Shaira 522/525/95/86 Shairb 521/523/94/113 Shairc 509/524/99/98 Lhaira 514/512/97/94 Lhairb 515/505/90/106 Lhairc 518/498/99/110 Lhaird 501/517/98/103 Lhaire 504/514/97/104 Sold Puremare 500/499/86/95 Sold All of them SB 5k Draga 818/800/105/441 SB 20k Dragb 820/815/103/461 Sb 10 k Those two are accept dragon dye 24 hour Discord: kZm#4923 Cheers
I think I had to mention it earlier but since I kept SB low as 5k really want to minimum BI 25k atleast after 100k .Otherwise it's not gonna worth. I'm sorry this is my first auction don't wanna be a d...