
Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by One, Oct 24, 2015.

What, if anything, should be done to reduce murder on this server?

  1. Prohibit criminal aggressors from using gates.

    18 vote(s)
  2. Implement holy light scrolls.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Allow characters with forensic evaluation to track PKs all over the map.

    12 vote(s)
  4. Make red characters vulnerable to slayers.

    6 vote(s)
  5. Increase stat-loss

    16 vote(s)
  6. Make mercenaries NPCs considerably stronger and unhireable by red characters.

    6 vote(s)
  7. Don't change anything I love PKs and I think this would be a better server if we had more of them.

    48 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    :mad: *vehemently shakes fist*
  2. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Well, I'm just not equipped to respond to any of this satan stuff but I would like to clarify some things about UO:

    I did not know [UO] did idocs prior to agreeing to an alliance. I have almost no knowledge of UOSA and did not know they were from UOSA until long after we had agreed to work together.

    If they agreed to work with us because they wanted our help with IDOCS they didn't say this at the time. All we knew was they were a new pve guild trying to do champ spawns.

    When they brought up being pked by your IDOC group I said sure we'd be glad to come defend some IDOCs and had a discussion with my guildmates that we'd be just helping because they're friends and not collecting loot. The first time we showed up they were told that they had really fucked up by asking the SL factioners to come defend them against the O^S reds. I always thought that was odd...they were just supposed to die I guess?
    Punt, willie, Xegugg and 1 other person like this.
  3. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    You're right. What Lightshade wrote has been said countless times before, to no effect. What you wrote has also. Even what I'm writing now is old hat. You could sum it up by saying that Felucca (and especially a server as rich with content as UOR) has aspects that appeal to all types of players, including peaceful ones. For peaceful players the appeals are tantamount to bait, whether that was the original intent or not. It's like setting the best buffet table ever inside the best arcade ever inside a maximum security prison and then inviting the general public in. When they come to the conclusion that they won't be able to enjoy any of the delights for all the ass-raping going on, they leave. The convicts never tire of it though, thus your last statement (whch is essentially the same thing I said in the other thread but PFR "didn't buy"). You can make the argument that they knew what they were getting into. You can say that they should band together, or go play in Trammel, or a multitude of other things. Saying PvMers should start fighting back is as good as saying PKs should stop murdering, but that's beside the point. None of it is relevant in the face of the fact that the same scenario keeps playing out over and over again despite what anyone thinks should happen. Anything that does not actually resolve the dilemma is wasted breath and, unresolved, the outcome of the dilemma is always the same. At that point everyone loses, and the loser with the best excuse or finger to point is still not a winner.

    You're right. Some people don't want to PvP. But there is no way to force a PvPer to play the PvM game, and there is no way to stop a PvPer from forcing a PvMer into their game. Whether it's fight, run, or die, your immediate future and your actions in-game have been dictated by another player.

    There are rules and content here on UOR that address the issue. Are they enough though? If not, what is a real working solution?
    One likes this.
  4. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
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    Feb 16, 2014
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    I am a die-hard lover of Fel. UO did nothing "wrong". And I said as much to Dyne that I don't blame them at all; dragon zergs and SL PVPing for them were their only options. If they had others, I am sure they would have taken them. All I am saying and all I have EVER been saying is that, like life, every choice we make has consequences.

    When I signed up with PwN and later OS, I inherited their enemies. Namely, you and your guild. At the time, I did not PVP or idoc and did nothing to you or anyone in your guild, but I became your enemy because of the tags above my name. The only difference is I never cried about it. This game is boring without enemies.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    No one is forced into any game. If you didn't come here hoping for and expecting to be PKed, you didn't do your home work on the kind of shard it is supposed to be according to the founding statements and admins. I won't play where I can't be PKed. I know I have fun in the events and safe games but that's just an aside that is fun for a kick. It doesn't get my blood pumping like risk in the field, or at least not in the same ways.

    I actually went out last night and fought murderers in a town invasion until their numbers doubled then I ran Mes and someone else all the way to Brit pass from Skara (hint, if it goes past 10 screens, don't bother chasing unless you're gaining ground. I'm not stopping for your stun punches).

    After that, I packed up my blue and dragged out my red and slayed couple folks and got myself killed (or killed myself according to my buddies at the time).

    That was a healthy and happy Feluccan evening as far as I'm concerned. Hope everyone else had a good time too.
    TrojanCow and Pork Fried Rice like this.
  6. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    If you were the archer that went grey while attacking the queen of the damned, that was me chasing you, not mes.

    As far as how far to chase someone, you always keep going as long as you are staying on screen with them. They usually will fuck up somewhere and get stuck or hung up on something.

    I've killed loads of people like this. Hell, just two nights ago we chased amfekk out of skara to the hedge maze where he started teleporting around and surprise surprise, he fucked up and I got him stunned and we killed him. Then less than an hour later we chased Bart all the way to Brit pass from skara and he finally got stuck on a tree, got stunned and died.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
  7. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    There's nothing wrong with all that. In fact, it's not hard to make a hell of an argument for why everyone playing here should feel the same way. But, like I said before, "should" has nothing to do with it. This server - hell, anywhere - would be a paradise if everyone saw things the exact same way. It wouldn't even matter whose way it was. We'd just all be in agreement and happy as larks. Unfortunately, that's not how it goes in reality. And I know you've been around the block and know better than to think UOR can just disregard everyone who feels differently. If every player who doesn't enjoy the game for the same reasons you do quit tomorrow, the place would be up shit's creek.
  8. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    Organization. It works. I've done it. I've recounted stories of it. It does have an effect regardless of opinions. Actions prove this. If you refuse to change anything about your habits, the PKs are not the problem.

    If you think that you should be able to go out and farm and opt out of fighting back on a Feluccan server, then YOU are the problem.....not the PKs.
  9. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  10. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    I find it ironic that in one paragraph you say that the real issue here is the toxic hate (this is correct) and then you go on to say that it is us and not anyone else that is the problem and that we should be removed for the sake of the server.

    Don't you think that this sort of thinking is the real cancer?
    The issue is that around here people are unable to forgive, and they're unable to pvp and not take it personally. I don't believe that TT has done anything particularly unusual for a pvp guild to do, I think any guild you find here or on another server would be similar - and yet you seem to think that everything is our fault and we're exclusively to blame. It's just pure zealotry, which is one of the issues this server has. Tribalism is a huge problem here.
    Mes likes this.
  11. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    I just don't agree that there is a problem with pks.

    The last time I bothered to really dig into the problem of rampant pking...I found out that it was pure ignorance on the tamers part.

    1. No trapped pouches...not even 1.
    2. No potions.
    3. No recall/gate macro.
    4. Never used an alt.
    Essentially, they did nothing to protect themselves, kept doing the same thing over and over, and expected the rest of the world to change for them. Yet they screamed to high heaven about the pk problem...when the problem was very much one of their own making.

    Now that tamer has a few tricks up their sleeves and hardly ever gets killed. The spot they were farming in had a door with Line of sight blocking. All it took was a few crates axed in front of the door that tripped up the gank and let him gate away.

    The number of times I've been killed on this server is 12 or less and that counts me going out and fighting when I had no real chance of winning.

    There is not a PK problem.
  12. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    skratt likes this.
  13. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    I suppose someone inevitably had to keep the rhetoric going. To reiterate:

    I don't know what's difficult to understand about those words but let me try and phrase it another way. If we lend any credibility to Lightshade's narrow view of things, then we've as good as said that there has never been a PK problem in the history of the game. The "fault" has always belonged exclusively to the victims who either couldn't or wouldn't get good. You can continue to stubbornly cling to that rationale if you want to, LS, but I imagine that it's small comfort to those who can only visit their favorite server's website on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine now.
    One likes this.
  14. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    Being unprepared is rarely someone elses fault. People need to take ownership of their own shortcomings and improve themselves....not blame someone else.


    *hands out plastic participation trophies for everyone*
    Blaise likes this.
  15. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    It takes a stat loss PK 15 hours (900 minutes) to 24 hours (1440 minutes) to get back into "PKable conditions" but over 36 hours to fully recover (mainly due to skill delay timers). Mind you, it also takes 3 accounts at once to retrain at this rapid pace (1 healbot, 1 MS bot, 1 PK/retraining)

    It takes a non-PK about 10 minutes to recover from death, some do it instantly via sacrifice virtue.

    Let's look at the basic "15 hours" which is probably not the case for most stat loss murderers but since I know it's possible for myself to "ready enough" (not fully recooped)

    10 minutes vs 900 minutes

  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I was on Blaise, he's a fencer. Maybe I should re-phrase, if you're chasing me, it's best not to bother past ten screens. Bart sucks at UO, that's why he got stuck. I used to make Sandro mad because I'd run from him 1v1 even. lol

    I run well and if I get a screen on you, it's almost always not going to work out in your favor. :) Malice taught me GM running on SA. hahahah I also don't teleport in a chase, nearly ever, unless I'm the one chasing. I know these lands well and I'm pretty confident in my ability to flee like bandit.
    Pork Fried Rice likes this.
  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I disagree, but it's easy because I enjoy it for many many reasons. If everyone who never wanted to be PKed outside of town quit, I don't think the landscape would change all that much.
  18. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    I'm certain that's true but it's almost always more about the frequency and style than the act itself, as everyone knows. I'm not invested enough to have a reason to continue debating the issue though, so I'll leave it alone.
  19. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  20. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    I would agree in certain cases for group pks, since they have less risks to take and also a group to macro back up again.

    Pork stated that hes using 3 accounts to recover as fast as possible, its also written somewhere in his guide.
    That would make effective 45 Hours out of it for example, and even then hes not even fully back at 7x GM.

    I think its fair to say that this is a long time for propably just one mistake he has to make.
    So overall there is no point in complaining about well organized solo pks i believe.
    Pork Fried Rice likes this.

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