Hi guys, I'm not a UO numbers guy, although I get it to a certain agree. I'm a bit confused about magic weapon stats and how they turn into damage. For example, let's say a halberd is 15 dps. How would you add on a modifier like might, and then add on a slayer bonus. (15 + (3might)) *2?
It's a dice roll really, so say a halberd does 3d5 it'd look like (3d5+3)2. If what you're asking is "are damage modifiers resolved before slayer bonuses?" I believe they are.
correct. Let's say you have a weapon with 2d10 damage. This means it can dish out a damage from 2 - 20! I'm just curious on the adds, because most weapons already have a +damage roll attached to it... like battle axe damage is 2d17+4! Would it be ((2d17+4)+9)*2 for a vanquish slayer weapon hitting a mob wich is vulberable to the slayer type?
Here is another question I always wondered with this topic...where do you add in all the other modifiers from skills/stats...ie anatomy bonus, lj bonus, and what about your str modifier?? Are these all done after the rolls are complete for the weapon? And in what order??
Because knowledge is power! GEEEEE EEEEEYE JOE! Maybe @Dalavar could weigh in with his numbers magic. (Also curious)
Order matters because you're mixing multipliers (STR, Anat, Tactics, Slayer) with additions (Lumberjacking, Vanquishing, Exceptional). As for the exact order of operations, I think @Bogugh has a post somewhere in the forum that perfectly outlines the process for determining damage. There's some non-standard stuff in there so it's unfortunately not something I'm well versed in.
I started a discussion once, and you can find it here: http://uorforum.com/threads/how-does-weapon-damage-calculation-work.10444/ I am not sure, if the formula is right, but the topic ended at this point: ((((base)*tactics))+magical modifier)))+LJ bonus)))) * 2 (times 2 for slayer)