
Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by One, Oct 24, 2015.

What, if anything, should be done to reduce murder on this server?

  1. Prohibit criminal aggressors from using gates.

    18 vote(s)
  2. Implement holy light scrolls.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Allow characters with forensic evaluation to track PKs all over the map.

    12 vote(s)
  4. Make red characters vulnerable to slayers.

    6 vote(s)
  5. Increase stat-loss

    16 vote(s)
  6. Make mercenaries NPCs considerably stronger and unhireable by red characters.

    6 vote(s)
  7. Don't change anything I love PKs and I think this would be a better server if we had more of them.

    48 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Bogugh

    Bogugh Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Maximum Barthurt achieved!
  2. Eugen

    Eugen Active Member

    Apr 11, 2014
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    I'm ok with doubling the time it takes for a count to burn off, if there never is the risk of stat loss then in my mind that's not even pking.

    Unrelated to the pk situation itself but rather the dungeon situation as a whole, I think that if anything there needs to be more of an incentive to hunt in dungeons or non-instanced content, the gp/p rate per hour ought to be at least on a somewhat similar level compared to almost 100% safe semi-afk fishing, house mining, running instances et cetera.

    I also really like PFR's suggestions!
    Kane and One like this.
  3. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    PvMers would still largely choose the safer/easier tasks, for the same reason that PKs largely don't take to the water. The difficulty of tracking down, killing, and looting players on boats is much greater than the difficulty of fishing. The difficulty of hunting in dungeons in relative safety or peace is much greater than that of recalling around looking for a party to shit up.
    One likes this.
  4. Attila

    Attila Active Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  5. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    I don't know the truth about the alt-having hypocrisy side of all this (and I don't care either) but this is plain truth. The source is irrelevant.
  6. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Blaise has a red and has run with you guys before, though.
    Like we're always accused of, you guys run a pack of characters with same names and random names and it is impossible to know who is who. The group that you associate with - the TB/O^S guys - absolutely did raid a champ spawn and you guys dry looted and ressed pets and the people you killed left the scene saying "this is bullshit, I'll never spawn again".
    Since you guys make an effort to obscure your identities, yes, I will sometimes get them wrong. Sorry if you're not personally involved, but I know that Bart was definitely one of the lilililis in that pack that descended on those spawners. I know that even if you don't (which I have no way to know) the group that you associate with kills newbies and dry loots with quite a bit more zeal than we do.
    There is no doubt that people attempt to obscure who they are though - just look at your lililililis. Or CoM's attempts to rename their PK guild to T-T to fool people into thinking that they're us.

    If you guys are really offended about mistake I make in naming who is who, feel free to lay it out on the table and point me to the people that are doing the shitting on newbies. I will personally answer any questions about my reds and my habits while I'm playing them.

    By the way, I don't have an ancient hate boner for bart. I just think he's a shady dude and a liar, and there's nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. I have no real hatred for him though.
  7. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
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  8. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    I'm not a shady dude or a liar. That is a complete farce. Stop throwing my name around like that. These personal attacks are filled with your conspiracy theroy logic and are a waste of time.

    I have met several players on this server in real life including @LanDarr @Blaise @DrSassy @Gideon Jura @amfeKk @Joshius @weaseltamer and I am 100% sure all would attest to me being a wholesome good person. Hell, I even invited SL/TT to our last real life meet up. Thanks for showing up...

    The invite is still out there for our next meet up btw. uorVegas 2016. Cya there @napo
    DrSassy, Gideon Jura and Pax Romain like this.
  9. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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  10. Pax Romain

    Pax Romain Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Blaise has a red with 18 long term counts that he barely plays. Here is the character's page with public logs: http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/pvp/6840 . He had nothing to do with the thread topic, and it is completely dishonest to say he is out there "shitting on newbs" and you know it. You made an absurd accusation in bad faith and stated it as if it were a fact. I don't think you ever for a moment believed Blaise was out there on some newb-killing rampage. Your modus operandi is to sling mud at staff or players you dislike and then leave the clean-up to others.
    This is exactly what I mean by your hypocritical ethics. They PK'd a "newb" who was triple boxing a champ spawn, who is member of a large guild they have beef with, and that is (or was) allied with TT. TT has done similar things to others under the same justification, including raiding champ spawns. Your guild released nearly 20 dragons or so on people at a public harrower right before it dropped. Your guild consistently sabotages public resist sessions and other player events. I don't even know what the justification for that is -- for the lulz I guess. You can play however you want, but don't pretend TT is a convent of nuns.
    Let me be more clear: I don't have a ililil character. I have a single red character. Everyone in your guild knows who my PK is, except for you apparently.
    Blaise, DrSassy, Iago and 1 other person like this.
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Thanks for spelling it out for them Pax. Not sure it's worth the effort, but I appreciate it. For what it's worth, I have also rolled my single red WITH TT when I used to roll with those guys. They know how prolific my murdering is. Granted, this was when Glenn Quagmire was my sole murderer character. I burned his 40 long counts and made some platinum for doing it. Now Quentin, on the same account, is my only red and I only kill for lols and very rarely at that. Mostly IDOC shenanigans of which I think the last one I was at was a villa or L shape west of wrong, the day that Mindless died twice right next to himself and both corpses landed the same way (that was hilarious).

    Despite bart having been murdering people longer than anyone active on this shard ever, he is an honest person. He may not always be on the straight and narrow in game but HE PLAYS A MURDERER. Can't rightly expect in game actions to always be virtuous when one's primary enjoyment comes from evil. I'd still trust him and most of the folks he listed there in my actual home in real life, as I already have with him. He's a life saving, dinner making, dog walking brother who would throw down on a moment's notice for me or my family RL. 0 fucks given about whose tames he killed or spawns he raided, ever.

    Oh right, the topic:

    Don't change anything, murderers are just fine. If anything, make them only susceptible to a single firebreath per minute, regardless of the number targeting them. Eat shit.
    bart simpson likes this.
  12. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    The other night in Skara, Team Trammel came rolling in. I was on my dexxer and tried hitting recall only to realize my macro was busted so I ran from them through the city til they found me and killed me. They then proceeded to rez me and give me a halloween bag of goodies. Was quite the interesting pk experience haha. :cool:
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yeah, I've been enjoying their screenshots and tales of beat and treat. :)
    Mes likes this.
  14. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    ah man beat and treat

    wish i had thought of that

    Guess we'll just have to steal it like we did sleuthlords
    Blaise and Kane like this.
  15. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I don't have the time to read and reply to everything but I'd like to respond to some things:

    The part about pking a 'newb' triple boxing at a champ spawn. This is what I thought was shitty - we made friends with the UO guild just because there are so many people polarized against us from two years of rhetoric from faction enemies. We got along pretty well but they were harassed by your group to end the friendship or they'd be pked/griefed/ran off the server. They caved to this pressure to assuage your group and formally renounced our friendship. We understood and it ended on amicable terms.

    Their expectation was the O^S idoc group and TB/CoM people would stop harassing them or let them pve in peace. So after some month of not spawning one guy tried again and was immediately steam rolled. Which is perfectly legal - I just think hectoring them into it just to attack them anyways and still say you have beef with them is pretty pathetic.

    As far as TT and nuns -

    We do pk differently than you do. (by you I mean you, amfekk, bart, and your friends)

    As a policy we res people up and save their pets and leave their loot. You won't see TT people on the forums saying they have to kill pets to get to loot or kill pets because tamers are too powerful. We can't blame the players for the mechanics and it wouldn't make sense to punish them for it either (that's sociopathic if you ask me.)

    Faction enemies excluded of course. But even in this case we often take it easy on them if they are pve'ing and res them and included them in our trick or treat event (knowing full well they'd never admit to as much because they hate us too bitterly.)

    We've had this policy from the moment we became larger than a 3man pk team and it felt right to have more of a social conscience. There was a time when our actions could have been associated with A^T and other non pvp guilds and we also did not want to implicate them in cutthroat pking habits. You know, we've never made any attempt to cloak our pking under secret or indistinguishable names.

    And yes we've gotten our hands plenty dirty along the way. And there were plenty of people still got looted or felt wronged.

    So I know you guys keep a little list of talking points in your pocket when this subject comes up so I'll address that too:

    Resist events hosted by enemy guilds did get bombed and a harrower hosted by an enemy guild had dragons released on it. But who honestly suffered or lost in these situations? A resist event is a way to cheese easy resist gains and it's done afk on naked characters. It's not that I'm morally opposed to resist sessions or feel we were enacting some justice by bombing them. But it wasn't some gross act of griefing as you're trying to suggest. It was naked afk people dying and losing nothing but potential skill gains. In the case of the harrower we were trying ideas for whether it would ever be possible/feasible to take over a harrower on the server. It didn't come close to working.

    And let's not pretend that TT is running rampant exercising the full extent of our pking ability. You'd be insane to think we're trying to ruin anything. We could have- can still - bomb every single resist session. We could have shut down every one of them in the past. We could pk everyone out of the dungeons every evening until the early morning hours. You have no clue the amount of events we could have shut down. But it's not our MO and never has been - despite guys like you trying to convince people it is.

    And the restraint we exercise and the playstyle we choose is not for popularity or public opinion. We don't want to be trash talking cheeseballs that die with our mouths open every fight. Our values/policies are not for the community to hold us to but ourselves instead.

    And our place here is as second class citizens- it's a weekly situation to be threatened with bans or invited to leave the server. Rules are made up on the spot to threaten us and we are punished and coached based fully on hearsay at times - because staff reacts to volume of complaints from poor sports. Complaining to staff is not our style. Bart spent hours today talking trash unmoderated in #renaissance about SL. Every bit of it was hogwash. If I made any attempt to respond I would have immediately been moderated. This is a daily occurrence from faction enemies as you surely know.

    While we're called the server bad guys this isn't a reputation we wanted or tried to embrace. What we set out to be was a faction war machine - what happened from there was two years of building bitterness and constant wailing from crushed enemies. Any day of the week you can get any volume of opinion about us from faction enemies on irc, the forums, or voip echo chambers. And you'll sit in there while everyone in the room is saying SL is so bad and all they can do is zerg even though you've fought me 1v1 and lost and you've watched us win innumerable battles. Nearly every successful pvp or pk template or strategy was created by us. We were the first tracking/stun pks and we were the first players to abandon dexers and hallymages for stun/scribes and fencing tanks.

    But we're not bullies. And we're not griefers (i dislike this word, but it fits this context.) We don't target new players or roleplayers or nonpvpers and we don't get off on harassing these players in irc when they get pked. You may recall a few months ago it was a regular occurrence for several lilililili reds to kill a new player and then the players behind the characters would heckle them out of IRC when they complained. (thankfully this doesn't seem to happen anymore.) Bart built his reputation prior to your time here by stacking runebooks on top of the google tower and gating ghosts to the little islands until staff had to put teleporters on them. When bounties came out he would res kill them demanding they place a high bounty if they wanted to be left alone. Yes bart's got a great nice guy act and I truly believe he's a good friend to his good friends. But by comparison to this playstyle we are a convent of nuns.

    I know you can't accept or believe anything I just said. And I know that Blaise will show up and say things like it was his idea for us to pk in a nicer fashion (it absolutely was not but he did support it once we told him about it.) Or he and other people will crank out their list of grievances and make the usual accusations. But I swear that these statements are the truth and this is who we are as a team and guild.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    Oatmeal, Xegugg, willie and 2 others like this.
  16. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    I got a chuckle out of this. Tracking stun mages are nothing new and haven't been for over a decade. Tell me more about your amazing creations.
  17. The Musician

    The Musician Well-Known Member
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    Mar 29, 2014
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    When I first started here I joined up with the original PWN and you guys (TT) constantly raided. I was not in factions nor part of any pvp group but was constantly dropped. Time went on and was still learning the pvp mechanics here and constantly got killed at champ spawns and I believe you recorded the Ice T2A video back then. As Napo said don't get mad get even. But I respect TT - y'all are a good team - and honestly I will try to grief you guys any which way I can till I either get banned/warned/ or it starts to hurt others on their fun.

    One likes this.
  18. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    But you are a shady dude and a liar.
    My first experiences with you here were a chain of "fights" where you pretended to set up a 2v2 and then showed up with 3-4 dudes.
    Then I watched you go on a house killing spree with google that is responsible for most of the anti-house killing rules here.
    I watched you use pve guild channels to stalk people and PK them, and watched you get kicked out of A^T for this.
    I've seen the trail of sucked-dry quit players that you've left in your wake, too.

    Hate boner? No, I don't have a hate boner for you. I've just been around long enough to observe your behavior for a little while. Telamon likes to tell us about how our reputations are based on our actions, and in this case my opinion of you is a definite example of this. I think you're shady because you've done an immense amount of shady shit, and I can't even think of the last time I saw you saying something truthful.

    And for the record - neither I nor Mes blocked your attempt to get into TT. We both said that we didn't really care. It was people who know you better than we do that said they would leave the group if you were allowed in.
  19. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    They were new on this server.
    Pork Fried Rice likes this.
  20. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    100% a war we tried to prevent that your guild started
    even then we could have easily snuffed PwN out all along - and chose not to

    I would be happy to explain this history to you if you actually cared.

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