A plea for Enhanced Client support

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Alexander DeLarge, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. Alexander DeLarge

    Alexander DeLarge New Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Looked up the topic and the only threads were back in 2014

    As much as I love my nostalgia, Enhanced Client offers some much needed "quality of life" improvements that are quite necessary for those of us with higher end hardware. I know, overkill, but I only have one ultrawide 3440x1440 monitor and it's nearly unplayable with the older clients, so it allows the niche of us to enjoy our favorite game in a reasonable way. Right now, my predicament is fairly obscure to be honest but going forward, higher resolutions are only going to get more and more popular and the popular UO shards will have to adapt, even 2560x1440 is relatively difficult to work with in Razor/Sallos/Steam. Not to mention the artstyle is much improved so it's easier on the eyes for newcomers and the improved interface makes the game a bit more accessible, even for the 1990s veterans returning to the game.

    Rather than waiting until the demand forces your hand, UO:R could lead the pack and get a ton of us waiting around for a populated Enhanced Client supported shard to come around. Hell, even the die hard fans of other shards would come over for such a unique offering. I don't have the technical knowledge of running UO shards to understand how feasible this is, but I do know that there are smaller servers out there that support both legacy and enhanced clients, surely some hackery involved, but it would be a very appreciated addition to your fantastic shard.
  2. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    I hate the "enhanced" artwork and it certainly isn't true to the Era. That having been said, it would be possible to adapt the enhanced client to the old graphics and modify the server to support it if someone would want to undertake that. However, given the time it would take...I doubt this will be a priority in the short term.
  3. Alexander DeLarge

    Alexander DeLarge New Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Just having the option for the graphical elements (it's practically a necessity monitors above 1080p resolutions due to technical limitations). Personally, I enjoy both art styles for what they are. Classic is reminiscent of Ultima 7 while Enhanced resembles an Infinity Engine title like Baldur's Gate/NWN with the signature Ultima look and feel. The user friendly/quality of life improvements would be an absolute godsend for any larger population server.

    After doing a fair bit of research, the only arguments I can find against the Enhanced Client throughout the shard community are some minor bugs and nostalgia, which isn't even a problem considering it'd be optional as it is on every other server that offers it.

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