Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Therious, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. puppz

    puppz Member
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    Nov 7, 2014
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    Having fairly recently started playing here again I have to say that you were probably really unlucky.
    I have 100 hours+ clocked on my fishers and I haven't seen a single other player out on the ocean, much less a red.
    In dungeons, just pay attention, keep reflect up and hotkey recall. 99% pk-proof.
    Sucks losing your keep though.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
    Andersonius likes this.
  2. Christoph Brock

    Christoph Brock Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    My main has been pk'ed three times since I started playing, twice within the past week. It happens sometimes, and you know what? The game goes on. If you quit because of that and failing to refresh your house, well, I've got a word for people like you.
    Andersonius likes this.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I got PKed the other night by a guy who stopped by on his blue alt and said hello. I know who it was, they know who I was, I was irritated because I was in a remote place that is difficult to recover from.

    I got home, restocked and moved on. Cheers and screw you Pill, you bastard! :)
    Scynin, wylwrk and Andersonius like this.
  4. Avery

    Avery Well-Known Member
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    Jul 25, 2012
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    The people that are successful on this shard are the ones that have died a thousand times. The players who have been scammed, stolen from and griefed. Who have forgotten to refresh houses (I'm up to 5 now, all of them towers or larger), who have made enemies, who have done truly cringe-worthy shit, have lost countless pets (some of them bonded), who have trusted people and been taken advantage of. But after all is said and done, they still come back. They may bitch and moan a little but they always return and start again. They make friends and build alliances and never give up. I know dozens of these people on this shard and, while I may not always get along with all of them, I admire them for sticking with it and helping to make this place great. If you think you need to "compete" or "win" UO, then you don't really know what UO is all about, imho.

    Edit: 6, I let a small tower fall 2 weeks ago :oops:
    Zyler, wylwrk, Erza Scarlet and 2 others like this.
  5. Therious

    Therious New Member

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I would like to say I'm sorry.

    I was a bit intoxicated, that night. but for starters. I have played UO since before trammel, I'm not a noob. and when your hunting with drags, you just can"t hit recall and bail.

    I have been out hunting, lost all 3 WWrynes, 2 nightmares, anyone who says that the gank squads are not rampart is a participant.

    someone said that my 8 friends should of refreshed my keep, did not read my post. my friends left, because of the gank squads.

    the comment " silly faggot dicks are for chicks" was what one of the PKs said to my ghost. did not mean for that to be directed to anyone, most importantly not to anyone on staff here. this is an awesome shard, I would say one of the best.

    I know how to play, but when your at orge lords with your two drags, and 3 reds rush in you can't just easily recall out, when your hit and leave your drags.

    .. Yes the lost of my keep is just something I can get over, I had some real life issues going on, I don't mind that, do miss my statues and rares I got from all the events, but oh well.

    met a lot of great players on this shard, a lot of great people. but the gankers need to tone it down a bit. they are running people off.

    and I seriously have 5 different real life friends that left this shard due to the gank squads. me and Schmitty are the only ones left.

    I do love this shardand forgive my time of drunking mishaps. I was not cussin the shard or staff ( their awesome ) just a few action of some players.
    newme and Taliic like this.
  6. Heretic

    Heretic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 19, 2014
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    So a group of players together attacking a player is a legit part of the game. I don't like it, I think it's lame, I was never a fan of 2v1, 3v1, 4v1 - yeah, just by reading it sounds lame that you have 2+ people with you to kill another that's not even engaged on a fight with you but whatever. There's no legit reason or way to avoid this, it's within Felluca rules.

    You repeatedly said you can't run or whatever because WW/nightmares/dragons, etc. Here's an obvious workaround for you: why don't you try another playstyle like a Provo/Mage, Peace/Dexxer, etc. etc. where you'll be able to play anyways without having 3 animals on your back? I'm a Peace Dexxer and I always keep reflect up and a hotkey for recall like people already said and I'm able to escape 99.9% of the time, I guarantee you. So, there are possibilities.

    You mentioned Ogre Lords: this is notoriously a popular farming spot, so most likely PKs will show up there. It's obvious. It's what you would do if you were one of them. Why don't you try going to a lot (A LOT) of another not-so-popular farming spots and decrease a lot your chance of being hunted? Maybe you'll make less money per hour or something, but you definitely won't get this frustrated with the game. What do you prefer?

    If you can't take these advices and keep complaining about a legitimate part of the game (cursings aside, grouping people to kill others) maybe UO (Felluca) is not the game you are looking for. There are possibilities, there are strategies. You can't keep doing the same thing and just complain and wait for gankers to stop doing that. Be smart and find another ways of playing the game and having fun. We all do it, lots of people are playing everyday and 1% is complaining. Who is wrong? The other 99%?
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    Ragar, MikeK, Alice Asteroid and 4 others like this.
  7. TiMi

    TiMi Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 23, 2014
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    ^ this, the thing i like about UO is there is so many different play styles for everyone.
    Some people are a-holes and will gank you, however learning to adapt your playstyle to counter this is one of the many options open to you.

    I have a tamer, there is lots of spots i can take my pets and not worry about pk's for hours, Ice dungeon is not one of them :)
    If things get clunky with my tamer and i want an easy escape while farming i take my provo/mage.

    I've only been back for a few weeks but have been killed several times by pk's, for me that feeling (heart racing) trying to escape is what brings me back to the dungeons each and every time.
    Whatever happens there has always been support from the numerous members of this community that have dusted me off and helped me back on my feet.

    I guess in closing Ultima brings us many ups and downs some good some bad but you learn to become better and move on and enjoy the experience you have had.

    Hope this makes sense, its late.

  8. Xevec

    Xevec Active Member
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    Aug 10, 2012
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    Just leave the dragons, get em later or replace em with new ones.
  9. Bonejacker

    Bonejacker New Member

    Mar 2, 2016
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    Hmm. This smells fishy. Everytime I got my dick knocked in the dirt they have always rezzed me and opened a gate. The day I get good enough and get them back I will return in kind. Yes I keep a list of people who ganked me. But that is part of this game. In the original UO from the 90's man it was by far more blookier.

    So either get better or if you have issue then ask for tips. Remember its only pixels smashing you. LOL
    Taliic likes this.

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