*Now w/more DOUCHEBAGGERY!* Friday Night Fights #21 (2-12-16 @ 11PM EST)

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Vlar, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    1st Place - Pax Romain
    2nd Place - AdamTwelve
    3rd Place - David (Redding)

    The Citizens and Knights of Stormhold ['S' & -S-] Present:
    Stormhold Fight League: Friday Night Fights #21!
    (2-12-16 @ 11PM EST)

    (screenshot: 2-5-16 , The crowd poses for a screenshot before the main event! David the bare-chested Stormholdian lumberjack vs. the legendary many time champion Pax Romain!)

    Event gates will *most times* be provided by Telamon and if you PM Vlar in IRC travel can be arranged.

    This week's tournament will be (standard 1v1 rules)
    • No combat or stealing outside of the ring
    • Reds(murderers) and blues are both allowed to attend and participate
    • Elimination style TBD (single/double elim) based on time constraints
    • No pots (EXCEPT REFRESH)
    • No wands
    • No hiding/invis
    • No magic weapons/armor (GM gear only)
    • Poisoned weapons are not allowed
    • No looting
    • No field spells
    • No followers (tames, summons, mounts, etc)
    • No precasting before match begins
    • No buffs before match begins (includes stat pots, bless, Magic Reflect and company, fish buffs, etc)
    • All matches are subject to "sudden death" after ten minutes in duration and people are getting sleepy.
    • Stealing during duels is illegal.
    • All combatants are subject to snooping by Stormhold staff
    • As always, I reserve the right to make shit up as I go along.
    Sudden Death:
    • No interruption of fight will occur
    • Referee will signal audience members and staff that sudden death will begin in 60 seconds
    • When 60 seconds has expired and the referee gives a signal the audience and staff are free to cast fire or poison fields into the arena.
    • Combatants are allowed to heal or cure as normal, no rules change. It's just now they're fighting in a pit of fire and poison.
    The prizes for this week are (may change based upon donations):
    • Prize purse brought to you by: The 555 Foundation/GideonJura, Garvey, Westra, Random, Perseus and Sosarians like you!
    • 1st Place: First place trophy & 50k check
    • 2nd Place: Second place trophy & 25k check
    • 3rd Place: Third place trophy & 10k check
    Spectators are encouraged to attend! Please come and enjoy the hospitality of Stormhold!

    Last week:

    1st Place - Pax Romain
    2nd Place - David (Redding)
    3rd Place - Erza Scarlet

    Previous Events:

    Video example:

    FNF #11 (Entire fight night! Thanks Blaise!)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
    puppz, wylwrk, Zyler and 1 other person like this.
  2. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    1st Place - Pax Romain
    2nd Place - AdamTwelve
    3rd Place - David (Redding)
    The crowd gathers for the first fight.

    Pax Romain and Sniznatchian kick-off the fights.

    Here you can see me expecting the usual shit from TT/Shadowlords at my events. Elminster and Perseus (bart) had slugged it out for 10 minutes and as I prepared for sudden death I noticed them. I've hosted a lot of events and every time they've been disrupted it was a 'Dank Nugget' who did it. They've killed duelers, mounts in the fort and once e-bolted bart to death on the last lap of a sprint. Me being the naive hopeful Sosarian I am didn't immediately ban them or anyone associated with their guilds. That turned out to be a mistake.

    10 minutes having passed with no victor sudden death begins and the duelists seek out open space to weather the storm.

    As sudden death neared it's climax the dank nuggets commenced their fuckery.

    They explo/ebolt the duelist Perseus to death ruining a 10+ minute battle.

    The last shots of them before they were banned by some of my security help. After that confusion reigned. Suddenly SL/TT members were swarming Stormhold trying to disrupt the fights in every way possible. Science Warlord, who I believe is Liberation, the creator of this very event was soon gate-fishing the fortress's courtyard and god knows what else went on. In the end bart/Perseus agreed to concede the match and not force a replay. Pissed off and trying to deal with a bunch of angry/upset messages amidst running the event I did my best to carry on.

    The crowd poses for a screenshot.

    In conclusion; fuck you guys.

    Last year in May was the last time I did one of these fights and TT/SL did the same thing. Every, single, time it's you guys causing trouble. It extra-boggles my mind that Liberation was part of it considering it's his tradition I was carrying on with this event. The rules are just a straight copy paste of the fights he used to host.

    Anyone associated with TT or the Shadowlords is hereby banned from all my events. I know some of you actually attend the events in a peaceful manner, if you're one of those people PM me in IRC and I'll consider unbanning you.
    MikeK, Iago, Liberation and 2 others like this.
  3. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I happened to be in vent with them during the event. Seems like through the confusion they were just looking for a ring and some pants.

    For your review...

    BetaMovement and STAVROGIN like this.
  4. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    liberation logs in about once a month and still always gets blamed for everything
    which is hilarious

    these tournaments are crazy boring
    are we really going to watch pax romain cut down plate-clad cardboard eaters every week?
    the only reason this thread is going to get any views and replies is because of the hijinx that happened during and after it

    you can tear your clothes and get red in the face if you want
    but it was the most fun thing that happened
    Liberation and Eugen like this.
  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Dropped your pants?
    STAVROGIN likes this.
  6. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    No good will come over a big flame war, so I don't really want to take part in one. I just want to remind people that there are two sides to every story.
  7. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    I sure accomplish a lot for someone who hardly ever logs on.
  8. DiscoD

    DiscoD Active Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    you're a bad man @Liberation

    Adding to the SL Forum Zerg.

  9. Preyas

    Preyas Active Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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  10. fooka03

    fooka03 Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 10, 2013
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    You could simply not go :rolleyes: Others enjoy it, no need to shit on it because you're bored. Go do other shit in the game instead of ruining it for others who do enjoy it. Or hell idk, get good and beat pax yourself?
    Vlar likes this.
  11. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    if this was hosted in trammel then i would avoid it, sure

    but this kind of thing is what felucca is great for. Chances are the guy that did this thinks bart is a <redacted>

    and maybe he doesn't have a lot of respect for vlar because he started talking shit about SL last year even though he doesn't know shit

    and i have beaten pax, thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2016
  12. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    "Remove mining delay.."

    lol, that gave me a chuckle.

    BTW, @Vlar , I believe Science Warlord is actually Punt, unless there are multiple of them now.

    I'm glad you're back hosting in game events, even if people try to ruin it, you still do a great job. Makes me laugh that when fight nights were at Grimoire they weren't so boring, but for some reason they are sooooo boring now. All the contestants participate in good sport, most knowing that they will probably not make it past Pax, the point is they find fun in it anyway. Pax has lost fight night quite a few times, even to some unsuspecting participants.
    Vlar and Iago like this.
  13. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    when fight nights were at grimoire it was our sweet guy bart simpson who was outside the event with google trying to gank people coming through the gate

    but you didn't see anyone complaining because that's what happens in UO sometimes

    its been almost twenty years guys, try to embrace the concept that pking, stealing, and uninvited behavior happens sometimes in UO

    ban the people from your tournament by all means

    then get over it
    Vella and BlackEye like this.
  14. Pax Romain

    Pax Romain Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    I am going to sit out the next few events. However, I will still be spectating Shao Khan style in a bone helm.
    TiMi, Vlar, JaySnide and 3 others like this.
  15. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 5, 2014
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    There is a reason why SL doesn't compete in 2v2s or 1v1s or even called out even fights.. You lames suck.. You do what you can to win and you will use every exploit/cheap tactic to win. Keep griefing a player run tournament.. You lames suck.
    Vlar likes this.
  16. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Kane likes this.
  17. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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  18. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm here accepting fights for mils.. let me know mes
  19. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    At some point people have to make a choice. Do they roll out of bed and decide that they are going to try to attack an event that players volunteer their time to run because, and I quote "because he started talking shit" a year ago?

    Or do you log in to have fun, and accept that when you engage in Felucca behavior people might eventually not like you and might occasionally say some shit?

    In all my time being a human being I have never witnessed so many situations filled with so much anger over the most trivial verbal exchanges in the history of the internet. For gods sake you murder each other ingame and that is fine... But if someone "talks shit" a year ago it just festers and festers until . . well it reaches this point.

    This player has volunteered his time on Friday night to host a community event for Renaissance players to get together, have a good time and watch some fights. Just like when Liberation ran these events himself, Vlar will be provided with the same staff support. We will not tolerate players attempting to intentionally ruin the events or discourage players from taking the time to create them. Felucca happens, we understand that. But we have zero tolerance for intentionally trying to ruin the event and discourage players from running them.

    At some point if the staff determines that players exist only on the Renaissance server to apply hate based actions to players they do not like or otherwise not give a shit about the server we will encourage you to move onto something that makes you happy, where no one can ever "talk shit" about your playstyle resulting in a year of obsessing about what someone said . . in a game . . where people murder each other. . .

    So you want to grief a player you don't like during a player run event. They can ban you from the event. Should we find out you logged in for no other purpose other than to do that. Then we have an issue.

    Should you want to kill some of the players involved in the event outside the house. They can ban you from the house, or recall away. However should we find that you logged for no other purpose than to try to lure people into a dragon gate trap by laying a gate over the event gate. Then we have an issue.

    If your accounts, your experience here and the enjoyment you get from playing UO mean so little to you then by all means carry on. The end result should be obvious at this point.

    For everyone else I have the following advice.
    Just log in.
    Remind yourself that this game costs you nothing. (1 turn in candy crush costs 50 cents)
    Have a blast fighting people.
    Win some fights.
    Lose some fights.
    Log out.
    Ignore the shit talk.
    Accept that people get frustrated and say stupid shit. Ignore it.
    Just have fun and stop focusing on shit that happened yesterday, last week, last year.

    Note: This fills my quota for saying "shit" on the forums this year. Thanks Vlar.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
    Heretic, Pegbyter, Arawn and 9 others like this.
  20. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    No, noone even attacked an event. Someone attacked bart. And maybe bart had it coming, maybe he didn't. But that's a choice we get to make in felucca right? That's a tenet that is core to this shard's creation.

    All I'm saying is maybe someone didn't respect vlar enough to not disrupt his tournament, and maybe vlar had a hand in that as well.

    Taking an entire situation and saying "it was ruined by terrorists or griefers" is a really narrow minded view. In my opinion the event carried on to the inevitable pax-winning end just fine and there were some skirmishes afterwords that some people enjoyed, perhaps even on two sides.

    You will literally have to put these events in trammel to prevent felucca things from happening. Noone needs to be angry at all. Someone took a cheap shot at bart. Shit happens. From my perspective, it's you and vlar getting red in the face when you really should just chill out and accept that this is a natural thing in ultima online. It doesn't have to be cyber bullying or some kind of conspiracy.

    I didn't even disrupt this event. So I'm going to assume you mean 'you' in a general sense. But I support entirely someone's right to attack or steal from another player in felucca. So some guy decided bart was his enemy and killed him. How is that grief play? Don't be silly.

    You'll never fix this by indulging people that can't accept these kinds of things happen, anyways. You either create a non-pvp facet or you tell them to suck it up and use the ban thee option.
    BlackEye likes this.

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