The Weekly Slayer! 1st Auction: I am presenting you a fortified Longsword of force and repond slayer to start this ongoing auction series. It will be delivered at 100% durability and max. forted. S/B for that beauty: 100k Bid increase: 10k min. Plat value: 7.5k, Hcoins: 6k Auction ends 24 hours after the last bid. I wont accept private B/O offers, but you are free to post them on this thread. Happy bidding!
I thought this auction might last longer. You wont see a force repond all the time, so get it while its hot!
Auction expired I think, but I'm OK letting ya have it @ 120k (which I'm sure Ezra would prefer, hehe). I kinda lost interest in the build I was gonna use this on.
i missread the timestamps. Auction was already over, the sword will go to Basoosh for 100k, sorry Zes. Chances are good he will resell it to you however