Excuse me? Val is an established player, as is the majesty that is Mac Daddy Slim. If you must know, she is a friend of mine and I told her I would give her my extra Biden bust and that she should have simply let me know.
MikeK , You accused me of being Mac Daddy Slim and a Shady person, please don't, when you don't truly know. I am not him, but I do know him, I just wanted the item and didn't want it for free, but must important, I have the right to bid on an item the same as you or anyone else here without being trashed talked about, even when I know them. I'm not trying to be rude just wanted you to please stop.
I have no idea about those two but I'm Starke on the Discord if you wanna confirm this is not an Alt. Also please dont Bid against me lol. I really want this bust.
Seems super sketch, especially since y’all admitted to being friends... now and he said he has two?? @Mac Daddy Slim @Valentina108 Update, they’re MiD, just up bidding @ShiftyShade for max profits.
It was sold below it's value. I had 3, which is none of your business, and if I was upbidding I wouldn't have had her retract her last bid. You're really invested in trying to out me on something that even if true, which it is not, seems really small. I am MiD, which should assure you that I have people to answer to and have no interest in shady business. I already took a loss of profits and skewed the price history over what was initially a minor bidding error that should have been brushed away, now I am I defending myself against some forum fighter whose only motivation is to push their opinion on the politics of UOR guilds. I'm pretty sure that violates the Code of Conduct in this forum. I have gone as far as privately speaking to @ShiftyShade ensuring he does not feel tricked or cheated in anyway and will happily return his money if he does. I'm done replying. @Chris
Make UOR Great Again and sell it to your friend/guildmate in private instead of having them bid it up against two other people that definitely for sure want the item since you have three?? You haven’t lost any profits, that item is timeless!
don’t they have a history of doing this? But on main accounts. 3 new accounts defending each other is suspicious. Imagine if you guys saw the same. I’m not trying to make you guys look bad, I have a very logical argument