Ultima Online: Lost and Found

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by PaddyOBrien, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Fireball

    Fireball Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 15, 2014
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    I started playing a friend's beta account in '97. Bought my own accounts at launch and didn't close my accounts until 2010!

    1997+ Atlantic Toons: Fireball, Purdey, Mallory

    I co-founded our guild Brothers in Honor [BiH] as Fireball with Mahja, Archangel and Gaidal Cain. We were a strong anti-PK guild. We selected people that we found to be trustworthy and efficient and brought them in to fight evil with us. Joining BiH was by invitation only. Mahja had a unique blessed war mace called "Daemon Fist" obtained from the Odin quest which will have been felt by many a PK! Other guild mates included the legendary Thrandarian, Thorac, Grimreaper, Typhon, Lancer, Illuminati, Magus, Balk and Rhea, Zee and Talitha.

    1999-2002 Siege Perilous. Mainly played one of three Fireball toons. A mage a tamer and an archer. Also played lockpicker Renim, thief Pocket and dexer James Bond.

    Other guild members: Fizzle/Lady Kesira, Magus, Sistro Mondain, Nebuchadnezzar, Oliver Holmes, Cypher, Ayn, Sir Heffner, Mia, Balk, Captain Kidd, Ragnar, Kia, Fallen Angel, Jarin Fitch, Nepenthe, Rhea, Kia D'Traeumer

    BiH entered factions as a separate guild "BHG" to protect our crafters, BiH Honor Guard [BHG].

    We suffered the server wipe but in fact this helped us because land was quite scarce and we needed to set up a village for our growing guild. BiH village took up the whole of the grass area North of Trinsic to the swamp and beyond the ruins. No member owned a building themselves. All buildings were owned by Mahja and myself. At one point I had 19 accounts! All gold was donated to the guild coffers each week in order to expand the guild and provide the weapons, armour and resources to fight the PKs, Evil and after the hero/evil era, factions. We served for a time in both Council of Mages and then True Britanians. Every Sunday morning we had a guild meeting at which every member for whom it was a reasonable time was expected to attend. We discussed tactics, alliances and ways of making money.

    We played Siege Perilous until Dark Age of Camelot came out at the end of 2001 and then migrated to that. I sold the guild assets and split the money with the top contributors. I carried on playing Atlantic on and off until 2010 but hated the later expansions.

    Lord Mahja and our allies and enemies created an agreement called initially called The Siege Perilous Declaration of True Honor or "The Trinsic Pact of Honor" which pretty much stamped out random PKing on Siege Perilous to the effect that almost all PvP was consensual. In a place where you relied totally on player merchants, miners and lumberjacks it made little sense for players to PK them. There were plenty of guilds who wanted to fight with or against each other and boy, were the fights huge!

    Here's a screenshot of our guild village - about the size of Skara Brae! :) I sold our castle on eBay to the guildmaster of PK guild JD for $550 who promptly reversed the payment on me! Nice chap :p The other two buildings marked "stolen" were small towers who's owners felt they should keep them and disappeared. Stupid really as small buildings were worthless and they missed out on either their cut of $$ or to keep the building of their choice which they could (and did) sell themselves.

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
    Soulmate and PaddyOBrien like this.
  2. Rorschach

    Rorschach New Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I just joined this shard this week. Listening to the old MIDI music files, especially the Forest one, made me want to play again.
    I started right when UO:R was released and quit after SWG came out for a year. Unlike so many new MMOs where UO players would quit and then come back, SWG made a lot of my closest UO friends leave for good.

    I played Pacific from UO:R through UO:LBR. I founded the guild *EA, which was home of what became the biggest merchant guild in Pacific, located in Malas, the Everyday Angels of Pacific. If you played in 2002/03, it was that white marble city on the road to/from Malas city. That guild had entire families, stay-at-home moms to hardcore players to members of FL as members (FL provided the white scrolls that permanently upped your stats). I had a ton of accounts and a ton of "mains" as I did everything from Factions (fighting with or against OPP, I was the main tamer for Shadowlords for a few months, then in the main ally guild to OPP, nBc for a few months) to doing casual stuff like fishing and treasure hunting. [I never had a treasure hunter toon though, always wanted one. ] I bought a lot of accounts and made the main toons into 7x GMs, and thus was the 2nd owner of some known toons like: 7x crafter in Lady Stainless (Blacksmithy, Magery, Musicianship, Tailoring, Carpentry, Tinkering, Inscription...if I recall); Lord Masoj 7x pvp mage/tamer (2nd owner); and the notorious Snowblind Inc. (2nd owner), 7x dexxer who could barely recall with a scroll, haha. I also was the 2nd owner of the Harkell Harpell account.

    Masoj from time to time would sell kirin at Britain bank...the bright orange horses. Most sold nightmares, I would line up like 13x orange horses in a row.

    I routinely bought accounts or started new ones so that I could get more housing slots on Pacific...13 in all. Then I would take those characters, often 2x to 4x and turn one of them into a 7x GM of some sort. Resist Spells was often a tough one but the faction peeps invented the boat/tamer method.

    I also controlled more than half of the rarest Blacksmith BODs and had more than half of all verite/valorite runic hammers on Pacific...if you or your friend was ever lucky enough to get an exceptional valorite/verite plate armor BOD and sold it, odds are it was to me. If you played Factions during the heyday, I was the one you got a faction-blessed verite weap from...mainly Shadowlords or Minax since much of my faction time was spent in a guild allied with OPP (nBc). (I sucked at PVP, my poor pal Blondie in OPP took multiple axe swings from my by accident because my crappy video card constantly lagged me out. )
    And I loved doing MiBs and often had 50 of them laying around with nets...I had like 4 to 5 fishing vendors stocked at any time selling pillows to paintings. I had a 7x GM Fisherman/Lumberjack to do that.

    And I was one of the first to pioneer cross-shard trading for holiday rewards like bells. I used to love Valentine's day roses and wished I could have played during that time so when the second Christmas bells event rolled around, I had toons on all 13 accounts with 5x toons on every major server. My ICQ contacts list would blow up with like 100 people I would trade with. So you might have met me when xshard trading.

    On Pacific, I used to give runebooks away for free at Britain bank, north, because I was attempting to make a truckload of max charge exceptional ones in order to build a rune library.

    In the end, my *EA Mall and *EA City was my best achievement. You might remember it as two side by side 18x18 houses that were white marble ziggurat-shaped pyramids with many other smaller white marble houses with green marble trim. If you tried to ascend to the top floor of either pyramid, you would fall all the way to the bottom lake, hehe. I used to log in at 3AM to restock rares and find dudes running around the mall trying to figure out why they kept falling 3 floors down.
    It was located on the road from Malas and because the roofs were flat and made up of white marble tile, I was able to spell out * E A (with the E and A on the top level roofs of the 18x18s) and MALL vertically spelled down on a long shaped house so that you could see *EA MALL on your overmap when you walked nearby.

    Right before I quit, I had three large towers in Felucca and was trying to buy a fourth. I was secretly trying to arrange Pacific's largest dueling PvP tournament ever by using four roofs of those towers and offer something crazy like 10m gold to the winner. It was going to promote my *EA mall and guild, the most hardcore guild on Pacific (what's more hardcore than full time merchants? :D )

    I also had a fun time selling my blessed silver halberd of vanquishing to someone IRL who left Siege to play Pacific. We met up in Torrance, CA and he paid me a hundred bucks for it. And then we were friends IRL for a few years after.

    I could literally write a book about all of my crazy UO experiences...I had a lot of best friends in the game...probably the most famous one was Kahnee, the UO Pacific broker...obviously if you PvPed, you knew OPP as well. But there probably wasn't a single famous player on Pacific that I didn't have dealings with either in PvP/Factions or as merchants.

    My favorite memory was the 2v2 PVP tournament. I remember two Shadowlords players won it, one was named Darryl I think. After they both got their white swords, they attacked the GM. When the GM teleported out, they attacked each other! Fun times in UO.
  3. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Pretty impressive! You should scour your ICQ lists and other contacts and bring them here! :cool:
  4. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Welcome Rorscach!

    Lots of pacific players here. I played with TL, FL, ESF, G!B, TBA, /R/.

    Long live UOR!@
    Soulmate likes this.
  5. Rorschach

    Rorschach New Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Thank you!

    amfeKk, was ESF the Earth Serpent's Fang guild? If so, I remember I thought I finally made it in factions when in Shadowlords, I was allowed to know the ESF TeamSound server info and current password!

    As for FL, the 2nd in command was the main vendor coordinator for me in *EA. For a while, FL gave *EA members special "no kill if you declare yourself, then move along* status in Felucca because they were afraid of accidentally killing a Fallen Lord player on their *EA toon, haha. Who ever heard of a major PK guild giving free and safe passage to blues of another guild?

    As for scouring ICQ, none of those people are ever on anymore...there were many times well after I quit UO and disbanded *EA where old members would look me up to tell me how being in *EA was the best time they had in any game.
  6. erlein

    erlein Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Drachenfels - Erlein
    Siege Perilous - Don Nuru (FOB / Friends Of Beasts)
    Angel Island - Erlein / Zoltan / Sharra / a violent hippy / various others... also weaver
    UO:Revived - mainly Pan / Zlota

    .... hi anyone who knows me :)
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
    Zim and PaddyOBrien like this.
  7. erlein

    erlein Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Looking for all my friends :)
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  8. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Your names from angel island sound familiar to me... especially the violent hippy one i think!
  9. erlein

    erlein Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    I used to run the 5x tournaments on Angel Island (most of them anyway!)
  10. Mad Hatcher

    Mad Hatcher Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Great Lakes Server 98-2010

    My first guild was as a member of RK - Royale Knights,
    Fond memories of the guild and its members.

    I went on to helm 3 guilds.

    My first guild was TBB - The Britannic Brotherhood
    I fashioned this guild on RK, mainly a guild to help others and have fun with pvm and pvp. I remember some great fights with DI - Deadly Intentions and MN - Mystic Nomads

    Later, I decided to make a purely PvP guild and changed TBB to BG for Bloodguard.
    great fights with BC (Black Company, VD (Venomous Destruction, but we all knew it really stood for Venereal Diseased), VC - Vietcong and many others.

    At some point many of the members were pushing to become a harrower focused guild. It was then that I decided to change the guild once more, into OE - Omnes Evincemus.
    We had some legendary fights with F! - The Fellowship and BC - The Black Company

    During an 8 month period we did 57 harrowers and the rest of the shard combined did only 4.

    Primary characters I played were Mad Hatcher and Ultra Man. I also played a merchant character named Carpentry Lai, which ran a shop called RKmart. (RK reflecting Royale Knights, the first guild I belonged to.
    Xegugg likes this.
  11. burgle

    burgle Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    If your name is Brian Fowler and you're from Chillicompton OH and and you played UO in 1998-2000 contact me. You or your sidekick, who's sister you married, I wanna say you both worked for an ISP back then. We played together a lot, I was a kid, you guys let me play on your extra DAOC account when you quit UO. We used icq back then lol
    Muhahaha likes this.
  12. Muhahaha

    Muhahaha New Member

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Burgle, I'm not the Brian Fowler you mention, but I am from "Chillicompton OH" born and raised.. Small world to see my small town mentioned on here..
  13. burgle

    burgle Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Nice, there's 2 guys there from 98-2001 that were in their 20's at that time, I was in high school living a couple hours to the northeast, 1.25 hours E-NE of Columbus. Brian married the other guy's sister during the time we played. We played Catskills mainly but bounced around the main ones doing idocs and stuff.

    I remember EQ1 came out and they were talking it up, made big announcement they were quitting UO (just while they were installing for a couple hours). Then 40 mins after they quit UO they were back and I was like, wtf? They uninstalled EQ after 30 mins. I never even bothered to try it.

    Then they quit for DAOC when it came out, and let me play on an extra daoc account one of them subbed. In UO we'd sold some idoc placements on ebay we'd placed together, we split the money. It was a magical time.

    Basically I've played this game off and on ever since 98, played darkfall for a bit but never really bothered with other games beyond UO. Now I'm 32 and work as a game developer in Seattle, never would have happened if I didn't get introduced to UO back in those formative years and always wondered what these guys from chille ended up doing.
    Alice Asteroid and Muhahaha like this.
  14. Banichi

    Banichi New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Hayden - RSB
    Mikar - EO
    Khym - WSB

    Angel Island

  15. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    ^Bump for new players!
  16. Vemp

    Vemp Active Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    On siege and angel island i was in a guild called PAG. Which was a primarily PvM guild that loved to get attacked by numerous PK guilds because of the number events/champs we use to do. Vemp/Barbossa was what I was known by a few. Pretty much every other shard I ran solo dolo.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  17. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I remember those names from Angel Island
  18. Woody III

    Woody III Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Chesapeake from 99 until a little after pub 16.

    Guild - Legion of Doom (LoD)

    Woody III

    I kept in touch with guildies for a while after OSI, started playing on UOG Hybrid for some years. Stopped 8 years ago and came back to find that shard was ruined. I stumbled across this shard and fell in love with UO again.
  19. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    I mainly played Atlantic from a little after launch until the Renaissance era.

    Main character's name was Plutos the Elf.
    Friendly with LoA (Lost Order of Akalabeth) and OES (Order of the Ebon Skull). Hung out at the Serpent's Cross Tavern in Yew.

    Some old friends: Rainman, Dlome, Elric the Red, Lucas, Gargish Dragon ... that's all I can remember at the moment.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  20. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Bump for new players!

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