As title says, buying a blessed runebook for 2.5m. Need another one because you can never have enough! Unmarked books only but the charges don't matter, 9 or 10 is fine.
I personally wouldn't even buy a marked one...but its quite a bit less for some, other's don't care. Its kind of like the difference in a 9 charge of 10 charge too. Why anyone would ever mark one or use a 9 charge book is beyond me...but I would say it loses 10-20% value being marked or 9 charge.
I'm all set for anyone who's thinking about selling one. I found a 10 charge, unmarked blessed runebook for 2.5.
If you are still in need of one Dierdra is selling 2 of them i believe 2.4 a piece (saw the post in IRC)