Considering Joining

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Tol, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    My name is Tol, I'm a UO addict and this seems like a cool place to try out. I just wanted to see how the community was and what this place had to offer vs the version of UO I am used to. Unfortunately I did not hear about UO until about 2006, so I did not know the glory of what UO should be. Ha. I have played OSI since July 06, I've seen the populations dwindle, bad patches chase people, new games coming out, etc etc. Darkfall was a real killer for the remaining pvp on OSI.

    Anyways I have dabbled in the UO free shards a little but never found a place that held my attention, for various reasons but usually because of a toxic community. I'm ok getting pk'd, I like to pvp and fight, but I do not enjoy being harassed nonstop by gank squads. UOers have tough skin but it can get to a point that it's not fun to be ganked non stop. That being said I always ended up back on 'OSI' because I never found a community that I enjoyed, and after years of char building it's hard to start all over again on a new shard. I've heard many many good things about this community here and thought I would give it a shot. At this point 'OSI' is basically like playing alone and it's time for me to try UO as it should be.

    I wanted to ask a few questions tho about UO:R because it has been up for awhile and I am brand new to not just the server but this style of UO. It looks like information is readily available and that is very cool. Big plus for me

    The main concern of mine is this, can a new player play here without being so far behind that you end up being pk'd non stop?
    I tried UO:F and my experience was gates opening with 12+ pks killing me every few minutes everywhere I went. I played for a few weeks but just didn't like the people I met. I 1v1 fought a guy for awhile and after a stalemate, started talking to him thinking I may meet someone to play with.. silly me I was ganked again when 5 of his buddies showed up. It isn't that I was pk'd it was that no one gave a shit to try to help or teach anyone and then shit talking after killing a brand new player. At the time I was there there was no wiki or information, it was basically good luck if you never played that Era. It's UO so hey it is what it is but the result was that I just didn't care to play there. The people make the game. The fact that this shard has been running for quite some time is good, stability and obviously people, but the bad is that for a new player jumping in I may be so far behind that it could be UOF all over again.

    Please do not misunderstand me, I am not complaining about being pk'd or complaining about how UO works.. I'm saying that the people can make or break the server and UOF has people that did not seem very friendly or helpful and there was no anti-pk groups formed or anything like that. So I'm asking what the general feel of this shard is, do people cheat blatantly? do people often hunt together? are there solid guilds? are there big pk guilds?do pks kill you repeatedly after they got you the first time? Are there anti-pks? I'm just curious since at this point I'm considering Rel Por, Shards Online (uo2 basically) or UOR for my next adventure.

    I appreciate your time, thanks for reading my wall of text and hopefully I will see you soon!
    Hawkeye, Canis, newme and 7 others like this.
  2. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Hi Tol! Welcome to uor! (hopefully) The community here is the BEST you will find anywhere hands down. Everyone is very helpful and will gladly walk you through something if you are stuck or point you to a helpful guide. I strongly encourage you to get started here. There is a new player program so the initial grind of training isn't overwhelming.

    People do not cheat blatantly here. uoSteam is against the rules here so better download razor if you are coming from uoF.

    People do hunt together, champ spawns are done daily and I am positive you could find some friends to group up with. There are several new player guilds that will welcome you with open arms and help you with the initial grind of becoming established.

    There are solid guild here, KoS, PS, o^s, DC, [uo] to name a few.

    There are a few PK guilds out there, LoL and TG to name some active ones. Most are very reasonable and won't pk you into oblivion. Most are nice enough to rez you and send you on your way. But, TBH escaping from PKs isn't terribly hard here and you shouldn't have many problems in that regard. If you do... group up with your friends/guild and hunt together. :)

    There are Anti PKs here. @Erza Scarlet is one of them.

    Also worth mentioning is our Role Playing community. They work very hard to generate in game stories/adventures that are always a ball to participate in. Whether it's taking down the evil Ancient Wyrm that stole the princess' necklace or leading a caravan of mounts for the King through some dangerous areas.

    Tol this is a wonderful server to call home. Like I said above, we have an amazing community. No matter when you start you are never out of reach of being in the top tier of anything on this server. No matter what your game is, PvP, PvM, Champs, PK, Crafting/BoDs, it is all within your reach to be the best at. Renaissance staff is top notch and SUPER fair. Telamon (head GM) has worked very hard on this server and has made it a great place for all of us to play. We have the best website around and it tracks just about everything in game so you can keep track of how you are doing. There is no Pay To Win, like you experienced on uoF. Everyone started from the bottom just like you, and it has only become easier to work your way to the top with all the help around you.

    I wish you the best no matter where you decide to play, but you should really give Renaissance a shot. It is worth it. I encourage you to jump in our IRC channel and introduce yourself. Have a good night. :D
    Hawkeye, Canis, newme and 9 others like this.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Bart is the worst guy on the shard, so if you take what he said and factor that into your understanding....well, welcome to UO:R. That's what it is. :p
    Taliic likes this.
  4. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    I do appreciate the time and effort put into this website. I've been reading the wiki/compendium and it is very thorough.

    It seems like this could be a pretty fun place to play. And I didn't mention RP at all but that is a very important part of a solid community. I am not the best at staying in character and such but I can get really into it sometimes, especially with a mage. But it's nice to hear that is here too. As I said I had heard a lot of good things about UO:R, I think I will do a little more reading before I sign up but it is looking very promising.

    I never used that uosteam thing either, I prefered razor and used that instead. I do think it maybe on my computer still tho.

    Thanks and see you soon
    newme likes this.
  5. Andersonius

    Andersonius Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2013
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    Hey Tol.

    As Bart said we have a fantastic community here and that is completely true. I have never been on a server where so many of the community are willing to help each other out with things and are just generally decent people. Hop in IRC sometime if you have more questions and you will see just that.

    As you are new completely to this era and style of UO I recommend perhaps you start off in the young program.

    There you will find more details about it but it will allow you to get acclimated to the server and the ruleset of the era without having to worry about getting PKed or stolen from at all. You will be confined to Occlo Island as part of the young program but there is everything a new player needs right on the island including a dungeon to start killing monsters in.

    Now we do have PK's as this is a felucca server and that is something you need to be aware of once you are no longer in the young program or decide not to do the young program altogether. Reds aren't constantly patrolling everywhere however and in my opinion there is a good balance between reds seen and not seen and the frequency at which you see them.

    You can download a complete package; UOR's client, UO Automap, Razor all in one download. I highly recommend you do that if you decide to play here.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or just hop in IRC as there always seems to be someone around willing to answer questions there. I hope you decide to go the route of Renaissance. I think that if you start playing you'll see you made the right decision. Good luck!
    Canis, Tol, newme and 1 other person like this.
  6. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    That's the exact thing I wanted to hear. Pks are key to a solid economy and gameplay.. in my opinion. But they do need to realize that pking everything in sight non stop results in fewer and fewer people wanting to play. I think the pks add a lot to the game tho. So im ok with this and i accept it, i just do not like the ridiculous swarms of griefers.

    The new player program maybe something really good for me. I understand how uo works and all but the intricacies of this era allude me still
    Canis and newme like this.
  7. Tyndall

    Tyndall Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Regarding your statement "being so far behind". Within this community and in UO in general, it is what you make of it. There isn't that feeling here of having to hurry up and acquire riches and homes. For me this shard allows the player to fully enjoy playing the game. I would recommend embracing the concept of just experiencing the game and really get a feel for what the UO Renaissance era was all about, just having fun!
    Side note, I played on UO:F for a year with a couple of friends. Between us we had acquired alot of pixels! Big house and all the other stuff. In a nut shell, one of us tried out UO:R and we all left, came here and left it all behind with no regrets.
    Welcome and enjoy your stay! Lots of friendly people all willing to share and help with information so don't be afraid to ask!
    Tol, newme, Basoosh and 1 other person like this.
  8. BetaMovement

    BetaMovement Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hi Tol,

    Welcome to the forums. You share the same concerns I had about pk's when joining UOR and at that time I just hoped the pk community didn't have the mentality of kill kill kill found in games such as Call of Duty or Counter Strike. Most of the time, I figured, a pk would "get it", it's not about killing you over and over, once is enough maybe even twice and then moving on. So, I took a chance playing here and I've been pk'd a few times. There really hasn't been any real issues though, I haven't experienced anything that would make me quit the game over being pk'd or people acting like twats. That behavior isn't tolerated by most people and I'm sure those situations can easily be resolved.

    The guides that help with preventative PKing and the home security ones are very good reads; they can help a lot. But, you're an experienced player and shouldn't have to many issues. When you join, you will find that people here focus on many different activities besides PKing, there is a great Role Playing community, Player created and run villages/markets and if you're into crafting, there is an extensive Bulk Order Reward System.

    I hope you at least give it a go. I found, it was pretty easy to find like minded people to play with through IRC and here on the forums.

    Good luck.
    Tol and newme like this.
  9. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Tol and newme like this.
  10. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Welcome to UOR.

    User experience will vary.
    Tol, newme and Alice Asteroid like this.
  11. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Welcome aboard!

    Only two things I wanted to add to the recruitment conversation:
    • My intention when I joined here was to make enough money for a house larger than a stick hut, since I had never owned anything larger on OSI. Once that was done, I'd finally be done with UO and I'd start attacking the rest of my gaming backlog. It took me a couple weeks to raise the cash. Even though I reached that goal, I'm still here, over 3 years later. Great community, staff, shard. I will crap myself if you find better. One of the things that really sets this place apart is that its not out to make a profit. There's no pay-to-win. There's no pay-to-get-uber-sandals. Donating gets you nothing but a feeling of contribution.
    • There are so many ways to make bank around here - you don't need to farm in PK hotspots to make a ton of cash. If you're getting PK'd too much for your comfort, explore some of the other money making avenues. Look at how much cash this guy is about to make just off of fishing: Most of the richest of the rich around here did not get there by farming Arctic Ogre Lords twenty-four hours a day.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    Hawkeye, Canis, Tol and 3 others like this.
  12. Fungus

    Fungus Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 18, 2015
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    I just wanted it noted I don't role play but I do love gaming on UO:R
    Tol and newme like this.
  13. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Hello @Tol I welcome you to UO:R and hope to see you in game. This server has lots to offer and a great community!

    If you are around in-game by this weekend check out the NEW PLAYER Raffle, put on by Project Sanctuary.
    Tol, newme, Lord Krake and 1 other person like this.
  14. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    I meant by saying "being so far behind" as in I wouldn't be able to protect myself very well from pks. Gm vs 50-60 skills is a big difference.. at least from where I come from. However the new player program would help to eliminate that issue. So no worries there. As for housing or gold or whatever, that is earned or not depending on what you want from your adventure. Being the richest doesn't make you have any more or less fun then being broke, imho.

    Perhaps my UOF experience was much different then others, I don't know. I do know it wasn't the spot for me. Pay to win has always been a controversial topic regarding all games.

    A thief sounds like a ton of fun, on current 'OSI' they have been nerfed to the point of almost useless. So I will certainly give it a shot, I've read many of the old stories about thieving back in the day. In fact it was a major draw to me originally, along with macing and animal taming. Blowing peoples armor up was the coolest thing i ever heard of but it was nerfed when i started.. in fact pretty much all the cool shit that got me to try uo was changed when i started. And well a pet dragon.. duh who wouldn't want one.

    So far I am impressed and am going to give it a go. Super excited to play uo the way I always pictured it. I will see you guys in game soon and thanks for the thorough and quick responses!
    newme, Gossow and ReZon like this.
  15. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    The most fun I've ever had here was (a brief moment) I whittled myself down to one small house in the middle of nowhere playing a character on full screen with dark nights and just went exploring.

    It's not always about the items when you focus on the experience. Sip the game and don't sweat the small stuff.
    Hawkeye, Canis, newme and 1 other person like this.
  16. Preyas

    Preyas Active Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    TG representative here.

    You seem extremely concerned about the PK population.

    We typically leave players alone that we've killed in the past 2 hours. If we notice that you're a new player, you'll probably find all your stuff still on your corpse. Heck, we will most likely help you get back to your corpse.

    Give UOR a chance!

    Tol, newme and Steady Mobbin like this.
  17. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    It was a much different atmosphere on the last server I tried. No one even considered a rule like that. I understand pkin happens and I won't get upset over it, shit I relish the challenge usually. However being pk'd by mobs of reds repeatedly, shit talking because I didn't perform to expectations etc etc is all what I mean. I only ran into one guy I considered a real pk, he killed me and then dipped, didn't take my shit, didn't say anything, just handled his business.

    I suppose my concern was more about assholes then pks.. lol
    Tyndall, newme and Xegugg like this.
  18. JaySnide

    JaySnide New Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    I'm new to this server myself, been less than a month. In my experience this place has a proper balance of friendly people, fun people and jerkoffs. Everyone in IRC has been fun to talk to and answered all my questions. I've spoken to several of the staff and they are top notch people. Heck I even met another player while out mining and he generously let me have full use of a house in a sweet mining spot after just an hour of conversation. Hopefully this helps with your decision making.

    Oh and each account gets 500 hours of protected status on newbie island (Ocllo).
    newme and Erza Scarlet like this.
  19. AlexCCCP

    AlexCCCP Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Uor is best, bro.
    newme likes this.
  20. TiMi

    TiMi Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 23, 2014
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    nothing beats the excitement of seeing some reds pop into your farming spot and trying to get away with your hard earned loot, it makes getting to the bank so much more rewarding :)

    Welcome to UOR, you will enjoy i here. I guarantee.

    Tol and newme like this.

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