Everyone's thoughts on looting and horse killing

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by scuba, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Well damn, I've been PKing wrong this whole time?!?

    I have been running in and power healing my victims while complimenting them on their fashion sense.
    When I'm done I leave an assortment of punch and pie.

    No wonder I haven't made any money yet.
  2. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 8, 2016
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    What dungeons have you been hiding in?
  3. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    Follow a few simple rules if you should die to a pk:


    - Wait for them to be finished looting - they killed you and deserve to take whatever they want
    - Be friendly, everybody dies, sometimes even a douzent times / day
    - Wait as a ghost, most will ressurrect or gate (dont expect it from solo pks however)


    - Rezz at a blue healer or other character, run in loot your corpse - you WILL get rezz killed, which is pretty obviously why.
    - Insult them, they will remember you and wont be friendly/gate you or kill your horse.

    Sometimes it purely depends on your previous encounters or the people who pked you. Some are always friendly, some are not.
    If you die, you should always count with the worst, unless its people youre friendly with.. and be happy if your horse and stuff is untouched.
    pezdspnzr and Zes like this.
  4. Curly Sue

    Curly Sue Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Well the RRG does not Rez, dry loots when possible, and horse kills. No reason to hide it.

    A PK who has the time to stick around and Rez is far more likely to get jumped by whomever the dead player is calling in for help. And trust me, there have been many a time when an army of 4 or 5 guys come running in within minutes of taking someone down.

    A PK who leaves items on the corpse of the dead is far more likely to get attacked by the same player during their escape if all hell breaks loose.

    A PK who leaves the dead players horse alive... See above.

    This is strictly our policy with our PKs because the RRGs main goal is survival. We carry far too valuable goods to play nice. The risks are high enough and the odds of losing anything / gaining anything are already favor of the person who we are attacking.

    The RRG however does not personally offend anyone and does understand that we are here to play a game and to leave real life and the persons behind characters out of it.

    Please note that we are not there to duel though. If we had characters that were geared for 1v1 or 2v2 and we were just looking for fights... We would treat the situation as such.

    All in all, it's fair game as long as you aren't deliberately there for the sole purpose to make their experience miserable. Please keep in mind that creating a character's persona is part of this game. When someone see's you coming, knows what your about, and panics due to the danger they have suddenly found themselves in... It gets the heart pumping and can be thrilling. Tactically, it also helps your opponents make mistakes.

    I'm no sadist, in real life I would happily buy you a beer and hang out... I'm also afraid of scary movies unless I have my life size cardboard cutout of Arnold Swartzenager set up... Curly Sue in UO however... Is not.. It's just a game, and fortunately, how the rules of this game are set. Some like it... Some do not. Just like some like spooky movies, and some do not.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
    Crotaro, blasfede, Halabinder and 5 others like this.
  5. Rickbrent

    Rickbrent Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    I played this game many many years ago and started back again this past summer. It's been a blast and I've finally given in to macroing instead of my much touted and proud "letting my skills go up naturally". That was so I can get into pvp sooner rather than later since my daily game time is so damn low (30 mins to 3 hours). That being said I have been PK'd several times and it's still no big deal. Most have rezzed me, healed me, given bandages back, etc...which is very cool but not expected by me at all. It still surprises me when it happens, lol.

    My question is...should you give a PK a count? Not out of anger, but out of respect.

    I remember asking about this a few months back and the majority said "YES". Most PK's actually want the counts and its "disrespectful" not to count them. Is that definitely what the majority of pk's feel? I just feel weird every time I give a count and they are sitting there rezzing me. Just want to make sure I am being "gracious" in my death :)
  6. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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  7. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Give counts, please.
    Rickbrent likes this.
  8. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Sometimes it is a bit tricky. I think MOST want a count just to get their kill total up. I've often wondered if they feel slighted by the fact I counted them, or if it seems like "i'm just mad". But in either situation, it's best to just count them. They'll either like it since it adds to their total, or they'll hate it because they suck and don't want to die in stat loss... so in that case, count them!
    Rickbrent likes this.
  9. Groucho Marks

    Groucho Marks New Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Don't know if I'm reviving an old thread,

    The concept of Full Loot system on UO was one of the reasons why I loved and hated it, as to "Insult to Injury" by destroying armor, clothes, rez killing, pet/mount killing is simply a concept of the players choice. When I PKed I if the player I killed was too easy or quick to death. I was considerate depending on how they would respond after I revived them. If they were good sports about it I might've even given them some supplies, a gate or a full heal before I went on my way. And if they were a tough fight were I could have or did die and adrenaline got to my head and was pissed off for losing or dying I might've been a... jerk and "sent a message" by doing what I listed above. Is it a dick move? Yeah, Do I enjoy it? Honestly would anyone enjoy doing something like that in real life? Dunno depends on their personality but I'll tell you honestly I don't enjoy it. If I do it its because I was angry either because your better than me or I just don't want to fight you again so I try to intimidate you? *shrugs* Overall the behavior or actions of doing so is entirely up to the player so making rules for or against such behaviors honestly ruins what Felucca was all about. It is a reflection on real life. Life is tough and unforgiving but sometimes its rewarding. Either have fun and don't take the game too seriously or travel in groups or stay to places you can consider safe.

    Faction PVP: Because there was a punishment system for faction pvp it was even more unforgiving then a PK that would completely troll you by doing things to upset you. its like adding even more insult to injury, just kicking you while you were already down and spitting on you pretty much. But like I said before its all about the player your pvping.

    As for Order/Chaos pvp I believe its much the same as Factions no?

    I'm gonna say I'm not the greatest at pvp. On good days I can hold my own or die trying but that's only if I even stand a chance. Playing UO in this era, fel no insurance/blessed items or anything AoS+ added to make it more "trammie" friendly was the risk. The only thing I can honestly tell you though is I hate it when people kill me when I'm only out there raising skills, gathering is a given but that's a risk you take. But gathering skills or "Leveling up" or even questing for some games it just gets annoying and its stupid, if your high leveled and kill a leveling/training player for giggles that's honestly messed up, if you do that have the decency to ask if they're training and to at least res, leave them some of their stuff and spread the word to other pk's in the area to let that player be. that or like just keep an eye on em, a personal red body guard while training sounds pretty amusing to me lmao

    Okay well I flapped my... fingers enough so hi? bye?

    Also I'm crazy and I dont remember what I'm talking about :D

    So I leave you with this message:" potato chips. "
    Crotaro, One, Halabinder and 2 others like this.
  10. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 8, 2016
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    God damn. Since I have created this thread in these past months I have Rez killed, horse killed, and dry looted. I am a fucking hypocrite /end thread
    pezdspnzr, One and Caska VS Trees like this.
  11. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    pezdspnzr likes this.
  12. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Orcs eat horses
    Xegugg likes this.
  13. Garresh

    Garresh Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Ive been here just over a week, but Ill throw in my two cents and a similar discussion back from another MMO I spent 5 years in...

    In Eve Online, I ran with a corporation known for bringing lawlessness and danger to otherwise safe areas. They more or less skirted the no pvp rules of "safe" space by instead looting wrecks(corpses, its a spaceship game) faster than their marks. This made them grey, so the targrt could retaliate. At first they evaded, and came back to keep stealing. As they got better, they started swapping to powerful PvP ships and weapons after the target attacked. They would quickly subdue the target, but instead of killing them, they would hold them in place, and ransom them their own life(in eve gold/credits are not directly stealable).

    The question became... after the target paid up, why not kill them anyways and take their stuff as extra? Such is the nature of many PvPers. While Im not one to act holier than thou since Im as low as them, really, I generally prefer to opt by a certain set of codes, at least. I never took to false ransoms. But for this type of theft? People who know youre honorable also know about your escalation ransom, and wont take the bait. For most, false ransoms won out.

    The reason I bring this up is this: If you want to convince all PvPers to play by the same code of honor, you need to convince them it is pragmatic, not just convenient for some. While many PvPers try to strike a balance, a good chunk just are out for blood, and want to crush their enemies utterly. Unless there is a well laid out means in which the winner benefits from letting their target recover some of their possessions, it simply will not happen. Especially since the primary goal of any PvPer is a high kill count, or a high total kill value(in the case of eve).

    Tldr; I dont think this is feasible.
    Halabinder and Mes like this.
  14. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Pvpers also can't realistically meet at any middle ground. After three years here I've consistently watched each group of pvpers belabor and moan about the tactics of the other groups while doing the same things themselves. There has never been a pvp group here that didn't gank. But consistently each group cries about how every other group outnumbers them and can't fight fair and ganks.

    Ultimately everyone just wants to win. That's all it ever was. And when they aren't winning they're crying on forums or venting to the server admin or threatening to quit the server.

    It's bizarre. The answer to this stuff is the same now as it was almost 20 years ago. Expect to be ganked. Don't res on the field because you will be res killed. Expect your loot to be taken. Don't expect a fair fight.

    If you pvp in other games people don't stop the fight to make sure they don't outnumber you. I have no idea why UO players still think that would happen here.

    Pvpers just need to learn to play smart and lose with grace.

    edit: i wrote this post thinking it was in the pvp=gank thread oops.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
    One, Mandevu, Kane and 3 others like this.
  15. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I didn't read this entire thread aside from the last 2 posts. Die with grace is a good comment. I don't recall on OSI any much manners even while I was killing. I see that here too, killing with no quarter but that should be expected on a Felluca shard. But I've also have been rezzed by reds now and then here on UOR which is nice. What I've found odd is the division between some of the groups. Sometimes it builds into something that it shouldn't be, overblown. Perhaps it is a reflection of anon online society. The best UOR experience of late was the large CTF turnout a few week ago.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
  16. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Just my perspective as someone with zero interest to PvP anymore (did plenty of that way back on OSI), I understand that most people out in the wilds who are looking to kill players do it because they find it fun (whether it is from the thrill of the hunt, or the loot, or whatever else). I do not fault them in wanting to have fun. If I am the target of PKs, I do greatly appreciate it if they give me a lift home, or leave my recall rune to town or something, but I do not *expect* it. I might get a little miffed not because I lost some pixels, but because I lost time which is why I appreciate it if my one town rune is left for me, or a gate provided or some other kind gesture. Ultimately it is not the end of the world and I try to take consolation in the fact that my fairly arbitrary death might have brought at least a little bit of fun into someone else's play time.
  17. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I've experienced both ends of the spectrum on OSI, dry looted and insulted for my troubles... and one time I attempted to kill a red myself and after killing me he rezzed me, left all my stuff (dropped my sword a little way from my body) and wished me a good day lol. That experience was pretty cool but i never expected that on every pk I encountered. Felucca back in the day could be a pretty rough place. Aside from that one moment on OSI, it wasn't til years later when I started playing on this shard that I ever heard of the concept of a pk actually rezzing you and NOT being a total ass.

    On the other end, being a pk or killing one... I've always felt dry looting is too risky. People collect a LOT of garbage and trying to get it all takes time and takes up space. Especially on OSI, I knew I had only a few seconds before the hit squads would be called in for revenge. Dry looting seemed to be the thing to do until I accidentally got myself overweight trying to carry away some useless garbage and killed for my troubles haha. If I have to eliminate someone with my washed up reality tv star pk (on the rare occassions I need to, like when I stumble across an idoc) I never dry loot. if they are carrying some nice armor like valorite or a good weapon i'll take those and the gold but they can keep their other crap. I generally leave the horse unless I feel that person will try to attack me again. If it's a pk I kill, and it's a notorious one I"ll either dry loot if i can safely, or scatter the stuff on the ground.
  18. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 8, 2016
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    was that me?
  19. Mundungu !

    Mundungu ! Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 7, 2016
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    I only run by the "Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none" motto (since 99,99% of the time I'll get ganked while I'm solo and with mobs on me).

    If I kill someone I make sure to inflict him/her the maximum misery possible (dry looting, mount/pet killing, rez killing, yada yada yada).

    If I get pk'ed I don't accept rezzes or gates: I don't want your pity, fu tbh :p !

    My 0,02 ISK (btw, greetings from Reikoku, @Garresh :D)

    Of course you will get a count, you are here for that after all ;).
  20. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    If you played osi atlantic about 16 yrs ago, who knows? :cool:

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