Multiple people are always complaining that I don't give my things away in interesting enough ways... The last thing on my list of things to give away is a fort in the swamps; how should I go about it?
Don't drop it, it'll just turn into a bunch of smalls and inevitably back into the hands of the 1%. Give it to someone new or hold some sort of community contest that's relevant to Ultima Online or UOR, not a music contest. Something simple like a scavenger hunt, maybe a pvp contest, or a hide-n-kill type game. You're hellbent on giving your items away, I challenge you to force people to interact in game in order to win a massive prize. Here's an idea you'd probably like. Make the fort public, disable the CY, and clear your friends list. The contest starts and ends at a specific time. The team who defends and holds the fortress from others wins. Make some simple rules and let the blood flow.
Yea thats a winner right there. I think it cuts out ALOT of people who dont have video editing skills...but.....thats a definite 100% winner IMO.
Don't get me wrong... I love UOR... But the music contest is relevant to ME... and I reign supreme. With all of that said: I'm obviously here looking for a different way to approach the fort for a reason ALSO: Did you hear what happened last time I gave a fort to a new player? ... shit got ugly quick.
Thats clearly photoshopped.... you can tell there is some aliasing in the clouds in the background. Pssh...
You have given away a fort before? AND it got ugly? How? I think im very obviously playing this game wrong if there are people like you giving away forts. Not even 1 fort but fortS......
People buy Sandles for 10+ million and completely pointless house deco and other clothing for multi millions. People treasure the pixels they earn because it gives them a prize for the time they've put into the game. Mindless doesn't care about the pixels. He plays to play and gets a kick out of making people excited over the stuff that he's lost interest in. The guy lives out of a villa lol. So you're not playing the game wrong! Just give away the first fortress you earn and you can be just as baller.
I dont think I could ever accumulate enough wealth to give away items like a fort, or the items in any of his giveaway threads. My only point was if someone else can, then they are more efficient/more knowledgeable/etc than I am. By.....a fairly large margin from what I can gather. The amount of wealth on this server is simply mind boggling and staggering honestly. Not unexpected considering the servers longevity, popularity, and loyalty but still literally mind boggling esp when you look at the trade forums and see how much things sell for!
This would go a HUGE way in helping grow the server. We could just link the video and spread it around. Would make it easier to just purchase ad space and just submit the video for streaming. Maybe a fort for first place, with gold for 2nd and 3rd place! Mindless this is your answer!
Interesting Way To Giveaway a Fort? 1. Meet with Blackeye in front of fort. 2. Trade him the fort. 3. Get it back in up to X months for free. Afterwards I will install a UO:R museum inside. (-_-)
I don't really know you all that well but, I think you're the "into the community for the greater good" type? If so, have fun with that fort and become a slum lord and "rent" out the 8 rooms. If it's in a swamp as you say, what a great location for... "Low income housing" for the [young, +1 for those that get this reference
In keeping with the spirit and festivities of Halloween, I suggest giving it to someone with "boo" in their name. jk, I really like that promotional video idea.