Blaise's Grid Mining Macro

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Blaise, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I was given the skeleton of a mining macro 3 years ago, or so. I was asked by a friend to make it work and I spent a few days tinkering with it to get it going. Since then I've made various improvements but stopped using it when Chris broke system messages for miners, discouraging my game play for many moons. I finally got around to revamping the macro to suit that crap and ran it for a while, in the only place I could find 16 grid marks that weren't fucking ruined by shitty golem spawn and caves that you can't Recall into anymore: the caverns beneath Buccaneer's Den.

    At some point, I'll lock down my Buc's Caves book for others to copy, on the A^T Library, but for now, figure out your own marks. It's really easy to find a grid intersection, if you follow Captain Morgan's thread for 8x8 UOAM overlay.

    This is a fairly complex macro but nothing compared to Telamon's 10m a month scribe macro he posted on SA so long ago (lol). Without further ado, let's get started.
    On your computer, browse to %appdata%\Razor\Macros and create a folder named "MiningR". This is case sensitive and absolutely specific and required, unless you know how to modify every macro to suit a path change.

    Download every file in that list, into the aforementioned MiningR directory: %appdata%\Razor\Macros\MiningR\

    Primary Resource Container = Where you will store shovels, recall reagents, bandages, folded cloth and prospector's tools
    Hotbags: Org 5, Org 8
    Ore Container = where you dump the ore each Recall cycle
    Hotbag: Org 10
    Mining Container = The container you carry with you when mining. For the sake of this guide, it is a Wooden Box (that's what I use, but this can be any container if you know how to modify the macro to suit)
    Hotbags: Org 7, Restock 4, Restock 5

    Agents you will need to configure, and how, for this macro to work:

    Organizer Agent 5: cloth (1767) <---this refers to folded cloth, hue makes no difference
    --->Hotbag set to Primary Resource Container

    Organizer Agent 7: clean bandages (0E21) and cloth (1767)
    --->Hotbag set to Wooden Box, which is also Restock Hotbag 5. (you'll see later)

    Organizer Agent 8: clean bandages (0E21) and cloth (1767)
    --->Hotbag set to Primary Resource Container

    Organizer Agent 10: iron ore (19BA), iron ore (19B9), iron ore (19B7), iron ore (19B8)
    --->Hotbag set to Ore Container (duh)

    Restock Agent 4: clean bandages (0E21)=1, cloth (1767) = 1, Wooden Box (09AA)=1
    --->Hotbag set to Mining Container (yes, that is the Wooden Box in this agent)

    Restock Agent 5: Black Pearl = 5, Blood Moss = 5, Mandrake Root = 5, shovel = 2, sledge hammer (prospector's tool) = 2.
    --->Hotbag set to Mining Container

    Display/Counters required for this macro to work:
    Bandages {aids}
    FCloth {FCloth} <--- I made this counter for this macro. If you want to name it something else, be sure you understand how that plays into the macro before doing so.

    Configuration details:
    This macro is specifically designed for a player with a blessed runebook and secure courtyard. This could very easily be modified to suit operation from your bank box or anywhere you can put a secure (Primary Resource Container) and a lockdown (Ore Container), along with a rune to your 'base of operations'. Having this in a CY allows for both to be lockdowns, which suits having many more recall reagents in the box, obviously.

    Now, the configuration for your profile, once you've setup all those agents above. Once you have your runebook chosen, go to B1R1 macro and right click at the top and select "Begin recording here", then double click the runebook you plan to put your grid marks in. Right click and save the macro, then browse to %appdata%\Razor\Macros\MiningR\
    Open up B1R1 and copy out the line for that, which would look like this: Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1079682611|3834
    The difference will be the number in front of the 3834, which is the unique ID of your book.
    After that is copied, cut out the old line (which is exactly what I just posted above) and close, saving changes. Then go ahead and open up the other 15 B1 macros and overwrite the top line with what you've copied to the clipboard.

    Within Razor, open up the Banking macro and scroll to the bottom. Right click the Absolute Target under Restock Agent 4 and select Re-Target, then target your Primary Resource Container.

    Again within Razor, open up the Recall macro in the MiningR directory and Re-Target the absolute target at the top, to your runebook (with the default rune set to your base of operations) or a rune to your base of operations.
    Scroll down a bit and Re-Target the Absolute Target under Agent 5, to the Primary Resource Container.
    This bit here is absolutely critical. You need to remove the Lift 1 and Drop to lines just below the 5s pause. Then Right Click the 5s pause line and select Begin Recording Here. Then drag your Mining Container to the Primary Resource Container and Stop Recording.
    Right click the Absolute Target below Agent 4, Re-Target and target your Primary Resource Container.

    Now for the marks. If you've done what Captain Morgan describes in the thread linked above, this is super easy to find marks for. Otherwise, you'll have a lot of mining to do (as I did years ago when I first set this up, with two full books of grid intersections), to find those intersections. Every mark absolutely needs to be in the northeast corner of the southwest resource area, as pictured here: (freebie, my Bucs 1 mark, for all the world to see!)

    To summarize what this thing does, end to end:
    You restock reagents, shovels, and prospector's tools. Recall to a location, hit it with the prospector's tool, mine the vein 18 times (a couple extra hits for good measure), then repeat that process on the vein to the north. After that (MiningG2), you will recall home, drop your ore, restock resources, and come back to the same spot to hit the next two veins. The number of bandages tells the macro where to go and the number of folded pieces of cloth tell the macro which vein to hit. To get started, put your Mining Container in your pack, run Restock Agent 5 and then click Play on the Banking macro.

    I probably missed something and welcome feedback or revision suggestions but I'm not likely to do anything with them as I barely use this anymore. I've given up and just use gargoyle crap when I need ingots now. This is certainly handy for spinning up ore while you're sitting at work though. It occasionally hiccups on world saves, needs an alt to make shovels and stock reagents, but otherwise, it's full auto.

    You could very easily adapt this to self-craft shovels too, if you've got a mind to do that. Good luck and feel free to hit me up with questions but don't bank on immediate replies. I don't check forums as frequently as I used to and I only go into IRC for business or to find people sometimes.

    Cheers and happy mining, Renaissance!
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
    Thepusher, Hawkeye, Iago and 3 others like this.
  2. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    Thats a pretty complex macro, thanks for posting it Blaise, ill give it a try later :)

    What are the benifits of using this instead of a normal recall mining macro?
    Blaise likes this.
  3. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    Well one thing Erza is it uses a counter to determine where to recall. This is especially useful with mining because of the AFK gumps. Any time you need to go away from computer, you can just stop the macro wherever and when you re play, it will pick up right where it left off.
    Also you have the bones now for a basic counter to put into other macros!
    Great contribution Blaise.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
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  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yup, the benefit is that you can just click play and watch it run. If you want to run multiple characters at this, you'll need multiple books and copies of the macro set. Each macro set must be unique to the runebook and containers/rune home. I had this setup at one point where a friend and I shared the containers and runebooks so we could pretty much fire it up with any Razor profile that had the agents set.

    I'm not going to lie, the drag-drop-restock-organize of bandages is probably the hardest part of the macro I designed. It was bugging me trying to figure out how to just add one at a time each go around until I considered, duh, I can just move them all back and restock one.

    Most recently I adapted the same methodology to handling which vein to hit. Initially I had it recalling home after every vein but realized with the proper weights, I can tap out two veins before heading home (note: what you carry is critical. You need to be able to hit two full veins and stay under 393 stones in your pack in order to get home)
    Orion GM BD likes this.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Oh and in case no one caught it, the prospector's tools aren't really requisite but they will upgrade every vein you hit to the next level. In this way, you get far more DC and Shadow than you would without.
    Orion GM BD likes this.
  6. Mary Jane

    Mary Jane Active Member
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    Jul 12, 2014
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    Mad respect for posting this! I know most people would just keep it to themselves. Very nice.
  7. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I did, for a long time, only sharing bits and pieces with some or the whole thing with a very short list. Hope everyone can be as productive as they desire within the bounds of the systems here.
    Mary Jane likes this.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Here's a couple simple macros:

    This will mine four resource grids from a single tile, providing you are on the correct tile (see above):

    This will just use a shovel on the ground at your feet (0,0):
  9. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Ahh the good ole days...

    I have a stack of unusable grid location runebooks as well :)

    Bux Caves was the last great mining 4x4

    I need to find my Wind Books... I created a set that hits 2x tiles... and lock them down for use

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