For those of us who live in squalor, for those who have invested tens of gold in decoration, for we who leave our doors unlocked, daring thieves to share our burden, for those among us who will organize this weekend, or definitely the weekend after that, for the modest few whose corners spawn rats, a challenge:$$$$$$$ Publicly display your shame for big cash prizes! $$$$$$$ What the judges are looking for: A picture is worth a thousand words. Behold--my muse: This helter skelter dumping ground belongs to one of my neighbors. It contains a nice mix of unidentified/unimpressive items, hides both cut and uncut, stacks of potions, empty bottles and a few dozen half-full bags (all of the ones I clicked contained 40 or more items and weighed between hundreds and thousands of stones). What causes this? Is it laziness? Poor organizational skills? Apathy? Or maybe there's a method to the madness? (If you're out there my friend, please submit an entry but refrain from explaining yourself. Closure would only spoil the delicious mystery.) An impressive example, but I believe somewhere out there someone has done better (worse?). I want to see the most shockingly disorganized homes on the server; the ones that leave obsessive organizers and decorators writhing in agony. Other things the judges like: Woeful wastes of real estate, such as un-decorated fortresses with thousands of items packed into stacks of chests that would fit in a 4x4 (THOUSANDS OF ITEMS, NOT EMPTY BUILDINGS) Halfhearted and quickly abandoned attempts at decorating, because decorating is hard (imagine the above picture with a lazy water trough and blue-dyed cotton fixture in the center of all that garbage) Eligibility: Homes entering in the contest must be placed outside of the Dodecagon of Nonadmission (the D.O.N.) indicated in red on the following map: Let's get some zoom on the DON Yeah there we go. The homes inside of the red dodecagon are ineligible for admission. All other homes in the entirety of Britannia are eligible provided said home is: Your main, most functional home (Everyone has a messy shed, I'm looking for people who live in shame) Not deliberately train wrecked for the purpose of winning this contest Three systems are in place for ensuring the sanctity of the contest: The honor system: are you really the kind of person who gets on the internet and lies? The suspicion system: if the judges are reasonably certain your submission is fraudulent, it will be disqualified. The snitch system: if you overhear your guildmate/friend/a random/your husband conspiring to scam the contest, just tell one of the judges. It's fine. Snitching is fine. Duration and prizes: The contest has ended! 1st place: 150k gold and 15 platinum goes to Mes! 2nd place: 100k gold and 5 platinum goes to Animal Control! 3rd place: 50k gold goes to Faber! Thanks to all of the entrants! Special thanks to Faber for contributing to the prize pool. Extra special thanks to Telamon who suffered my merciless badgering for additional prizes.
And generated some laughs on my side too. I might even join the competition, as my main vault looks appropriate.
Really? I have a shithole house for over a year, clean it up last night, and NOW you have this contest? Tsk tsk. My place was a genuine, liveable, trash can.
Quote: Your main, most functional home (Everyone has a messy shed, I'm looking for people who live in shame)
I love this idea. I would also like to contribute 100k to the prize pool. I'll submit a pic tonight. My fortress is gnarly disorganized.
Is there a method to your madness AC and Mes or you just dump loot until it gets out of hand and then wash, rinse, repeat?
Thanks Faber, the prize pool was a little threadbare as I'm saving up for decorations... I'll update to reflect your 100k. Chris also hinted he would whip up some pretty rad prizes so keep those submissions rolling.
These submissions looks like people just unpacked their chests and littered the floor. No one in their right or wrong mind would scatter their leather around like that. Its a haven for rats and other vermin!