Who are you and what do you do here?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Blaise, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Hail all, and welcome to the Intro thread. I just wanted to kick off a thread for us all to share some info about ourselves and get to know on another. Take example from what I post, or make up your own, or fabricate some shit, I don't care. Just wanna get an idea of who we are and where we came from.

    Real name, IRC and Main Char name are Blaise.
    I played OSI on Atlantic and Pacific as a Swordsman Tailor and a Miner/Blacksmith. I never really got into it like I have in freeshards, but I'm a long time Ultima fan, having started with Ultima VII (Greatest RPG ever).

    I'm mostly a PvM nerd and just love partying with a group of friends for good times and bad. Occasionally I avoid the masses and hide in my corner of the world crafting or harvesting resources, but I'm a social bug and love to be in the party. I love murderers for the 'fear factor' they bring to the game. I rarely ever murder, and PvP is something I try to prepare for, not something I often seek out. However, my guildmates and I do tend to form red-hunting parties every now and then. ;)

    I played around with Sphere years ago but never got hardcore about it. I started on UOSA in Feb 2011 and played pretty heavy until about a month ago. I'm happy to have a small tower to kick around in again and, well, you can see most of my favorite things about UO:R in the UO:R Love Thread.

    I am 1/3 of leadership in the Adventure Time guild, along with Desdemona and Les Claypool. We will have two alt guilds, one for crafting and another for Factions, in the long run.

    Anyway, if there's a tidbit I've left out, I'll add it, but I look forward to many many moons with all of you in this era.
  2. Lemley

    Lemley New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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  3. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    Cool thread. Real name's Joe. Don't really have a main yet, just a bunch of untrained scrubs. :) I played on Atlantic through almost the entire year of 1999. I've tried out maybe 30 free servers since then; including Renaissance I've only played for longer than a week on four of them. My wife Tracie also plays so it's an 'us' thing but she takes it a lot more lightly than I do. My fascination with the game started on Ultima IV - 5.25 floppy for the Apple II, which I never beat.

    I mostly PvM, craft, help people out, sell on forums and vendors and talk. My wife mostly decorate our houses and her characters and harvests resources. Never been in the UO real estate business or owned so much that I felt bored. I enjoy playing a thief for the challenge. I've only ever PKed on a role-played character or with tinker traps. I could use some lessons in advanced PvP.

    That's my story in a nutshell. I'm looking forward to meeting the players of Renaissance and helping out here and in-game such as I'm able.
  4. Tyrese Jackson

    Tyrese Jackson New Member

    Aug 23, 2012
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    Name is Tyrese Jackson in game IRc and ventrillo (no mic just like to listen in on the action). I played OSI on PAcific from March of 98 till around summer of 01. The free shards I've played on are Metro for about 6 months (near the end of its life), Hybrid for 7 days, and UOSA from July of 08 till the present time.

    Im not much of a pvper being that i kinda suck at it. I enjoy playing a thieves, bards and crafters. I really get into the merchant/crafting side of UO which is what i plan to spend most my time doing here.

    Im well known as an avid banksitter. I like to sit where all the action is talking to people, helping newbs and well sometimes stealing from people if I feel its justified. :twisted:

    Hope to have a long life here on Ren and look forward to watching this place grow (as I did UOSA) for years to come.
  5. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    Not sure you guys want to here my long UO story, but I'll try and sum some things up. My Ultima experience started with Ultima 1-3 (was also an avid Wizardry fan at this time) on the giant floppy disks. When I got my NES I also bought the two Ultima games made for it. The purple and blue boxed ones... forget the names, but yes I still have them, and yes I still have the boxes. I started UO in 98 on Atlantic, people probably wouldn't know the name. After about a year I switched to Baja as GOT NUKES and Raistlin [UTB]. Never been much for pvp, but I was an avid tamer/crafter. Now I spend most of my time RPing. As I'm sure many of you have seen, I like to write little snipits and character stories. Always willing to share my knowledge as well when I'm available. My 50-90 hour workweeks cut into UO, but I try my best!

    Hope to see you all in game.
  6. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 14, 2012
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    i keeel u!
  7. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 25, 2012
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    My name is Steve, aka ShadowJack, or Jack of Shadows. I first played Quest of the Avatar on NES, (never beat it thanks to the skull of Mondain) then when I was a freshman in college in 97 my love of UO caused me to fail my first semester of classes (who needs sleep, right?) I played Atlantic and Cats until Pub 16 that put in item insurance and skill scrolls, ruining the game and turning it into an item based pile of fly covered turd. I am a gm taste id'er and Herder, and I can be found in the Buc's Den caves hiding like a hermit from the rest of the real virtual world.
  8. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Im Zyler. Played on OSI Chesapeake 98-00 and saw the exodus of friends to EQ. Started PvM, then to RP, then did rares, and lastly RP PKing. Was semi-involved in dynamic RP town of PaxLair that apparently still exists. Ive played on T2A Dec 11 to present and was able to quickly rise due to friends help. There are so many things/skills to do on UO I decided to explore lockpicking, then bard on T2A which has been a cool route. Played Zork, Wizardry 1-3 (Welcome to the Proving Grounds of the Mad Overloard, Gharik) , and a host of other RPish solo games on Apple II+ back in the day... not to mention pong, atari, etc when I was young.

    On UO, I usually solo but enjoy interaction and playing with others. Im still trying to figure out my path on UOR. Not sure what Im going to do yet character wise which is one of the draws of this game... you can do a host of things including build boats apparently. I also am interested in the gardening option I saw posted. I also like the excitement reds bring to the game and am excited to start anew, fresh... no resources. This server has alot of potential and have liked what Ive read so far on direction (char names for example).
  9. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hail and well met:

    I'm a peaceful sort of person, not a big pvp type. Do love to roam the land, visit with new friends, do dungeon hunts and quests.
    I have played on so many different shards over the years, really can't name them all. Some of the main ones were Lake Superior, Sonoma,
    Napa, Pacific. Ocianic (sp) and a Korean shard I can't recall name.
    One of the reasons I played so many shards, was/is my fascination with meeting people from all over the world and (back in the day)
    being able to do things with and talk with them in real time.
    Ultima enthralled me from day one. The ability to role play whatever your imagination could create is a major plus. I don't think there
    every was or will be another game like Ultima where one can role play with such zest. I remember speaking with thieves at the bank in Brit, and one would ask me to excuse his rags. Or the Elf folk who would brush a lock of hair behind pointed ear. And the languages, whatever one wanted
    to role play, could create own language.
    I do miss the seers, those sneaky folks who would keep watch on game, and sometimes as you were roaming the world, they would create a surprise. One time a group and I were surrounded by hell hounds. :lol:

    Hope you all enjoy this fantasy world as much as I

    be safe and enjoy

  10. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    <-- Control the farming zones.
  11. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Real (nick)name: Vala, 26 year old male

    IRC/Forums: WiseOne

    Location/Time zone: Toronto, Canada. Eastern Standard Time.

    Main: Yet to be decided (Currently Valentine - Old School warrior [Anatomy Healing Tactics Archery Swordsmanship Magery Resist])

    UO Experience: Playing on UOSA for 2 years and before that I had maybe as much as an hour on live OSI on a friend's brother's account.

    ^^This sums me up quite well, thanks Blaise :D^^

    I am still active on UOSA but I came here because its a new start for everyone, and that appeals to me. I also came here to see how a project dedicated to perfecting UO as opposed to emulating a previous era to mechanical perfection will turn out.

    While I shall probably remain a UO perma-newbie, I am always happy to help others in any capacity I can and will gladly do so for guild mates and strangers alike.

  12. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Hi Folks,

    i am from germany and 38 years old. Puhhh thats really old i think. Ok, i started out with ultima 2-4 on a c64 in the 80's.
    Then discovered uo in 99/00 on my 1st pc and soon got addicted to it. Well, at some point to much addicted and so i deceided to quit to get back a rl again :).
    After a long odyssey through all major mmorpg titles (daoc, wow, aion, and lots more) i realized, that none of them could ever compare to the brilliance of uo. Last year i reactiveted my over 10 year old osi/ea account. A lot have changed meanwhile...too much imho. Uo is some kind of screwd now and to much mainstreamed. So the only thing i got addicted again was the amazing house building tool. I really liked this. But besides that, i did not found my good ole ultima online on the ea/osi servers. This year uo calls again (i am convinced that ultima and uo will always a part of my life) and for the fist time i decided to try a freeshard for the sake of the early uo atmosphere. After testing UOSA i stranded here at Renaissance and hope to have a good time with you guys and girls. So far I have "the right" feeling here :). Lets play uo as its meant to be played.

    Greetings Duffrey
  13. Freakzilla

    Freakzilla Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 28, 2012
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    My name is Chris irl, and Freakzilla in IRC. I am working on a bard (Draconis), and dexer (Freakzilla). On OSI I played on Pacific, and have also played on UOSA. I retired from the military and moved overseas, bought an island irl, and am now broke, so I have plenty of time for UO:R. I am a PVP guy at heart, but with my unreliable connection, I have reserved myself to be a tradesman of sorts. I'm looking forward to meeting some cool people to chill with, and am looking forward to the future of UO:R. One of my main goals is to finally own at least a tower, or bigger perhaps (just one, not 15 of them..lol), as it's something I have always wanted, but never managed to acquire.
  14. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    You own an island? Cool!
  15. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    Uhh... UOR party here? Yeah, it's been decided. I'll bring the gin.
  16. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2012
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    I'll bring the ladies. Place your orders now.

    PS. Ex military as well, getting an island is on my to do list. Soooo.... Putting that beast up for sale anytime soon? :)
  17. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    I'll take a one-legged asian midget. She's the final frontier on my quest of sexual conquest. Thanks in advance buddy.
  18. Freakzilla

    Freakzilla Active Member
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    Aug 28, 2012
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    No, eventually I hope to turn it into a resort...just have to catch up on the fundage. Things here aren't as expensive as one would think though. The PI that is! I could probably come up a midget with one leg!
  19. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Current military stationed in Korea.
    Played back in 99-02 Catskills. IPY a few years ago... not long, it was wiped or something. Then UOSA for a few months, i really wanted a place with factions but other shards had gobs of stupid trash i didnt like. This place looks perfect to start! I have met a few people here in game already. Wulver is my main tamer/bard and melee is Gila Tequila. I dont care what house I get... just so long as im not stuck in a small. :x
  20. Six

    Six Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I got out of the Marines Aug '11. 0317 Sniper! I was stationed in 29 Palms, CA. Played a bunch of free shards over the years, nothing notable for any period of time. I played Atlantic and Siege from launch until AoS came out.

    I love PvP, but I don't see myself getting too into it here, just not enough time. I really want a good shard with awesome people where I can play casually for a few years. Have a few houses, a few friends, and a lot of laughs.

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