*Now w/more DOUCHEBAGGERY!* Friday Night Fights #21 (2-12-16 @ 11PM EST)

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Vlar, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    > v
    v , , , , , " I said in the form of basic..." <
    > 4 8 * , v
    v , , , , , , " ... no comment was made regarding modern day relevance. " <
    > 2 5 * , @
    > v
    v , , , , , " There was self imposed bonus points at stake, after all." <


  2. fooka03

    fooka03 Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 10, 2013
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    I prefer mine in hash browns...
    wylwrk likes this.
  3. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 25, 2012
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  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Please take a moment to re-read what I posted rather than translating it into some level of fear mongering.
    In standard fashion something I said, very clearly, was morphed into "Chris will ban you for griefing events".

    Like I have said many times before I do not operate a sociopath simulator. If your complete existence on this server is to create fantasy boogeymen to justify the level of hate you have for other players then it is time to do something else. At some point players have to own up to their own actions rather than blaming Bart for why they are committed to the discouragement of the playersbase.

    If you are going to get banned from Renaissance it is because you show a complete and utter lack of respect for the server, its players and the effort players put into the world.

    Since this seems to be a complex situation for some players I will be even more clear.

    If you check the forums or see in IRC someone is running and event and you specifically log in to disrupt that event "because its boring".
    If you exist on this server simply to make the lives of other players miserable because of something someone said months/years ago that hurt your feelings.
    If you login in to setup a trap leading to a house full of dragons targeting players who take part in the event in an attempt to discourage them from attending future events.
    If you cannot, for some reason, understand that Fight Night (an event brought here by Liberation) is just as much about a PvP tournament as it is a reason for our players to get together as a community, And commit to ruining it for the players who enjoy it because you, personally, are bored.
    Or if you target players who publicly assist the server by creating content, helping new players, writing guides, or hosting events simply because they volunteer their time for the betterment of the server...

    I am, as a caretaker of this world, saying very clearly that it might be time for you to move onto something else. If you ignore my advice and I personally witness some of the situations that I have listed above you are showing us that you really don't care about your access to this free server.

    At some point you have to realize that we are volunteers and do not have endless time to deal with this type of drama. Rather than allowing a few bad eggs destroy to ruin the experience of the other 99% (as many of us have witnessed elsewhere) We will step in and remove the source of the drama so that the rest of the players can continue to enjoy themselves.

    I only became involved in this situation because of the statements some of the players have made in this thread trying to justify such actions. Rather than allowing the statements of some players to discourage other players who might want to attend or run their own events I stepped in and make the staff opinion of the situation very clear.

    Note: No staff action was taken during the event, however I was there and monitored the behavior of the players involved.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    Iago, -=[LiTH]=-, Dyne and 3 others like this.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    lol you clowns, the "idea" that you outnumber people is based on you outnumbering people regularly for the better part of a year. There were some fun times with the glorious Minax zerg but it gets pretty boring when it's just seeing how many times we can stat your tames. I had some fun for an evening or so, but otherwise meh. I have never had any allusions about forming a great military force in video games. I like to rally with folks and go fight people when I have a mind to. I don't really care for dealing with a bunch of petty liars who cannot accept their own MO when it so clearly involves coming with greater numbers or not coming at all or very long. By the way, considering comprehension is never your stronger suits, I'm not saying you've never fought outnumbered. I just know from your own mouths that you don't want to and will scoot from any seriously lopsided battles, which is in your right.

    You guys do realize that I actually experienced this from the inside too, right? Like I was actually there in voice channels when one person would say they encountered one orange and various people would be asking "Where" so they could roll in the zerg.

    Sorry you guys take such offense to people actually seeing the numbers you claim you don't have. But hey, keep up the nice work "attending" all these shard events. You guys really do put your best for forward at these things. Unfortunately it tends to wind up in your mouths. (see above).
  6. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    No this is just your usual bullshit. You advocate for your team at all times and you, as usual, and have no problem being completely dishonest in doing so. I don't avoid battles because of numbers. That last time you came to the field we had 5 players to your 10-12 the entirety of those morning hours. I watched you form up at the google tower, knowing you doubled our numbers, and we beat your ass every time. Because manpower is not the key to winning.

    Minax has manpower. You were putting 100+ manhour defenses into both the times you captured sigils (which is four times the man-hours we've put in a defense ever.) This isn't an efficient way to wage war. I would never ask more people to guard sigils than is needed. We recognized early on minax had more than three times our total membership. So losing a sigil capture was something we had to be flexible on. We would win when a win was possible and we would retreat and take a loss when it was the only option (fortunately this only happened twice.) Each time we talked at length about what we could do better and what strategies worked best/worst for us and Minax.

    Sun Tzu was crediting with writing:

    All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

    How many times have you guys shown up to steal sigils at what appeared to be an empty SL base, just to find us cutting off the exit while you're purple and can't recall and dying down to the man? How many times have you stepped through a teleporter and found us all standing on the other side, loaded? How many times have you been guarding a set of sigils and it seemed that noone was coming and then in an instant we were in the base and taking out your mostly-afk defense?

    We have few rules in SL and TT. We don't attack our own members. We don't form alliances with oranges. We make some effort to not attack the weak. Factions and O/C is something we treat as an asymmetrical war simulator. If someone joins a faction that is new to the server I always contact Telamon and ask him to visit the person in game and offer them a chance to leave the system and join at a later date. For established oranges we come down on them like the Mongols. It's not possible to both conquer an enemy and win their favor at the same time, and we'll never try. If we attacked with more numbers you'd complain about that. If we used less numbers you'd say we had tamers. If we didn't have tamers you'd say we had daemons. If we didn't have daemons you'd say we had the same name. Or traps, or attacked when you weren't ready. Or any number of excuses. Yet you'd never have any problem using these strategies against us (and you have used every single one of them.) Because people want to win. There is no point where you'd feel you lost fair and square. The goal posts would always be moved because you're immature and you're a sore loser.

    Plus you're a shit pvper and act like a big baby at all times. After three years of this shit you still need to just shut up and fight.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    Kane likes this.
  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    No staff action was taken because at no time was any rule in the code of conduct broken.

    One guy killed another guy.

    This isn't harassment. This isn't ruining an event (which also isn't in the code of conduct, by the way.)

    It's not illegal to gate fish. A gump was put in the game specifically to warn players in this situation. At the event in question the KoS and -S- players were all surrounding their event gate with ebolts up hoping to catch Punt. This is the exact same thing.

    The difference between the way TT players respond to these situations and the way others respond to these situations is we don't look for staff to intervene on our behalf when completely normal and legal things happen. I was attacked by Deathboy at every single -S- Fight Night last year. I never lodged any complaint or asked staff to help me. We recognize the risk associated with logging in. The UOR website is very clear: "Keep in mind that Ultima Online is a very dangerous world. Lord British provides guards for our residents while they are within town limits, however, safety is in your own hands."

    The problem in this thread is as an administrator Telamon should neither take sides in pvp rivalries nor be a soundboard for venting players. He should investigate things that break rules and stop there. Making vague threats suggesting you'll take some action if players on one side of a fence feel discouraged is ridiculous. You appear less credible and less impartial every time you do this.

    Player run events have been disrupted many times. Even as a staff member sandro killed peoples' mongbats at the cA Mongbattle. Peeps wedding was bombed. PS! dungeon crawls were attacked. Never has a player been punished because these things were completely within the rules of the server. If you wish to set a new precedent about player events then you need to update the code of conduct and be very clear and not vague about how these new rules would work. Then you would need to enforce them fairly, across the board and not just for some players.

    Otherwise, expect these kinds of things to continue to happen. Which is fine. I never saw Jupiter have a fit when reds showed up to his events. He knew the possibility and embraced it wholly. Every time reds showed up they found themselves in his story later that night. Everyone, take note.
  8. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Starting to wonder how many times Ill have to post this before people actually read it. There is a line that I expect players to not cross .

    I'm going to attack an event because <felucca reasons> This is fine.

    I'm going to grief Vlar's event to make sure he doesn't run any other events in the future. Im going to grief the participants in the event. Im going to use a dragon gate trap to try and kill people attending the event. Having 5-6 people log on for no other reason than to discourage a group of players from running an event who otherwise would not even be logged in. This is a problem.

    If the staff detects this type of behavior we will address it. That is the point I am trying to make. Both situations can seem very similar. However the motivations behind the acts and extra-curricular actions of the players involved will always be considered.

    And to be clear I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything. I am using a rough situation to make a point about player conduct and the common sense limits players should apply to Felucca gameplay.

    If you want to play in the Felucca world, under felucca rules, then by all means do that!

    If you want to sit in a private room completely removed from the community plotting ways to destroy the enjoyment of others then it is time for a change.

    I watched some players mention an activity in IRC yesterday. A player saw the statements and immediately reported them to another group of players. That group of players attacked. Pvp happened. All perfectly fine in a felucca world. Until one of the attacking group for some reason found it necessary to log into IRC and engage in verbally abusive statements. This was the ONLY purpose this player logged into IRC. To talk shit to someone over an ingame act. Not be part of the community. Not talk about UO. Just attack, discourage, attack, discourage. It is becoming more and more clear that it has nothing to do with Felucca, it is a drive to discourage the players that are targeted.

    Own your own behavior. Stop blaming others. Stop blaming situations that happened years ago. This applies to everyone. You are judged on your actions and your actions alone.

    I will repeat the advice I gave in my first post.
    Log in.
    Remind yourself that this game costs you nothing. (1 turn in candy crush costs 50 cents)
    Have a blast fighting people.
    Win some fights.
    Lose some fights.
    Log out.
    Ignore the shit talk.
    Accept that people get frustrated and say stupid shit. Ignore it.
    Just have fun and stop focusing on shit that happened yesterday, last week, last year.​
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  9. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    We simply play the game like anyone else. In the events of this thread, Punt and I were casually watching fight night on friday like anyone else and during bart's match he said "I think i'm going to kill bart." It wasn't premeditated. There wasn't anything illegal about it (and if it had been premeditated, it would have still been within the code of conduct.) It didn't ruin an event nor did it seek to. It was blown completely out of proportion.

    It was a two way street. And it was started by the other party. But here you are condemning only one side. Who cares at what point someone logged in to IRC to respond? I for one stay out of IRC because we are harassed by your friends and you aren't capable of fairly enforcing the trash talk rules. It was easier for us both for me to leave the public channels so that they weren't flooded by iago and izzy 'sperging out every day.

    Stop taking sides. You're an admin. We don't need deus ex machina on this server every time bart gets in a jam. Let him own his behavior too. I have owned mine. We've made no excuse nor denied killing him at the event. It was legal. You know it. You watched it.
  10. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    How would you possibly determine the difference unless you got a verbal statement from the player saying "yes I only logged on to do X action to anger X person/s"?

    This is your server thus making you the end all be all dictator, but excuse me for being a little paranoid given your extreme and obvious dislike for TT members. I'm sure any excuse would do at this point for you to ban any one or all of us simply because we did something you or someone else didn't like.
  11. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    None of the things listed happened, yet you are still here rattling your saber at us for some vague reason. Can't really blame people for being confused.
  12. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 25, 2012
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  13. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    I think you forgot this is my thread now.

  14. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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  15. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    What Punt did at the event was no more than a "meh ... what a dick... btw, lol" moment.
    What's god damn criminal is you all droning on and on and on and on about it.

    Jack of Shadows likes this.
  16. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 8, 2016
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    @wylwrk don't trip potatoe chip
    wylwrk likes this.
  17. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    I would challenge any player here to read my posts and point to something that indicates I am taking sides. I am very clearly laying out types of conduct that we will not allow here along with the consequences for those actions.

    From your original post, that has since been edited.
    From the staff point of view this was possibly more than a "spur of the moment" pvp event. The actions ingame coupled with the statements made in this thread were starting to lead us to believe the goal was to get Vlar to cease running the events.

    Going forward we will not tolerate attempts to run off, discourage, or otherwise target players who volunteer to help the server simply because they take the time to volunteer and help out.

    You can cry wolf as much as you want about the staff picking sides, or complain that you were told you can not kill other players (you were not). This is not the case. Players can read this thread and see the truth by reading my posts. The combined acts of the players ingame and their posts in this thread caused concern among the staff.

    I have made my stance on the issue very clear and I hope the players involved heed my warnings regarding future conduct. You can read my posts and realize this does not apply to your gameplay and carry on. Or you can see that they do and keep that in mind regarding future conduct.

    This is a volunteer server and we have finite resources. We depend on players a great deal to run events, and create fun things to do for other players. If you dislike Renaissance so much that you cannot put your grudge with another player aside for 1 hour for the good of the server then you will eventually force the staff to take action.

    It shouldn't be a crazy thing to ask that players step back and respect that as a reasonable request. And common sense should indicate if we detect the type of behavior I listed in my previous posts we will step in and take action. This is not a threat. It is a statement of fact regarding the health of the server and our expectations regarding player conduct.
  18. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Yet here you are at bat. All you needed to do was say you watched it, nothing illegal happened, and move on. You can't possibly think you've found yourself on the other end of a quote war without picking a side.

    Well, you aren't being clear enough for me. What I read is vague threats like 'encouraging players to leave' for vague offenses like 'logging on solely for the intent of discouraging player events' which is not something you could ever suss out and requires a lot of interpretation. If no rule was broken, and you have not made any action (which of course you haven't because no rule was broken) - then kindly step out and act like a game master should. If you intend to change the rules of the server then state this clearly and update the code of conduct - and enforce it across the board.

    If my post was edited, it was prior to anyone reading it and was only to fix some misspelling or grammar mistake I noticed while proof-reading. Here is how the post appears to myself and non-administrators:


    If you are trying to imply that I said something else and then tried to change the message then that's untrue.

    You have no way to know this or prove this. It was never implied or said elsewhere and it simply isn't true. This is why you can't take sides and look professional at the same time.

    I will thank you to not imply that we did any of these things. The underlined part is especially ludicrous. You are creating a shadowlords strawman to fit your narrative like some sinister cartoon villains: as if our only goal is to have our army of Dank Nuggets tread upon the detritus of a failed server, past the ruins of the hopes and dreams of law abiding roleplayers, like some explorers making their way through a britain destroyed by calamity.

    Our players are husbands and wives and engineers and lawyers and grocers and parents. They are the server's roleplayers and event hosters and new player assisters and they have been here for every moment of the server's history loyally. And you will not typecast us. You will not create some box and label it and put us inside. I don't care if you're the administrator. I know you and do not fear you. The shadowlords are as much good people as anyone else.

    Killing a guy at a tournament might not be a classy move, but it is legal and does not ruin the tournament. There's no reason for the server to fall to pieces for it. Ten pages of extreme drama and accusation over one action is insane.
    Punt, DiscoD, Liberation and 2 others like this.
  19. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Can't say I'm very comfortable with these rules with a frame of mind element built in, Telamon. It looks to me like you're trying to set some of your double standards in stone.
    When someone you like does something, using the rules, you can easily make excuses for them about how they didn't mean it. When one of us does something, you can go on about how it was malicious and they were targeting staff.

    If you want to get rid of us, just be a man about it and pull the trigger. Setting up some special princess double standard rules is a really weak way to go about it.

    I figure this level of insanity is because certain members of stormhold are threatening to stop running the event and/or pack up stormhold and leave the server, and you're afraid of losing the one part of the community that isn't greedy, assholes, or greedy assholes.
    Where were you when the people you are now defending were shitting on paws events? Where were you when greedy idocers and house looters were taking them for everything that they had? They're pretty much gone now and don't really have anything to come back to. I did not hear a peep from you when all this was happening, but here you are, a single guy is killed at a stormhold event one time, and the sky is falling and you're threatening people with bans.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    DiscoD likes this.
  20. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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