-drake? Minoc mountain oysters? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^